Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1555 An old friend who looks like a god of death

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"It seems that although the Huiyu Formation Breaking Group paid a certain price, it did not suffer a devastating blow."

Xie Hong let out a long breath. As the main city of the twenty major formation-breaking groups, Huiyu City's defense power is absolutely amazing.

Moreover, such large cities basically have defensive formations from ancient times.

It is speculated that there must be an ancient king-level beast that attacked this city, so it could destroy the entire city so completely.

A king beast can destroy a super city. There is almost no safety in the little fairy world now.

Everyone rested for a while in a relatively intact palace, ate some food, and recovered some of their physical strength before leaving Huiyu City.

Everyone continued to rush towards the main stronghold of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group.

For safety reasons, there were a lot of king beasts flying in the sky, so everyone flew in the sky for a while and ran on the ground for a while.

Chu Chen discovered that he passed some small cities or strongholds along the way, many of which had been turned into ruins, exuding a strong and desolate atmosphere.

But along the way, everyone discovered a strange pattern.

That is, many of the cities, palaces, attics and other buildings built by humans were destroyed and turned into ruins.

Some natural caves, hills, and woods are more protected.

In other words, these king beasts, after arriving in the fairy world, deliberately launched attacks on human strongholds.

They really come for destruction!

After another day of traveling, Lan Xuan discovered a cave in a barren mountain. The entrance to the cave was extremely secretive, but the space inside was huge. There were all kinds of things including stone tables, chairs, benches, and beds. , and even a stove and pool.

The monks entered it, and it seemed that this place should be a refuge somewhere, but the large areas of dark red blood on the ground made it feel shocking.

There had obviously been intense killings here!

However, along the way, people were looking for this temporary refuge to rest from time to time, and they had seen similar traces of battles and killings.

"How long does it take to get to the deepest base?"

Shi Yuyan, who had half recovered from her injuries, was sitting cross-legged on a stone platform. Most of the other monks were busy cleaning the cave or preparing food with Xuan Ke.

Chu Chen glanced at Xie Hong, who was also injured and sitting aside to rest.

"It's hard to say this. Normally, it would take about a month or so to get there, but now our journey time has obviously become longer. With the beasts running rampant, the speed we use must be twice as fast as before. "

Xie Hong sighed softly.

"With so many king beasts coming, it's a blessing to be able to survive in the little fairy world. It doesn't matter if you go faster or slower."

Zhou Lin came to everyone carrying a bucket of water, ready to wipe the blood stains on the stone wall.

"That's true. Now I just hope nothing happens. I don't care about anything else."

The girl's words touched Xie Hong, and he couldn't help but feel a lot.

"It's too difficult not to get into trouble..."

Chu Chen suddenly sighed quietly and stood up from the stone bench.

"What's wrong..." Shi Yuyan's face suddenly changed as she was halfway through asking, and her eyes darkened, "Someone is coming!"

Xie Hong and Lan Xuan both followed Chu Chenli outside the cave.

On this barren mountain, the monks followed Chu Chen's gaze and looked up to the southern sky.

I saw only the distant horizon, and a dazzling spot of light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The bright spot of light was so brilliant that it suddenly appeared on the horizon like a small sun, and then suddenly grew bigger and brighter.

At the same time, a huge pressure poured down from high in the sky, suffocating everyone!

"What is supposed to come will eventually come."

Chu Chen said lightly, the feeling of spying on himself and the monks from the sky was not his illusion, but because the enemy was too strong, he could not capture it clearly and was not sure.

But now, that terrible enemy is still here.

"Boy, I've been thinking about when we can meet again, but I didn't expect it to be so soon?"

Bright light fell from the sky and hit the ground with a loud bang.

It landed on the top of a barren mountain in front of the cave. The whole land shook violently in an instant. The next second, the light on the top of the opposite mountain gradually dissipated, and the silhouette of the visitor slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision. .

"You are obviously chasing after the dog, and you are still pretending to have met by chance. Are the Tianhe monks as hypocritical as you?"

Chu Chen said coldly.

At this time, the light dispersed, and everyone saw a tall figure walking out of the bright flame.

The person who came was a monk who looked to be about 27 or 28 years old. His hair and eyebrows were as pure white as snow. He was wearing a white shirt, and even his pupils shone with a piercing bright white light. .

This man has a handsome appearance, but his face is extremely pale, as if he has been seriously ill for many years. His thin figure, under the morning breeze lining his white shirt, looks like a frail and elegant sick scholar.

However, this sick scholar has an aura that oppresses the world.

Behind him was an ancient sword.

The body and hilt of the ancient sword looked like it was made of some kind of pure white stone, exuding a strong ancient aura.

One of the leaders of the Golden Lion Formation Breaking Group is here, a swordsman in white from the Tianhe level!

Last time, Chu Chen took advantage of Zixiao Tianfeng to escape from under his nose. This time, he was obviously prepared.

"When you are cut into pieces of meat, I wonder if you can still have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth?"

In the haggard face of the swordsman in white, two rays of light flashed out from the pupils, and murderous intent burst out.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he was actually still a thousand feet away from everyone, but the murderous intention emanating from him had completely enveloped the monks.

"Before I start, I have a question?"

Chu Chen asked loudly.

"Say it."

The voice of the swordsman in white on the other side of the mountain was very soft, but it reached the ears of every monk.

"We have been separated for such a long time. I also had the spiritual sense to clean up the traces on my body. If you left any tracking marks, it stands to reason that I should have erased them."

Chu Chen's eyes flickered.

"I'm also surprised that you can actually erase the spiritual mark I left on you. However, there are so many people in the Blood Eagle Regiment. Can you clean up the spiritual mark on everyone's body?"

The swordsman in white sneered and looked at Xie Hong and the young man in black beside him, Li Zheng.

Chu Chen suddenly realized that the swordsman in white had placed a spiritual mark on the two guides and followed them all the way.

"These two people have the seeds of spiritual consciousness planted by me. After you join them, you will naturally not be able to escape my control." The swordsman in white said slowly.

Xie Hong and the young man in black were still confused, because in their memories, they had never seen the swordsman in white during their journey, and they could not remember where he had tampered with him.

Yu Wenguang, the swordsman in white, naturally would not tell them that he had secretly carried out the attack while hiding in the storm.

In any case, now is the time to harvest. The swordsman in white smiled at everyone, and his whole body suddenly floated up.

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