Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1553 The guide whose life hangs by a thread

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A guide?

In this chaotic little fairy world, does Chu Chen know any super strong people who can serve as guides?

Just when everyone was confused, Chu Chen flew to the top of a giant tree next to him, "Everyone will know when you come up."

So all the monks flew up one after another and stood on the big tree that was more than ten feet high. Following Chu Chen's guidance, they looked forward together.

Everyone looked down and noticed that in the forest a hundred feet away, two people were looking around nervously, stumbling along.

One of them was a middle-aged monk in his forties. This male monk looked young, but he had silver hair. His cultivation level was not weak, and he had a miraculous look in his eyes, which seemed to be able to capture people's hearts.

However, his clothes were covered in blood and he was obviously seriously injured.

What everyone paid most attention to was the tight-fitting black suit he wore, with a vivid bloody eagle embroidered on his chest.

This is...this is the uniform of an official member of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group!

This means that this seriously injured monk is an official member of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group!

Next to the silver-haired man was a young monk in black shirt with a childish face, and he looked particularly nervous at this time.

His eyes glanced around from time to time, but his body was trembling slightly, looking like he was still reeling from the disaster.

The expressions of the monks suddenly became solemn. The selection of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group was extremely strict, and those who could become official members were all the elite among the strong.

Seeing that one of them was so seriously injured and one of them almost scared to death, it seemed that they were in quite a bit of trouble.

"Do you two senior brothers need help?"

After Chu Chen spoke out, his figure jumped up and flew down like a big bird. When the gray figure silently flew in front of the two of them, the boy in black shirt who was about to be frightened was suddenly startled.

However, when his eyes glanced at the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group newcomer totem embroidered on Chu Chen's chest, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others also flew down from the big tree and landed around them.

"Are you new members who have just joined the group?"

When the young monk in black shirt saw that he was one of his own, he immediately felt relieved. He took a long breath before speaking.

"You newcomers are so lucky, but we are in misfortune. We were first involved in the world-destroying demon wind hurricane group, and after being washed away, we encountered a blood shark king beast. Everyone else died, except for me and Thank you, senior brother, for surviving by chance..."

As the young man spoke, tears flowed out. It was obvious that the scene during the escape was too tragic.

He wiped away his tears heavily and said, "Now that Senior Brother Xie Hong is seriously injured, do you have any healing elixirs on you? Our elixirs have all been used up. I'm afraid he won't be able to support it anymore..."


Chu Chen nodded, immediately took out a jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it over.

The silver monk named Xie Hong was almost unable to hold on any longer and sat cross-legged on the ground, his face distorted from pain.

The young man in black clothes took the jade bottle handed over by Chu Chen, poured a dark red pill from the bottle, and fed it into Xie Hong's mouth.

Xie Hong, whose whole body was shaking with pain, swallowed the pill in one gulp, hoping to relieve Xiangfen's pain.

Because he knew very well that these new disciples would not have anything good in their hands.

Unexpectedly, the elixir melted in his mouth, and in an instant, a strong spiritual power surged out of his belly, spreading towards his limbs and bones like a turbulent wave, quickly repairing his injuries, and also added With the spiritual energy he consumed.

The severe pain of the wound was relieved a lot!

What kind of elixir is this?

He was shocked. He didn't expect that this elixir could not only heal injuries, but also replenish the recovery of spiritual power!

Moreover, the spiritual power contained in this elixir is too strong.

Moreover, this medicinal power has almost no impurities. It does not require any spiritual power to be refined. It can be absorbed almost directly and converted into your own spiritual power!

The injuries are repairing at a crazy speed!

His dying life was suddenly saved by this ordinary-looking pill?

"This is a body-restoring pill that I refined and cured myself."

Chu Chen looked at Xie Hong's extremely shocked expression and explained lightly.

"You practiced it yourself!"

Xie Hong's mouth opened wide and he couldn't close it for a long time.

As a formal member of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, Xie Hong is well-informed and has taken countless Qi-Building Pills.

But he has never swallowed such a pure grade of magical elixir that can replenish energy and heal wounds in one.

It was actually refined by a novice Blood Eagle member. All I can say is that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the fairy world.

Any inconspicuous young man may have a great background.

"Thank you so much, junior brother."

Xie Hong knew that his life had been saved from hell.

"You're welcome, brothers, please follow us back to the camp first."

Xuan Ke directly carried Xie Hong on his back, while Lan Xuan supported the young man in black shirt, and everyone returned to the camp together.

After the two men recovered, Chu Chen came to their side again.

"I have a question to ask my two senior brothers."

Xie Hong opened his slightly closed eyes, and the boy in black shirt said cheerfully, "Junior brother, just ask. If you know, we will definitely tell you."

Chu Chen nodded, "Our group of new Blood Eagle disciples got separated from the team leader, Senior Sister Leng Tong, and she asked us to go to the Blood Eagle headquarters in the deepest part of the Immortal Realm."

"It turns out that you newcomers are from the lineage of Senior Sister Leng Tong, so you have no idea where the Blood Eagle headquarters is, and you have no idea where it is in the depths of the Little Fairy World, right?"

The boy in black shirt asked rhetorically.

Before Chu Chen could answer, Lan Xuan nodded repeatedly.

"Although everyone saved us, this is top secret information and cannot be shared with everyone."

The cheerful young man in black shirt refused without any concealment.

The expressions on the faces of the monks suddenly dimmed a lot, and only Chu Chen turned his attention to Xie Hong, who was sitting quietly aside.

"Junior Brother Xiaotian, the situation now is different from before. The location of the headquarters is not considered top-secret information. It seems that it is our luck and your luck that we can meet each other this time."

Xie Hong, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, "I couldn't tell you new disciples about the headquarters stronghold because it is at the deepest point in the Little Immortal World that we have broken through so far. First, it is dangerous, and second, only elite disciples are qualified. Go, but the current situation is special and you saved us, so I will make an exception and tell you."

He slowly took out a black-yellow map slip from his arms and handed it to the young monk in black.

The black-shirted young monk nodded and injected spiritual power, and a huge three-dimensional map of the fairy world appeared in front of everyone.

This map is different from what the monks have seen before. It is lifelike, just like the real world.

The grass is green, the mountains are green, and the red rocks are like fire. The colors in every area are very bright.

It's like a complete miniature world.

"Look carefully, you must remember to walk northwest from us, cross here...here...and finally come to this place..."

Under the patient explanation of the black-shirted young monk, everyone then compared the map left by Leng Tong. After repeated comparisons with each other, they finally figured out the true location of the main stronghold of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group.

The terrain was much more complicated and far away than Chu Chen imagined.

It can only be said that the Little Fairy World is too big. Just by rushing, I don’t know how long it will take to reach the front line and see the little junior sister.

Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh softly.

None of the monks expected that Chu Chen would sigh, but before they could react, Chu Chen had turned dark as usual and calmly said, "Everyone, please summon your mounts. While we prepare to avoid the king beast, Flying at full speed!"

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