Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1547 Escape

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?Lan Xuan felt that even if he burned his body, there would be no time to rush out of the volcano before it was destroyed. ⒉

The faces of other monks also showed helplessness and despair.

At this moment, Chu Chen's voice suddenly came from the thick fog above his head.

"Everyone, get ready and use all your spiritual power to rush into the magic talisman I gave you!"

Chu Chen, who was holding Shi Yuyan, shook his hands, and blue spiritual lights shot downwards, flying down on everyone, manifesting crystal jade talismans.

Lan Xuan and others subconsciously activated their spiritual power.

In an instant, a bright blue light burst out from the jade talisman.

Under the illumination of this layer of blue light, the speed of all the monks suddenly increased sharply, and they rose into the sky one after another, like a group of blue meteors, flying rapidly towards the crater.

This magical talisman is a one-time escape medicine talisman carefully refined by Chu Chen himself, and its effect is extremely unbelievable.

At this moment, even Zhou Lin, who had the lowest cultivation level, had a speed that was almost equivalent to the late stage of Linghe Realm. A dozen figures were like blue lightning splitting through the thick smoke and walking against the sky.

From the outside, the Xuanhuo Red Crystal Volcano looks like an underground volcano with a height of several hundred feet, but its internal space is thousands of feet deep.

The group of people rushed towards the crater like lightning, tearing apart the space.


The world trembled, the vast magma lake surged violently, and black and red streams of light scattered like light snakes.

At the same time, a huge sense of oppression also rose from below.

The sky is falling...

At this moment, all the monks had this thought in their minds.

The pressure was obviously coming from below, but all the monks still felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

To be precise, it was like the sky was collapsing from below.


There was another dull roar, and in the boiling magma sea, a vast torrent of black-red magma suddenly broke through the water and rose into the sky.

Although this is not an official volcanic eruption, it is still a huge torrent!

The vast torrent of black-red magma was boundless, quickly filling the entire space in the belly of the volcano, and rushing upward at extremely fast speeds.

In an instant, he will catch up with everyone and drown them all!

The foreplay of this volcanic storm is to kill everyone...

Still some distance away from the exit, Chu Chen frowned.

No, I have to help everyone block it!

Chu Chen's eyes flashed with cold light, his palms trembled, and as his fingertips flickered, a shield glowing with red light appeared in his hand.

I saw him holding Shi Yuyan in one hand and activating his spiritual power with the other.

The golden-red shield swelled in the wind, and instantly grew in size to form a giant shield with a radius of more than ten feet and a thickness of three feet.

Holding this giant shield, Chu Chen's figure suddenly turned around, passed by everyone, and fell downwards?

In an instant, he fell from the front to the end of the team. Chu Chen immediately moved the shield horizontally, and the big shield was stepped on by his feet, like a small boat.

Without his instructions, the monks knew that this was their only chance of survival, and they all fell on his shield.


Amid the violent tremors, the black-red magma torrent slammed fiercely on the other side of the giant shield.

All the monks swayed left and right, holding hands to barely stabilize themselves.

Chu Chen's figure was shaken violently, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out with a "pop" sound.

As the master of the spiritual shield, he withstood almost all the impact.

Even if the other monks were holding hands, they were still shaking wildly. At this time, they could only look at Chu Chen with concern, and they didn't even have the energy to speak.

Just like this, everyone stood on the shield with difficulty, being pushed by the torrent of magma and rushing towards the sky involuntarily!


The raging magma slapped on the golden-red giant shield, making a shocking explosion.

After Chu Chen almost risked his life, he crazily activated his spiritual power, and the giant shield kept re-condensing, but in the end it was not burned!

See the blue sky!

This group of monks were about to cry at this moment, and they actually escaped from the crater under the leadership of Chu Chen!

Although the blue sky is almost obscured by thick smoke, it is still blue!

Taking advantage of the impact of the magma, Chu Chen turned sideways like a boatman controlling a boat, and used his huge shield to lead everyone flying towards the void on the right.


The underground volcano has finally entered the stage of final destructive explosion!

A huge black and red beam of light shot up into the sky, and was about to shatter the sky!

A huge gap was directly blasted out of the atmosphere, and countless strong winds surged in!

Flames, smoke, magma, strong winds, and the top of the underground volcano have turned into a Shura hell-like existence!

The space keeps collapsing, repairing, collapsing again, and repairing again!

Chu Chen, who was still flying away, was also grateful in his heart. Fortunately, he escaped at the critical moment, otherwise everyone would only be reduced to ashes.

Some people in Chu Chen looked back. Not only was the sky like a training hell, but the Xuanjing volcano on the ground was also completely shattered!

This finally exploded, and the extremely strong Xuanjing volcano was completely destroyed.

The ground was in a mess, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, there was black-red magma flowing vertically and horizontally everywhere, making the entire space seem to have turned into a sea of ​​magma.

Chu Chen used his last strength to fly with everyone to a deserted rocky mountain, then removed his spiritual shield and landed on a bare cliff with everyone.

Seeing the burning earth in the distance and the thick black smoke rising into the sky, everyone was filled with sadness.

Escape from the volcano and feel like you are in another world.

Everyone stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the vast world, and suddenly felt that they were extremely insignificant.

In this little fairy world, human monks are just like creatures in the dust.

Everyone took the elixir and adjusted their breathing while not daring to relax at all.

Because you can see the sky in the distance, with small black dots passing by from time to time, and those small black dots seen from a distance are the king beasts that descended on the Little Fairy World during the third cataclysm.

If it flies in the distance, it will be a small black dot. If it flies close, it will become a terrifying ancient beast that will wipe out everyone.

There is probably no safety left in the entire Little Fairy World.

The king beast arrives, and the endless death storm blows!


Everyone watched from a distance as a small black spot grew larger, which meant that a king beast was flying in the direction of everyone!

A strange roar like an eagle's cry or a tiger's roar suddenly came from afar.

All the monks suddenly shuddered. Could it be that they were discovered by the king beast in the distance?

At this time, if everyone is really targeted by the king beast, they will not even have the strength to escape.

They can only sit back and wait for death.

Even Chu Chen's face was gone. He was as calm as ever. He was originally planning to hand over Shi Yuyan to Zhou Lin in the team, but his face was as dark as water.

The other monks clenched their fists one by one, because they really had no strength to escape anymore!

The current Little Fairy World has turned into a Little Underworld!

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