Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1539 Chaos Behemoth

?"Gulu, gulu, gulu, gulu..."

The red cloud-like flock of strange birds covered the sky above the heads of the monks as if they were blocking out the sun. They seemed to be communicating with themselves in some ancient language.

The monks became more and more uneasy, as these strange birds seemed to be discussing what to do with a group of food.

Suddenly, a ferocious and huge strange bird flew out of the red cloud-like flock. It flew away from the crowd like a scout.

However, it was very violent and lacked the caution of a normal scout.

It screamed "Jie Jie" at everyone, and its eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

The monks looked at each other, and the female monk even turned pale. I wonder what will happen next?

But the backbone of the team, Shi Yuyan, who stood up after Chu Chen disappeared, doesn't care about this strange bird, she cares about higher places!

The winged man in the sky had cold and arrogant eyes, as if he were a god from the Nine Heavens looking down at everyone coldly.

Does this birdman think he is a god?

A hint of gloom passed through Shi Yuyan's heart.

Want to escape?

Shi Yuyan would not feel reluctant to leave this group of monks behind, but the target of the winged man seemed to have been set on herself.

You can't escape, you can only fight!

Among this group of monks, Chu Chen, the strongest one, is missing, but Xuan Ke, Lan Xuan and others have also undergone ancient vein awakening, which may still be of some use.

"Jie Jie Jie!!"

After the strange bird screamed, its angry flames rose. It waved its two huge fleshy wings fiercely, and a blazing flame fell down like a meteor and floated towards the monks.

Shi Yuyan's face turned cold, and she stood in front of everyone. She waved her jade lightly, and the space fluctuated. A bright white light burst out from the soft whip, and exploded the strange bird with a bang.

A small cloud of blood mist filled the air!


All the strange birds rose up violently, their fangs protruding angrily, and they kept making strange grunting sounds from their mouths.

Their wings flapped together, creating countless firelights that burst downward like dense rain.

The fire rain and meteors all over the sky were extremely powerful!

"You all step back and I'll handle it."

Shi Yuyan growled, rubbed herself up, and took a step forward.

With flying black hair and fluttering white clothes, the girl who was originally full of fairy spirit was like a fairy awakening, her eyes were bright, and the world was spinning around her.

The bright white whip sword instantly exploded with ten-foot-long sword light, and soared into the sky with her body wrapped around her.

The billowing sword energy surged and exploded in all directions, and she seemed like a bright white tornado that penetrated the nine heavens!

Wherever the sword light passed, red strange birds rustled down like rain, and the waves of blood and light were overwhelming and surging! !


The blazing white sword wave broke through the blockade of many strange birds and split the red clouds in the sky into two.

Cutting the huge flock of strange birds into two areas, she forced her way up to the sky.

Her target is exactly that, high in the darkness, the ancient winged man overlooking all living beings from the depths of the sky.

After flying to a high place, Shi Yuyan discovered that the face of this winged man actually looked like that of an extremely handsome man. The straight eyebrows were as sharp as a knife, the face was hard, and the lines were straight. It was a very beautiful face of a man.

However, there was no emotion in his eyes, only coldness and indifference.

The high-level ancient races treat everything like ants.

When the ancient winged man saw the white-clothed girl surrounded by blazing sword energy soaring into the sky, her sword-like eyebrows frowned slightly and stretched out a palm covered with red secret lines to cover it straight down.

This winged man is five feet tall, and with just one hand he is taller than the girl in white.

This cover falling from the sky suddenly seemed like a mountain suddenly toppling down.

Huge pressure surged downwards. Shi Yuyan, who was flying upwards, looked up and could clearly see that the secret pattern on the Winged Man's palm was shining with a blazing rainbow light.

The neon-like red light formed something similar to a formation, and suddenly the surrounding air suddenly became many times heavier.

Sealing formation!

Shi Yuyan's expression changed slightly. She didn't expect that the ancient winged man's palm would actually be imprinted with a formation with the power of a seal? !

Although it seemed like he just stretched out his palm to cover it, he actually activated the sealing power contained in that formation.

It is the magical power that turns clouds into rain!

Mount Tai is overwhelming!

The girl in white who was imprisoned in the sky could not move up or down. This power was extremely powerful. Even if Shi Yuyan had an astonishing cultivation level, she might be able to completely trap her!

We must get out of trouble!

Shi Yuyan's fairy-like expression changed, and she actually smiled, her eyes charming for the rest of her life.

Xuan Ke and the others below discovered that this girl was usually as cold as a fairy, but at the last moment, she showed a charming appearance. This should be the only way to display her true strength.

Shi Yuyan's jade-like palm suddenly shook, and the whip sword surrounding her body condensed fiercely, and suddenly turned into a straight long sword, pointing directly at the ancient winged man in the air.

The ten-foot-long white sword body lit up with a bright sword light. It was obviously a bright white sword light, but at this moment, a black ray suddenly appeared, exuding a world-destroying terrifying aura?

"The Dayan Sword* kills Tiangang!"

With a cold roar, a wisp of black light on the bright white sword suddenly became intense, transforming into a six-legged, four-winged, fat, faceless, eyeless ten-foot-long monster in mid-air, heading towards the winged man. Eat away like crazy!

boom! !

Seeing the ferocious beast appear, the red-feathered winged man's always cold and proud face showed a hint of caution.

As an ancient relic, this ancient winged man could see at a glance what this ferocious beast transformed from sword light represented...

Chaos beast!

Legend has it that it is one of the four most ferocious beasts in the world and the ancient beast that created the Dayan Devouring Heaven Technique.

The beast of chaos devours all living things, and in the end will even devour the entire world.

However, he was later killed by other divine beast alliances, but his reputation for ferocity spread throughout the world.

The inheritance left by the chaotic beasts is absolutely not allowed to be underestimated by any being, even the ancient winged people will not neglect it!

"She actually has a new secret technique? Or is she just keeping it under wraps?"

Lan Xuan on the ground raised his head, extremely surprised.

The old monk Xuan Ke, who was like a fighting lion, also had his eyes wide open, watching the battle situation closely, "She should have gained enlightenment during the previous cataclysm, when the world was in chaos, and the new secret technique of swallowing the sky that she developed, it was a pity that the fire Not yet.”

Following Xuan Ke's sigh, the red-feathered winged man in the sky also stretched out his left palm, forming a cross with his originally depressed right palm.

The left palm is also covered with a red secret pattern!

I saw him cross his arms in front of his chest, and in an instant he clenched his fists into a hammer, then raised them high above his head, and then brought the hammer down hard.


It’s like the king of heaven and earth is judging all living beings!

It is impossible to describe how earth-shattering this blow was. When the secret pattern of light blasted out by a giant hammer suddenly collided with the chaotic beast transformed by Shi Yuyan's sword light, it was like a sun that suddenly burst from the sky and the earth. Explode!

Endless white light and red light surged and exploded, like boiling water.

The space shook violently, and a flock of red cloud-like strange birds screamed and fled in all directions!

The strange bird that escaped slowly was directly blown to pieces by the aftermath of the explosion, and a lot of the red clouds dispersed at once.

The monks on the ground could not help but sway, and they all used their hands to cover the white light that was about to burn their eyes, and they were extremely panicked.

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