Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1546 Birdman’s pursuit

A huge explosion came from the darkness behind them, and the monks were frightened and frightened, and they ran wildly. WWW.SUIMENG.lā



I don’t know what Chu Chen threw at the darkness behind. The monks could clearly feel that explosions and the roars of the red-feathered winged men were coming from behind.

Chu Chen should be using all means to prevent the Red Feather Winged Man from pursuing him!

Obviously the distance of the escape route is not far, but the monks who have exhausted their strength still feel that the road is too long, too long!

I just hate that my speed is too slow.

After Chu Chen threw away all the treasures that could be thrown to prevent the red-feathered wingmen from pursuing, he hugged the soft and boneless body of Shi Yuyan, who was in a coma, and began to fly faster.

He exerted his body skills to the extreme, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and flowed rapidly.

The figure was like lightning, and the scenery on both sides flew quickly behind him. When Chu Chen rushed to the entrance of the dark square, a group of monks below also stumbled over.

"This stone step has the aura of a seal. It should be able to restrain the Red Feather Winged Man. He can't enter. Everyone, come in!"

After Chu Chen flew in, everyone gritted their teeth and quickly began to climb the stone steps, scrambling to escape from the dark square area.

This is a winding secret passage that seems to have no end, but everyone who has walked through it once knows that it can lead directly to the secret room of the Mysterious Fire Red Crystal Volcano.

The speed of everyone going down the stone steps was not very fast, but the speed of climbing the stone steps was as fast as lightning.

As the roar from behind got closer and closer, the monks almost rolled, crawled, jumped and rushed upward, looking very embarrassed.

They were no more than a group of monks, they were just like a group of frightened ordinary people.

Fortunately, the roar of the red-feathered winged man remained at the bottom of the stone steps. As everyone climbed higher and higher, its thunderous roar became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

A group of monks still didn't dare to neglect. They just gritted their teeth and continued to climb up. This time, it was like stone steps that had been used for centuries. The group of people climbed back to the secret room in a few hours.

The natural outcome is that a group of people are either paralyzed or lying on their backs,

They fell all over the place in the stone chamber.

The only person standing was the old monk Xuan Ke. He was half leaning on the stone wall, panting like an ox, and his chest was heaving up and down.

After half-sitting Chu Chen fed Shi Yuyan an ancient body-building pill, the color on her face gradually returned.

Everyone slowly regained their breath.

"It's really dangerous. If it weren't for Senior Brother Chu, I'm afraid we would all be feeding the birds."

"It's good if you can survive. Even if there is a huge treasure in that dark square, I won't care about it. Life is the most important thing."

"The birdmen below shouldn't come up to kill them, right?"

"of course not."

After being out of danger, all the monks relaxed and began to discuss.

Shi Yuyan, who was in Chu Chen's arms, gradually returned to consciousness. She wanted to leave Chu Chen's arms, but she was physically unable to do so.

She just struggled feebly for a few times in Chu Chen's arms. Chu Chen mistakenly thought that the hold was slipping, and hurriedly held her slender waist with one hand, and supported her hips with the other hand, and brought her into his arms. Some.

"You...what are you doing?"

The girl's breath was still unstable, her breath was like blue, her chest was rising and falling gently, and coupled with her beautiful face, there was an indescribable temptation.

"What should I do? You are about to fall, so of course I have to hold you tighter."

Chu Chen hugged her and said seriously.

"But your...your...your hand is touching my...butt"

The girl's face turned red, and the last two words she said were almost inaudible. She clearly felt Chu Chen's rough big hands, which were said to be supporting her, but she felt Chu Chen's five fingers tightening.

"It seems that you are too injured and your thoughts are wandering."

Chu Chen still looked serious, "Because your body has lost the strength to support you, so when you slide down, I will hold you up repeatedly. Besides, do you people from the Feiying Sect still stick to such small details? Weren’t you trying to seduce me before?”

For a moment, Chu Chen made Shi Yuyan speechless and only said the word "you" with a blushing face.

"I am a very innocent person. Not to mention that I will not take advantage of others. Even if I do touch you, it will be considered as the interest I received for saving you. You should repay me with peace of mind."

While Chu Chen was teasing Shi Yuyan calmly, looking at her panic, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Witch, this is the price you paid for using your charm on me before.

Chu Chen was just thinking about how to tease Shi Yuyan, when he suddenly found that the entire secret room was shaking?

Just when Chu Chen wondered if it was his illusion, the secret room suddenly shook violently.

All the monks also felt it, and they looked around in horror, wondering if the red-feathered man was coming to kill him.

At this time, the little hamster ran out and stood directly on Chu Chen's shoulder. It had a solemn look on its face, "This volcano is going to be destroyed after losing its ancient volcanic core. It is about to usher in the ultimate eruption. You should leave immediately." ”

Chu Chen's expression also changed. His power of spiritual consciousness was already unparalleled. At this time, in his induction, he could detect a huge and unparalleled force deep underground in this mysterious fire red crystal volcano. The torrent is constantly gathering and raging, as if a great beast is about to escape from its trap!

That majestic and terrifying power made people feel waves of fear from the deepest part of their souls. Chu Chen even sensed an aura of destruction from there!

This mysterious fire red crystal volcano...all the energy contained within will be completely released at once!

The sky and the earth were shaking violently, and the little hamster kept urging Chu Chen to leave.

"This volcano is going to be destroyed, everyone sink!"

The hair on Chu Chen's body stood on end. Without any delay, he rushed to the outermost stone wall with Shi Yuyan in his arms, and hit the stone wall several times with his right palm.


With a loud and muffled sound, the stone door a few feet behind opened again, and countless billowing thick smoke began to rise.

Chu Chen flicked his sleeves to blow away the thick smoke that rushed in, and flew back to the belly of the volcano with Shi Yuyan.

At this time, thick smoke and sparks were everywhere in the belly of the volcano. Below was a rolling sea of ​​bloody magma, and the surrounding air temperature became extremely high.

Chu Chen had the illusion that he was inside the sun. There was fire everywhere, and the water in his body was disappearing quickly. He felt like he was about to be baked dry!

The scorching poison even stimulated Shi Yuyan in Chu Chen's arms to cough repeatedly.

Chu Chen could only hold Shi Yuyan with one hand, fanning away the smoke and poisonous fire with the other hand, and flew towards the crater in the thick smoke.

Behind him were a group of monks who couldn't help coughing, and they were all choked to the point of tears and runny noses.

Following Chu Chen who opened the way, he flew upwards desperately.

Boom boom!

But the volcano is shaking even more violently, and the sea of ​​magma below has been exploding!

From time to time, pillars of hot magma flew up one after another.

The monks could only fly while dodging the attack from below, and their speed became even slower, causing the crater to become out of reach!

Lan Xuan wiped away the tears that were choked by the thick smoke and poisonous fire. He thought about it. Looking at this situation, the volcano was about to explode. No one had time to escape from the belly of the volcano. Is this a turtle in an urn?

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