Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1548 A world where king beasts are everywhere

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From a distance, I watched the king beast approaching in the direction of everyone, but when it flew a thousand feet away from everyone, it turned from a small black dot into a huge black cloud and flew away to the other side.

Apparently this king beast did not notice the monks, and they all had a false alarm.

So Chu Chen took a group of tired monks to rest for the night at the foot of this deserted rocky mountain.

That night, Xuan Ke and Lan Xuan took turns keeping vigil. Their main job was to observe the surroundings to see if any king beasts were approaching. If so, they would wake everyone up and evacuate overnight.

Fortunately, the night was uneventful, and everyone woke up one after another under the sun rising in the distance on the vast horizon.

Chu Chen's first feeling was that it was good to be alive. In the distant sky, there were still some small black dots flying. In this world where king beasts were raging, it was a lucky thing to wake up in the morning sunshine.

After a night of adjustment and rest, the fatigue of all the monks was gone. Even Lan Xuan, who was on duty at night, looked vigorous and boastful in front of several young monks.

Zhou Lin also came over with Shi Yuyan in her arms. She said that after taking Chu Chen's elixir, Shi Yuyan's injuries were no longer serious after one night, but she just had no strength and was relatively weak. She would still fall into drowsiness from time to time.

The old monk Xuan Ke cooked a pot of boiling spiritual porridge for the monks. After drinking the hot spiritual food, everyone recovered a lot of energy and blood.

While eating spiritual porridge, everyone was chatting and laughing when they suddenly saw Chu Chen making a quiet gesture.

The monks reacted and felt a huge majesty in the air!

There were roars coming from the distance, and the entire space was filled with a huge oppressive power.

This is...the unique oppressive power of this king beast!

There should be a king beast nearby, and it's approaching here!

Everyone's expressions changed. I haven't eaten too much breakfast yet, am I going to become the king beast's breakfast?

"Everyone, calm down, follow me, lock your breath and slow down! That king beast hasn't noticed us yet, be careful and you can avoid it!"

Chu Chen narrowed his eyes and slowly stood up.

Lifting the sleeping Shi Yuyan from Zhou Lin's hands onto his shoulders, he led everyone towards the north step by step with almost silent steps.

Everyone couldn't move too fast, and they didn't dare to go too slow. They followed Chu Chen's instructions and walked up and down.

The aura of the king beast was thousands of feet away, and it was coming towards the due east.

Under Chu Chen's spiritual deduction, walking towards due north has a chance to avoid its perception.

The air was terrifyingly heavy, and strong hurricanes roared in all directions between heaven and earth.

Everyone just evacuated cautiously.


The barren hill where everyone was hiding was broken into several pieces. Fortunately, everyone was already hiding behind a huge rock thousands of feet away.

What destroyed the hill was an extremely huge golden ancient beast that looked like a gorilla. It was a hundred feet tall and had six arms on its upper body.

The whole body showed a translucent glass-like shape, which looked like it was cast from some kind of golden crystal.

Everything in its eyes is violent and murderous!

After destroying the barren mountain, it did not calm down. Its six giant arms swung wildly, tearing up the surrounding earth.

Chu Chen and the monks hid quietly behind the giant rock. It was not until the giant ape king roared away and flew into the distance that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's no way I can stay in this little fairyland now!"

"It would be nice if I could leave, I miss home."

"At this time, we can only rely on the top formation-breaking groups."

"In the current situation, they can't protect themselves. Do they still have the strength to break the formation?"

"Others don't know,

But my goddess Tong Meng will never stop breaking the formation, she vowed to leave the fairy world! "

When Chu Chen heard the word "Tongmeng", his heart trembled, and he raised his hand gently, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's continue to go deep into the fairy world and find a relatively safe place to stay."

Chu Chen spoke, and all the monks nodded. After this turmoil, Chu Chen became the absolute leader of the small stage.

After all, everyone is alive until now because they believe in him, and every word he says naturally becomes an order that cannot be disobeyed.

Chu Chen carried Shi Yuyan on the road again, followed closely by a group of monks.

Going on the road was originally a simple matter, but because of the large number of king beasts appearing in the fairy world, it has become an extremely scary thing for everyone.

The king beast is a destructive-level existence. Once you encounter it, the outcome is already destined, that is, the group is destroyed!

What the team led by Chu Chen has to do is not to encounter the king beast.

This is easy to say, but even harder to do.

Most king-level ancient beasts have extremely strong territorial concepts, and will become furious once their territory is invaded by foreign objects.

Of course, there are also some wandering king beasts, which are simply moving nuclear bombs.

Chu Chen discovered that the inherent territory of each king-level ancient beast was terrifyingly large.

A king-level ancient beast would not allow other creatures to approach it within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Even when other king beasts pass by, it will roar and signal them to evacuate quickly.

Along the way, Chu Chen relied on the power of his spiritual consciousness to be unparalleled. Everywhere he went, he was the first to find the target king beast. Based on the size of its area, he deduced a safer route and carefully avoided it. !

However, the king beast is not that easy to get around, and its actions are also unpredictable.

Several times, if Chu Chen hadn't reacted quickly and changed the route to avoid it, everyone would have been wiped out.

Along the way, I was shocked and scared. In Lan Xuan's words, traveling was more tiring than fighting.

As the sun set, everyone finally came to a small green rolling mountain range.

After arriving at the foothold, the monks relaxed.

In Chu Chen's spiritual scan, this place does not belong to the territory of any king beast. Although a large number of king beasts descended on the Little Fairy World during the third cataclysm.

But the Little Fairy World is also extremely vast. There are some areas where the king beasts are raging, and there are also some areas where the king beasts have not entered.

When everyone was less than a hundred miles away from the small green mountain range, Chu Chen signaled everyone to stop.

When everyone was puzzled, Lan Xuan exclaimed with a look of horror on his face, "The hill at the front is alive!"

Everyone could see that the hill was undulating slightly, as if it was breathing.

A living hill?

Chu Chen took a gentle breath, "That should be a king beast, but it actually blocked my spiritual sense scan. It seems to be a strange king beast that can block all spiritual consciousness to capture prey."

"Then we've delivered it to your door?"

Zhou Lin was about to cry.

All the monks were immediately scared to death.

"At such a close distance, it has not moved. It should be in a deep sleep state. Our life or death depends on the degree of its awakening. Now we have no way out. We can only fly over it in a straight line at the fastest speed."

Chu Chen's bold decision made all the monks pale, but no one opposed Chu Chen's suggestion.

At this moment, even if Chu Chen asked everyone to crawl over this king beast, everyone would grit their teeth and do it!

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