Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1536 As long as senior sister is happy

Shi Yuyan was changing her torn dress.

Chu Chen couldn't stop arranging his messy clothes, and shouted with an aggrieved face: "Senior sister asked me to stay alone. I didn't expect that she is such an impatient person..."

"You... shut up!"

Shi Yuyan turned her head with a blushing face. The onlookers' monks had mixed feelings in their hearts. An older monk shook his head and sighed.

"Young people are full of blood and can't help themselves. Even girls have this need. Plus her background, it's normal to do this kind of thing. But after all, this place is dangerous and life and death are uncertain. And it's necessary to do it in the wild. Duke Zhou's courtesy is really too immoral, Miss Shi, I hope you can exercise some self-discipline."

"Yes, the world of Little Immortal is undergoing great changes. We are all uncertain whether we will live or die. Senior Sister Shi, you are too reckless. We should wait until we escape."

The monks were talking to each other, but Shi Yuyan's face was already as red as a monkey's butt.

She wanted to explain, but she didn't know where to start.

She was obviously the one who suffered the loss. She just wanted to get information from Chu Chen. However, everyone unanimously believed that she was sexually assaulted and wanted to use force on Chu Chen!

It was obvious that he was using force on himself...

And the tingling feeling on her shoulders that she had never experienced before has not gone away yet. She has never been so close to a man, this damn bastard.

But if she accuses Chu Chen, no one will believe her, so she can only choose to remain silent.

She pressed her lips tightly together and said nothing.

"A witch, do you dare to be a witch? It's really, alas..."

"After you eat and wipe yourself clean, just pretend that everything is fine."

"Witch, please be more careful in the future. Don't fool around in the team, putting everyone in danger." A chubby middle-aged monk even raised his fist.

Shi Yuyan was completely speechless, her eyes almost blacked out, and she almost fainted.

Chu Chen smiled faintly and waved his hand gently.

"Everyone, you can't actually blame her. Senior Sister Yuyan was probably in a panic and wanted to find a reliable man to entrust her to for the rest of her life. I believe she was not just playing around. At this time of the end of the little fairy world, she committed herself to a trustworthy man. By the way, being able to enjoy the pleasures of fish and water before death can be regarded as a combination of wealth and wealth. I understand her. "

Have both wealth and sex? What the hell!

Shi Yuyan just wants to strangle Chu Chen to death at this moment. You bastard, I will make you pay the price.

"Brother Chu, did you suffer any loss just now?"

Lan Xuan said with an envious and concerned look on his face, "As far as I know, brother Chu, you are still... that Yuanyang body, you won't be taken away by this witch..."

"No no."

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth twitched. To be honest, sometimes Lan Xuan is really a talent.

"I just let Senior Sister Yuyan take advantage of her. I am a grown man after all. This trivial matter is not important. It is not important. As long as she is happy..."

The corners of Shi Yuyan's mouth twitched a few times, but in the end she said nothing.

She no longer wanted to pay attention to the boring man in front of her.

She only thought that she, a generation of goddess of the Feiying Sect, had fallen into the hands of a virgin and suffered in every way. If the sect master knew about it, the qualifications of the goddess would probably be questioned.

After the farce, the monks continued to move towards the darkness of the square in front.

As time went by, the inexplicable and weird atmosphere in the air became heavier and heavier. Shi Yuyan could no longer care about her shame and annoyance, and she felt increasingly uneasy.

She took a deep breath of the cold air. It was obviously inside a volcano, why was it so cold?

The feeling of the pounding heart sometimes seemed to come from the distant dark front, and sometimes it seemed to come from his own chest.

Somewhere in the dark, she felt that her heart seemed to be affected by the fluctuation in front of her, making her unable to tell whether there was a heart beating in the darkness.

Darkness is like an endless ocean,

It's so vast that you can't even feel the boundaries.

What exactly exists in this place?

And as the monks continued to go deeper, it was obvious that the darkness was getting deeper and deeper.

The range of light emitted by the spiritual torch in Lan Xuan's hand is getting smaller and smaller.

The darkness, as if it had autonomous consciousness, was constantly devouring the light of the spiritual torch.

The spiritual fire light at the beginning could shine a hundred feet away, but now it can only shine within a range of sixty or seventy feet!

The darkness is like an endless giant swamp, slowly swallowing up everything that goes deep into it.

Shi Yuyan was on full alert. She had a feeling that the battle was about to break out!

However, is the spiritual awareness of these monks too late?

She glanced at the monks around her. Lan Xuan and the others did not seem to be suspicious of the changes around them at all, and their expressions looked normal.

Although everyone is still a little nervous, it can be seen that they are just cautious about the unknown darkness.

On the other hand, the old monk Xuan Ke had a gloomy face. He might have noticed something.

And Chu Chen...

Huh! Where is Chu Chen?

When this realization flashed through her mind, Shi Yuyan was suddenly shocked to realize that Chu Chen, who was standing not far from her and walking not far away, had completely disappeared.

Under the bright light of the spiritual power torch, only Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others were seen!

There is absolutely no figure of Chu Chen in the crowd?

No, Chu Chen...when did he disappear? !

Could it be that he was attacked and snatched away by a mysterious force in the darkness?

Shi Yuyan was shocked. It was really no small matter. She was always on high alert, and the strength of her spiritual consciousness was even comparable to that of a quasi-legendary powerhouse who was half a step above Tianhe level.

In this situation, Chu Chen in the team actually disappeared without a trace for no apparent reason?

"Everyone, wait a minute!"

Under strong shock, Shi Yuyan stopped involuntarily, and with a low shout, all the monks' eyes focused on her.

Lan Xuan frowned and looked a little unhappy: "What's wrong, Senior Sister Shi, what happened again? There is no scary sound here at all. Don't deliberately make everyone panic."

Shi Yuyan snorted heavily, her face as frosty as ice, "Look who is missing from the team?"

The other monks looked at each other. The round-faced girl named Zhou Lin suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Lan Xuan's arm. There was a hint of uncontrollable panic in her voice: "Well, where is Senior Brother Chu? Chu?" Why is senior brother missing?"


All the monks reacted at this moment. When everyone looked around and could no longer see Chu Chen's figure, the air instantly became deathly silent, and cold sweat flowed down from Lan Xuan's forehead unconsciously.

Chu Chen disappeared!


At this moment, there were bursts of sound breaking through the air from the deepest part of the ink-black darkness, as if there were some kind of broad and powerful wings flapping the air forcefully.

At the same time, a dazzling red fire suddenly appeared about a thousand feet ahead, approaching the direction of the monks!

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