Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1552 Fairy please love yourself

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?As Chu Chen worked hard and kept busy, it didn't take long for most of Shi Yuyan's clothes to be dried. ⒉

When the pair of generous palms began to brush across her chest, the girl finally couldn't help it anymore and subconsciously raised her weak little hand to separate Chu Chen's big hand.

"Can you...can you...stay away a little bit."

"It won't dry if you stay away! Don't be so petty at this time. What should you do if you catch a cold?"

Chu Chen glanced at her lightly, then impatiently pushed the girl's hands away to continue working.

Shi Yuyan felt anxious and subconsciously grabbed his wrist: "Um, you..."

"Hey, hey, this is too exaggerated...in broad daylight!"

At this moment, a startled voice came from behind.

The two of them turned around and saw Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke walking over with a few others carrying some game such as roe deer, hare, and wild boar.

Several of the female monks also brought a large bag of fresh fruit. Seeing the actions of the two people at this time, everyone's eyes widened.

The movements of Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan at this moment were really so charming!

The girl is half lying and half sitting on the bluestone, her cheeks are flushed, she is shy on the altar, and she wants to refuse but welcomes her.

Her pair of white palms held the man's palm and placed it on her chest. From the looks of it, it seemed that she was actively asking him to be frivolous...

"Senior Sister Shi, you can't be like this, trying every possible means to seduce Senior Brother Chu when you get the chance!"

Lan Xuan subconsciously rushed up and shouted. Shi Yuyan was stunned for a moment, her face suddenly turned red again, and she scolded: "What nonsense!"

"Are you talking nonsense? Everyone is not blind!"

Lan Xuan despised Shi Yuyan with a face filled with indignation. He sighed and turned his eyes to Chu Chen again.

"Senior Brother Chu, you must not be fooled by her beauty. This senior sister's background is not pure and she is not worthy of you, who is upright. Moreover, she is a rose with thorns. If you want to get close to her, it will not only prick your hand, but also destroy her. Heart!"

"Really? But as the saying goes, if you die under roses, you will become a ghost. This is not Senior Sister Shi's fault alone."

Chu Chen replied leisurely, slowly retracting his palm with a faint smile on his face.

Two young monks quickly ran over to Shi Yuyan's side and carefully arranged her clothes;

"Senior Sister Shi, let me say one more thing. Don't worry about it. As a woman, it's better to be more reserved..."

"That is, women must know how to love themselves, and..."

One of the girls in purple was speaking seriously, and Shi Yuyan suddenly focused her eyes and glanced at her coldly.

At that moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly came, which shocked the girl's whole body, and her face instantly turned white.

Even if a strong man close to the half-step Tianhe level is seriously injured, the pressure he brings with him is not something that a little girl in the Lingxi realm can resist.

At this moment, a feeling of destruction appeared in front of her, making her unable to speak any more halfway through her words.


Another girl in red screamed when she saw this.

The two girls were immediately silent, but an old voice came from a group of monks.

"Oh, she is indeed a witch. A country is easy to change, but a nature is hard to change. If you can't get it, you will always use force. As expected, it was you who forced Junior Brother Chu to do such a permissive thing."

An old monk shook his head sadly.

The other monks were wary of Shi Yuyan's murderous intention. Although they talked about it, they all lowered their voices subconsciously.

"Such a witch is really scary. She's so hungry for men. If you can't do it softly, use strong ones!"

"It's so scary,

When everyone goes to bed at night, be careful not to be attacked by her and prey on hungry tigers. "

The wretched middle-aged fat monk in the team was even more excited, "With her here, I don't dare to walk alone at night."

Just when Shi Yuyan was speechless and choked, the victim Chu Chen finally expressed his stance.

"Don't worry about me. I'm a grown man. It's not a big deal for her to forcefully play with my body. Just treat it like a dog bite."

Shi Yuyan listened to what these monks said to each other, especially Chu Chen's finishing blow at the end, but she couldn't argue with her. She was so angry that she almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. In addition, her body was weak, and her eyes went black and she lost it. Awareness.

At this time, Chu Chen directly picked her up, checked her pulse, and found that she was fine, handed her over to Zhou Lin, and waved his hand.

"Everyone, please don't worry about this witch. Let's start dinner."

Although the Little Fairy World is extremely turbulent, because it preserves the perfect dense forest style from ancient times, there are also many small animals here and the food is abundant.

Lan Xuan and the others found a clean, huge tree hole and began to collect the roe deer, hare, wild boar and other game that they had returned from hunting.

The game was slaughtered, peeled and washed. There was no cooking utensils to be found here, so Xuan Ke began to activate the spiritual flames to roast them.

The results of the barbecue surprised everyone!

These game meats are nourished by the rich spiritual energy of Xiaoxian Realm all year round, so they taste extremely delicious.

Even if there are no seasonings to prepare it and it is simply roasted, the taste is mellow and rich, enough to compare with the delicacies carefully prepared by some famous chefs outside.

Of course, this is also Xuan Ke's cooking group.

In addition to the barbecued game, the wild fruits are also very delicious.

The skin is thin and juicy. When you take a bite, you will feel a sweet smell coming to your face, leaving a fragrance on your teeth and cheeks.

Everyone enjoyed this meal.

After a hearty meal, all the monks found a dry place nearby to rest.

Chu Chen jumped to the top of the big tree he had chosen before.

Since the arrival of the king beast, everyone's nerves have been tense almost all the time.

So, that night, everyone slept under the stars and moon in the sky, listening to the wind blowing in the green fields, and quickly fell asleep.

Chu Chen, who was hanging on the big tree and bathed in the moonlight, was also sleeping deeply.

Early the next morning, Chu Chen found that he was the last one to wake up, and all the monks who were originally in a panic were in high spirits.

After this night of recovery, everyone's spirit and spiritual power have returned to their peak state.

After doing some processing in Xuanke, everyone ate up all the wild fruits and barbecue left yesterday, treating it as a full breakfast.

While the monks were chatting, Chu Chen suddenly made a gathering gesture, and the monks immediately gathered around him out of curiosity.

Lan Xuan was the first to speak, "Senior Brother Chu, are we about to hit the road, but what are we going to do next? Do you have a plan?"

Today, there are traces of king-level ancient beasts almost everywhere in the Little Fairy World.

The difficulty of the entire map has been upgraded. In such a world, if you are not careful, the entire army may be destroyed at any time.

Everyone must not rush in blindly.

To ensure that you are moving in the right direction, you must be close to the headquarters of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Regiment and the forefront of breaking the formation.

"I don't have any plans."

Chu Chen's faint words made all the monks dumbfounded. They called everyone over, but they said they had no plan.

"Although I don't have any plan, I can find a guide for everyone."

Chu Chen said word for word.

A guide?

When everyone was confused, Chu Chen pointed forward and said, "Here we come!"

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