Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1554 Mine Array

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Chu Chen and his group took off into the sky again, but they looked completely different from when they first escaped from Jiao Island!

Because half of the people's mounts have died in the terrifying hurricane and lava.

In desperation, the two of them basically rode together.

Because of Shi Yuyan's powerful charm and coercion, no one dared to ride with her, even if she was still in a weak state.

Zhou Lin also secretly told Chu Chen that as Shi Yuyan gradually recovered, she became more terrifying.

Only Chu Chen dared to let her sit on the back of his giant crab.

Based on the location of the headquarters obtained from Xie Hong, Chu Chen led everyone in the right direction and flew for three days.

These three days were basically spent day and night, because at night, the traces of the king beast became extremely difficult to catch, and they appeared even more elusive.

It's like suddenly diving into the void, and like suddenly emerging from the void.

As he walked along, the number of king beasts he encountered increased. Chu Chen discovered that the lamb-horned dragon king beast he encountered recently near the underground volcano was almost the weakest one.

This also means that if they encounter other king beasts head-on, Chu Chen and his group will basically have no choice but to be wiped out.

Therefore, Chu Chen led everyone and kept avoiding one after another king beast that might bring disaster to the monks.

Although everyone was traveling fast these three days, it was not easy at all.

It's like flying in a minefield. Although the density of the mines is not high, once it is touched, it is impossible to escape.

During these three days of traveling, Shi Yuyan has recovered half of her strength. Although it is still too early to return to her peak condition, she has the ability to protect herself.

Lan Xuan, who kept talking, made the atmosphere in the team much more relaxed.

At this time, Lan Xuan began to challenge the female monks in the team again, saying that if anyone could catch up with him, he would lose to the opponent's Linghe Shenfa.

This condition made the young monks eager to give it a try.

"Whoever catches me first, this body skill will belong to her...


The wind roared, and the ghost dolphin under Lan Xuan's seat whipped up a gust of wind and soared into the sky.

Like a star rising from the team, but the team had just started less than a hundred feet away, a terrifying pressure suddenly rolled down from the high sky, as if a huge mountain suddenly overturned!


Lan Xuan was completely stunned, while Chu Chen's expression below changed, and the vast soul power surged out, laying a smooth and invisible huge shield in the void.

His palm shook violently, and a golden-red spiritual light suddenly swept out, covering the ghost dolphin and Lan Xuan in mid-air.

The terrifying pressure poured down from high altitude, fell on the soul shield in mid-air, and smoothly swept to both sides.

In the dark, everyone felt a huge and unparalleled existence flying past in the high sky.

That terrifying, powerful and indescribable existence makes people feel frightened from the deepest part of their hearts.

"That is……"

Lan Xuan's face was pale with trembling legs. The terrifying pressure just now seemed to come from the spiritual exploration of an extremely powerful king-level ancient beast.

If Chu Chen hadn't used his soul shield in time to relieve the pressure, I'm afraid he would have been crushed to pieces by the pressure from that spiritual consciousness at this time!

The spiritual consciousness of a king-level ancient beast can crush all living beings?

"That's the spiritual consciousness of a spider king beast! The high altitude within a radius of thousands of miles is covered by the spiritual consciousness of a spider king beast, so it's best for us not to fly in the air and return to the ground immediately."

After Chu Chen reminded them, everyone discovered that there was a huge web hundreds of miles away in the sky, and in the web was a black spider king beast as big as an island.

A monster that spins a web directly in the air,

Although seeing it from a distance made everyone's hair stand on end.

"It seems that there are corpses of some high-ranking monks stuck on the Internet."

Shi Yuyan's spiritual sense was also very powerful, and she soon discovered the corpses of the monks hanging in the air.

The expressions of the monks changed greatly, and several of the young monks were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

These dozens of corpses of monks hanging in the air are really weird when viewed from a distance.

After landing, the monks all had a tacit understanding and began to circle the territory of the spider king beast on the ground. The flying riders obviously felt the terrible pressure in the sky. None of them dared to fly into the air at all. Instead, He kicked up his hooves and ran wildly.

The group of people ran quickly on the ground in the vast little fairy world, and everywhere they passed were ruins.

After experiencing the third major catastrophe in the Little Fairy World, the Little Fairy World was severely destroyed. Chu Chen estimated that at least half of the area had suffered a devastating impact.

After another day of traveling, a huge city finally appeared in the sight of the monks.

"It's Huiyu City! Let's go in and take a look. If we can find members of the Huiyu Formation Breaking Group, we may get help!"

Xie Hong, who was on the gryphon, shouted in surprise, and Li Zheng, a young man in black shirt riding with him, also had his eyes lit up.

The top thirty formation-breaking groups in Xiaoxian Realm have complicated relationships with each other and are not monolithic. Some formation-breaking groups have a lot of grievances with each other, while some formation-breaking groups have always had a good relationship.

The Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group and the Huiyu Formation Breaking Group belong to the latter group.

It is said that the founding ancestor of the Huiyu Formation Breaking Group is also a divine bird and has a close relationship with the Blood Eagle Ancestor, so the two formation breaking groups often join forces.

Xie Hong was naturally very pleasantly surprised when he saw the main city of Huiyu Breaking Formation Group.

The emotions of all the monks were affected by him. Only Chu Chen was calmer. In the current fairy world, not encountering danger is a great benefit.

As for other help, it's best if you can have it, and it doesn't hurt if you don't have it.

But when the monks entered the city, everyone's surprised expressions instantly turned into embarrassment.

As soon as you step into the city, you will see a desolate and dilapidated scene.

More than half of the huge city wall, which was tens of feet high, collapsed, and two huge gaps appeared in the part that did not collapse. It looked like it had been blasted open by the claws of something.

Entering the interior of the city, you can see that most of the palaces, pavilions, and pavilions have collapsed, a decaying scene of ruins, and the occasional few intact palaces have long been empty.

Dark red bloodstains can be seen from time to time on the damaged walls, as if they have experienced a tragic battle.

The entire city was completely turned into ruins, without any life left.

Xie Hong, who had recovered some of his injuries, led everyone to several intact palaces and rushed in. After searching for a while, his face became slightly better.

"There are no corpses left, and some of the elixirs, weapons, food and other materials stored in the city have been moved away. It seems that they all evacuated after the ancient beasts broke through the city.

Li Zheng, a young man in black shirt, was obviously familiar with the members of Huiyu Breaking Formation Group, and his expression suddenly became much more relaxed.

At this time, Chu Chen frowned slightly, and suddenly the uneasy feeling like a light on his back came to his heart again. There seemed to be something peeking at everyone from the sky?

When he immediately scanned with his spiritual sense, he found that everything within a hundred miles was safe.

Chu Chen rubbed his eyes gently. Maybe he was too tired from traveling all the time and had an illusion.

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