Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1540 The witch is like a fairy

When the light slowly dissipated, the monks saw that the red-feathered winged man was still suspended high in the dark sky, his expression indifferent and calm, and his expression did not waver at all.

And Shi Yuyan's body plummeted downwards for dozens of feet, and was already less than a hundred feet away from everyone's heads before all the huge force was released.


At this moment, the calm Yiren's expression suddenly changed, and he seemed to have infinite fighting spirit.

Excited, he was excited!

The kind of excitement you get when you see prey that you can fight for.

With a roar that pierced the sky and the earth, his figure suddenly rushed down, his fists filled with blazing red secret patterns, and his whole body slammed down towards Shi Yuyan like an exploding hill!

Shi Yuyan's black hair is flying, her eyes are charming, her white clothes are like the wind, she becomes more and more beautiful.

Shi Yuyan is serious!

In terms of pure cultivation level, Shi Yuyan judged that this red-feathered winged man might be about half a step above Tianhe, so he was not impossible to deal with.

But the power contained in his body is too abnormal. I don’t know if it is the racial talent of his lineage. The power contained in his body alone has reached the level of the early Tianhe realm!

It's really scary!

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten groups. When pure strength reaches a certain level, the combat power and sense of oppression far exceed the normal level of cultivation.

This red-winged man is not something she can compete with.

But she has no choice but to fight to the end!

"Dayan Thousand Thousand Silks of Wind!"

Seeing Yi Ren's figure rushing towards him like a mountain, Shi Yu chuckled again and waved his palm vigorously in front of him.

The long whip sword in his hand transformed into layers of white air waves. The air waves faintly formed a huge vortex, reducing the impact of the winged man layer by layer!

It's just that the pure power of this winged man is too powerful, and the red light group disperses all the air waves like a crushing force. Without losing its remaining power, the human-shaped meat mountain still attacks Shi Yuyan domineeringly.


At the critical moment, Shi Yuyan's slender body suddenly jumped up and retreated to the right, narrowly avoiding the Winged Man's sharp edge.

The winged man's fist, which was punching down, almost hit her side. The red light surrounding his fist wrapped around his huge body, whizzing past her like a hill glowing with red aura.

Crush the void and splash out fine cracks in space!

However, even though he dodged the blow, the strong aftermath of the air wave still shook Shi Yuyan, who had fled to the side, so much that his energy and blood surged, and his body flew uncontrollably, flying back hundreds of feet before stopping the momentum!

When she stabilized her body in the void, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and she was unknowingly injured internally by the tyrannical power of the winged man!

The fairy in white is in danger.

"An ancient relic, so rampant!"

Shi Yuyan's face was rosy, her eyes became misty, and she saw a white light explode around her, with a bang spreading within hundreds of feet around her.

The next moment, the space within a radius of several hundred feet suddenly collapsed and shrank.

The scene in front of me was truly astonishing. The void suddenly collapsed and shrank, as if it had been squeezed out by an inexplicable force.

And these collapsed spaces actually spread to all directions!

With the naked eye, one can see white air dragons gathering from all directions, passing through the collapsing and shrinking void, and then sinking into Shi Yuyan's body.

With each Qi dragon rushing past, the aura on Shi Yuyan's body became stronger.

The fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from her body also continued to increase, and a huge coercion slowly spread from her body, as if an ancient giant beast was slowly waking up.

Dayan Devouring Heaven Secret Technique!

At this moment, Shi Yuyan finally displayed her terrifying ultimate ability again, the Dayan Swallowing Heaven Technique!

The void collapsed, and the space essence within a few hundred feet turned into air dragons and was absorbed by Shi Yuyan.

The vast fluctuations of spiritual power are like a tidal wave, and in just a few breaths,

The aura of the girl in white rose sharply from the original level of the peak of the Spirit River Realm, rose, rose crazily...


Finally, when the aura on her body surged to its peak, a loud explosion sounded, and intense white light burst out of her body.

White light rushed through, and the aura of the charming and silky girl had reached a completely new level...

Half a step to the Milky Way!

At the critical moment, Shi Yuyan used the Dayan Sky Swallowing Secret Technique to swallow the surrounding time and space essence, finally breaking through the realm barrier and forcibly entering the realm of Half-Step Tianhe! !


The red-winged man's expression became more serious.

Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke both had a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Shi Yuyan's strength should not be underestimated. At the peak of the Linghe Realm, she can condense ten blue dragons, and her foundation is ten times that of an ordinary strong person in the later stages of the Linghe Realm!

Now that she has entered the half-step Tianhe realm, her accumulation has suddenly shown a huge effect. The pressure she exudes at this time is almost close to the level of a primary Tianhe level expert, and it seems that she can compete with the Red Feather Winged Man. Counterbalance!

The group of young monks below also clenched their fists and cheered for Shi Yuyan in the distance in their hearts.

At this moment, Shi Yuyan's strength was now on par with the Red Feather Winged Man. He did not move any more. Shen Zang looked curiously at this girl whose realm suddenly soared crazily.

Before he found out the details of the girl in white, he had no intention of taking action in a hurry. He only waved his wings like fire and looked at her coldly.

The charming and incomparably beautiful girl did not move even slightly. Her white clothes were fluttering, her fairy shadow was whirling, she was hanging in the void, and she had no immediate plans to take action.

The figures of the two people paused, standing silently at both ends of the void.

Just when Shi Yuyan and the Red Feather Winged Man were in a stalemate, deep in this endless huge square, the sky was above the ever-narrowing dark road.

A light gray stream of light passed by, exploded in the air, and transformed into Chu Chen's thin-looking figure.

This person is Chu Chen who disappeared mysteriously.

Seeing him moving forward in a hurry, it was obvious that he was not kidnapped by some creature, but that he secretly left the team!

He walked through the end of the path and entered a vast cave. At a glance, the ground was filled with large tracts of magma.

It's just that the magma here is not fiery red like ordinary volcanoes. The magma here is actually as black as ink, with dark red lines on it, which looks like it is stained with blood.

The dark black magma lake doesn't look very big, covering an area of ​​only ten acres.

It's just that the flame spirit inside is much richer than the volcano outside, so Chu Chen can see it at a glance.

This black magma is definitely more powerful than the ordinary red magma!

This is an extremely dangerous place!

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