Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1559 Heavenly Sword Tribulation Song

This time to break through the Tianyu Sword Prison, Chu Chen actually used the method of consumption!

If the golden roc's giant claws can't break through the sword cage once, try it a second time!

The most fundamental reason was that Chu Chen, who was trapped in the Heavenly Sword Prison, had been scanning and analyzing the "sword prison" with his abnormal spiritual sense and found its most vulnerable place. ~~щww~suimеng~lā』』

So Chu Chen first pretended to attack elsewhere, and then took the opportunity to come to the most vulnerable part of the sword prison, blast open the cage with one claw, and escape.

Chu Chen, who had a cold expression on his face, jumped out of the breach and turned into a gray shadow and rushed northward like a gray meteor across the sky.

A cruel smile flashed across the corner of Yu Wenguang's mouth, the swordsman in white below, "Very good, prey with the will to survive is interesting."

He once again drew out the white stone sword on his back, took a deep breath, and then raised his sword to stab the sky!

In an instant, a layer of gray-white ripples radiated in all directions.

The stone sword was crude and crude, looking like it was roughly polished from a white stone stick. There was nothing strange about its appearance.

However, at this moment, when Yu Wenguang raised his sword to stab the sky, the whole world changed drastically in an instant!

Large swaths of gray clouds quickly gathered, condensed, and changed in the sky.

In just a few breaths, dark clouds like thick ink formed and covered the entire sky.

Inside the dark clouds, streaks of blazing electric light flowed endlessly, gathering from all directions.

There was a sense of solemnity between heaven and earth. I don’t know when it started, but a huge pressure filled every inch of the void.

Chu Chen, who had just escaped from the prison of sword energy, was only a few hundred feet away when his body suddenly froze, and then his expression changed!

At this moment, every inch of the air in the space around him in all directions became as hard as steel.

His figure seemed to be embedded inside a huge iron block, and every move consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy.

The firmness of this space is countless times stronger and more powerful than the sword energy cage used by Yu Wenguang!

Yu Wenguang himself should not have such a strong power to control space.

The reason why he is so strong is... that sword!

That is an ancient secret sword with domain power!

Chu Chen was completely imprisoned in the void.

Now he has absolutely no way to escape!

"Are you still going to run away?"

Yu Wenguang, who held up the white stone sword in his hand, looked ferocious.

The magnificent gray-white sword energy penetrated the nine heavens, and balls of extremely blazing halo erupted around him.

Under the mysterious power of the long sword in his hand, one can see the blazing electric lights in the sky quickly gathering to the center like spiritual snakes, and then forming an extremely blazing ball in the center of the sky. group of light.

It is impossible to describe how dazzling that light group was, as if a dazzling eye of heaven suddenly appeared in the sky.

Lan Xuan, Shi Yuyan, Xuan Ke and Zhou Lin looked from a distance, like swordsmen in white in the sky who suddenly opened their heavenly eyes.

Once the Eye of Heaven is opened, everything will be destroyed!

The hearts of the four people stopped beating at this second.


A dazzling white electric light beam suddenly descended from Tian Tian's eyes and hit the white stone sword in Yu Wenguang's hand accurately!

The dim white stone sword instantly became brighter, dazzling and dazzling.

The powerful aura of Yu Wenguang, who merged with man and sword, increased exponentially.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have lost all its light.

Darkness, chaos!

There was only that glorious white sword left between heaven and earth.


Amidst Yu Wenguang's violent roar, he slashed towards Chu Chen!

"Heaven - earth - sword - calamity!"

Hundreds of feet of white lightning rolled violently, and the whole world seemed to be boiling at this moment. The mighty thunder and lightning condensed with the sharp sword light and surged and exploded. It was like a tsunami or a landslide, and the sword light turned into thunder and shook the mountain like a sea. Filled the whole world.

Thousands of feet of thunder shook the sky!

At this moment, Lan Xuan, Shi Yuyan and others who had already moved away saw a dazzling thunder light explode between the sky and the earth in the distance.

From a distance, it looked like it had turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Endless thunder radiated for nine days, making the sky and the earth as bright as day.

Even though they were hundreds of miles apart, they could still feel how violent the power contained in the lightning was.

Shi Yuyan, who had the most powerful spiritual sense, was already ashen-faced.

Thunder and lightning have been regarded as divine punishment since ancient times. It is the power of heaven and earth, crushing everything and destroying everything. It's simply impossible to resist.

Just a moment ago, she clearly sensed Chu Chen's aura appearing in the area covered by the sea of ​​thunder, and did not leave at all...

After struggling for so long, I still can't escape the already destined ending!

Above the sky, Yu Wenguang looked at the disappearing prey Chu Chen from a distance through the sea of ​​thunder he created after swinging his sword.

The violent sea of ​​thunder swallowed up everything in the world and blocked the void. Every electric light was transformed by the sharpest sword energy. At this time, it was powerful enough to cut into pieces of the void.

The body of the white thunder sword turned into a tsunami, rushing toward the tiny Chu Chen!

The white sword calamity like a tsunami has not yet arrived, and the thunder at the edge has already overwhelmed Chu Chen.

Unable to move, Chu Chen seemed to be making his final struggle!

He opened his golden-red spiritual shield with all his strength.

A huge pale golden dragon appeared, condensed with his spiritual shield, and turned into a golden halo to protect him.

It's just that the golden halo melted very quickly under the impact of the vast and endless thunder and lightning sword light, like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

The sword's main body hadn't even arrived yet, and Chu Chen couldn't resist the aftermath!

The white sword calamity like a tsunami reached ten feet in front of Chu Chen in an instant, and all Chu Chen's defenses were completely collapsed!

Yu Wenguang discovered that Chu Chen was actually smiling? !

Are you still laughing when you are about to die? Are you scared out of your mind?

Yu Wenguang always feels like something is wrong?

At this time, Chu Chen's right fist, which had been raised in front of his chest, suddenly opened.

He has been holding a light gray crystal in his palm?

As if it had been held in his hand for a long time, the light gray crystal actually emitted endless heat, and the air around Chu Chen was burning!

The billowing heat wave swept away in all directions from where Chu Chen stood. The aftermath of the thunder and lightning sword light that had invaded Chu Chen's body was instantly burned to nothing!

Yu Wenguang suddenly realized that Chu Chen should have been injecting spiritual power into the gray crystal before. He was accumulating energy to activate the nameless gray crystal! ?


Around Chu Chen, an invisible terrifying force spread out.

As the gray crystal flew and embedded itself in Chu Chen's forehead, it was as if he had opened his third gray eye, and a black hole in space about a hundred feet in size instantly formed behind him.

It's like a black hole that can swallow all light, making people shudder!

And the huge white sword released by Yu Wenguang has been continuously disintegrating the void, reaching five feet in front of Chu Chen!

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