Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1560 I just hope that Senior Brother Chu can survive

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A dull, distant voice came faintly from the depths of the void!

At this moment, the huge gray-black hole behind Chu Chen seemed to be connected to an extremely ancient time and space, and waves of ancient and ferocious aura surged out, as if to submerge the entire world. ⒉

Whether it was Yu Wenguang, Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others, they all felt that the entrance to another world had been opened behind Chu Chen!

And it's a scary world!

The huge black hole radiated a vast and terrifying amount of scorching energy. Could it be that it opened up a world of fire?

Yu Wenguang's expression changed drastically, because his white sword light rushed three feet in front of Chu Chen and began to stagnate, as if he encountered a transparent wall!

The dark space black hole behind Chu Chen seemed to be constantly expanding and getting bigger, from a hundred feet to nearly a thousand feet, a terrifying giant black hole world.

The rolling flaming waves turned the whole world into a melting pot at this moment!

At this moment, Yu Wenguang felt that what he wanted to kill was not a person, but a world?

His heart sank. If he couldn't hit Chu Chen with this tsunami-like sword light, the outcome would be hard to predict.

Yu Wenguang, who was fluttering in white clothes and hanging in the air, had two white flames burning in his eyes.


He raised the simple white stone long sword in his hand, and the straight sword body quickly emitted a dazzling light, like a white scorching sun, making the whole world look white.

Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, and Xuan Ke in the distance, and Zhou Lin nearby, all invariably covered their eyes with their hands to block the strong light.


Yu Wenguang spat out another word, and the whole world fell into darkness again, leaving only the huge white sword light that stretched across the high sky like a Milky Way!

The white sword river that had been stagnant finally swept toward Chu Chen again, destroying the power of heaven and earth.

A smile appeared on Chu Chen's face again, a smile full of contempt and disdain.

Facing the slowly approaching white Milky Way, Chu Chen looked like he was standing in front of a huge tsunami that was about to engulf him. He was small but like a firm rock, without any fear.

He took a deep breath, the muscles all over his body swelled, and his gray clothes flew like a sail!

The young man lowered his waist, straightened his body, and contracted his abdomen. His whole body was stretched into an arch shape.

The next second, the gray crystal on his forehead flashed, and his body shook violently. He raised his right arm, facing the white tsunami, Chu Chen punched forward with force.

Boom boom boom!

A huge roar resounded throughout the world, and at the moment Chu Chen punched, a huge ancient volcanic crater appeared from inside the gray-black space black hole behind him.


Countless blazing magma exploded violently in the crater.

Blow out in the direction of Chu Chen's fist!

The terrifying power bursting out from the ancient volcano manifested into a huge crimson light pillar in the void, just like a giant cannon!

From a distance, it looks like a huge crimson pillar shooting forward.

Vast heat swept out, turning half of the world red.

At this moment, the world was clearly divided into two halves: one half was filled with dazzling white sword light, and the other half was filled with the vast and endless red torrent.

Just when Yu Wenguang and Chu Chen pushed the spiritual power in their bodies to the extreme at the same time, the white Milky Way across the sky and the red giant pillar that went straight to the nine heavens collided!

Bang...! ! !

Two terrifying energies collide head-on!

At this moment, it was as if hundreds of suns suddenly exploded between the sky and the earth.

Red and white air waves swept across all directions, forming a giant mushroom cloud hundreds of feet high and rising into the sky.

Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and others in the distance were all shocked to the point where their blood was boiling all over their bodies, their mouths were dry, and they felt an indescribable discomfort.

Under the huge impact, they couldn't help but move back a certain distance.

As for Zhou Lin, who was closest to the battlefield, the two boulders where she was hiding were cut into half by the wash. She herself flew far away and grabbed a half-length of the root of an old tree to prevent being carried away by the storm.

As for the battlefield at the center of the storm, the outcome has been decided!

The huge crimson sky pillar directly penetrated the white tsunami and hit the white-clothed swordsman Yu Wenguang. In an instant, he was completely steamed with an expression of disbelief on his face!

Not even ashes were left!

The huge crimson sky pillar continued to pierce through the sky and the earth, flying tens of thousands of feet away, until it hit the ground at the end of the horizon, and another huge red sun burst out!

Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke, and Zhou Lin, who felt the world trembling violently, all had their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, unable to believe the scene before them.

How can it be? !

Chu Chen only punched out, and he directly knocked out the Tianhe monk!

This...this is ridiculous!

Chu Chen's punch was too abnormal, it was a Tianhe-level attack!

That huge crimson sky pillar is more terrifying than the destructive power of an ancient underground volcano!

Because it is not like the ancient volcano that sprays everywhere, but is highly condensed into a sky pillar, like a terrifying existence that can pierce the heaven and the earth!

The four of them all shook their heads in unison, feeling as if they were in a dream, and suspected that they might wake up in the next second and return to another real world.

"Are you kidding? Why can he do such an attack? Is he a fake Lingxi monk?"

Shi Yuyan, who was dressed in white like a fairy, murmured to herself, the girl never imagined that Chu Chen would survive in the end.

Although she had been praying that Chu Chen could survive, the result turned out not to be a lucky escape, but to kill the Tianhe cultivator!

She couldn't accept this ending for a moment!


Chu Chen, who was above the sky, suddenly turned his head and fell to the ground, like a meteor.

Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke, who had just woken up from a dream, coincided with each other and flew towards the center of the battlefield from two directions.

At this time, Chu Chen fell sharply in the air. Although he did not lose consciousness, all the strength in his body had been exhausted by activating the ancient volcanic crystal core and throwing another punch!

Without any energy or even heat, Chu Chen fell from high altitude to the ground. He was so exhausted that he felt like he was left with only an empty body.

The battle just now was too dangerous!

Tianhe cultivator is really scary, but fortunately he has the ancient volcanic crystal core!

But speaking of it this way, perhaps what is truly terrifying is the unparalleled destructive power of this gray crystal core!

Although it can only be used three times, after using it this time, I can use it two more times.

With this thing in hand, Tianhe cultivators can also be wiped out with one blow!

This is definitely the best trump card that Chu Chen got after entering the fairy world.

Shi Yuyan, who knew that Chu Chen was safe, did not make any move. She just stood on a cliff and watched everything from a distance. She could not come back to her senses even if she replayed the shocking reversal in her mind repeatedly. .

The witch turned into a nympho!

Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke were like two meteors, breaking through the space, their spiritual energy burning like torches, and they were flying towards Chu Chen's landing place at the fastest speed.

Zhou Lin, the girl who finally reacted, gritted her teeth and flew towards Chu Chen's landing point. She thought to herself that although she had not been able to help Senior Brother Chu from the beginning to the end.

But the girl had already decided to at least catch Senior Brother Chu who fell down, as a way of repaying the favor of saving his life.

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