Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1561 Infinite Loop of Dreams

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Chu Chen fell from the sky like a meteorite, as straight as a shuttle!

too tired!

This was the only thought in Chu Chen's head. Rather than using all his strength to activate the ancient volcanic crystal core, it would be better to say that the ancient volcanic crystal core sucked away all the spiritual energy from his body.

The moment the ancient volcano crystal core was activated to attack, a terrifying suction force appeared from inside the crystal core.

The crystal core embedded in his forehead seemed to have turned into a ferocious ancient beast, and began to suck all the energy from his body!

With a punch, all the energy in Chu Chen's body was instantly swallowed up. For a moment, Chu Chen felt that his soul was about to be swallowed up!

Although Chu Chen could be said to have been drained of his body for this battle, he felt it was worth it.

After all, it was Tianhe cultivator who was killed!

Thinking that after hiding from him for so long and finally letting him die in his own hands, Chu Chen felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

However, Tianhe cultivator is still a nightmare level existence for Chu Chen now.

Yu Wenguang's strength should be around the first level of Tianhe. This almost made Chu Chen lose the ability to escape. The appearance of the monks in the later stages of Hezhong that day was simply unimaginable.

After all, the ancient volcanic crystal core can only be used three times. Now that one opportunity has been used, there are only two left.

As soon as I thought of this, a huge sense of urgency came over me.

Nowadays, the Little Immortal World is full of crises, such as the terrifying ancient king-level beasts, the powerful Tianhe-level experts... I have no other choice, I must become stronger, and become stronger in the shortest possible time!

Maybe we have to see if there is any way for the little mouse to accelerate its growth...

This was Chu Chen's last thought before he landed.

As soon as his eyes darkened, he was so exhausted that he was about to lose consciousness completely. He didn't know who would catch him in the end.

But Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and Zhou Lin were all flying towards where he landed, so he felt relieved.


But before he lost all consciousness, he vaguely felt a soft white figure coming to him, hugging him with an alluring scent...

Is she a witch?

She obviously didn't make any move, so why did she arrive first?

Does she really like to take advantage of herself?

After this battle, Chu Chen entered a long state of sleep and recovery.

However, he didn't seem to sleep very well. In his dreams, he saw Yu Wenguang's terrifying "Heaven and Earth Sword Tribulation" again and again.

The terrifying coercion belonging to the Tianhe-level powerhouse surged in like a tsunami, making it impossible to escape. Chu Chen, on the other hand, was repeatedly shattered into pieces by those terrifying blows.

For the first time, after defeating his opponent, Chu Chen began to have recurring dreams about going back to the most intense battle.

In this dream, without the help of the ancient volcanic crystal core, Chu Chen, facing the Tianhe-level powerhouse, could not resist at all, and was killed again and again!

This dream was too real, and all the details were extremely vivid, including the sky intertwined with thunder and swords, the dazzling white tsunami, and the shattered void.

There was also the sword wind that hit his face and made him feel painful. There was no pressure from the sword that invaded his pores, and the space around him was so solid that it was close to steel!

Yu Wenguang's terrifying white clothes, and the rough stone sword in his hand.

This dream reoccurs over and over again.

In his dreams again and again, Chu Chen suddenly seemed to vaguely touch something...

That is, that is some of the mysteries that belong exclusively to the Tianhe-level powerhouses, the control of space, the decryption of time, the traction and control of the rules of heaven and earth...

Tianhe monks cultivate the way of heaven and the unity of heaven and man.

Transform yourself into the spokesperson of heaven,

Combining the power of heaven to fight.

In those repeated battles, Chu Chen no longer had the original panic. He watched Yu Wenguang take action coldly, and calmly accepted that he fell into the sea of ​​thunder.

He is studying, comprehending, and calmly spying on that door to heaven!

This is a gate that is impossible to access in his current state. But now, being able to survive that catastrophic battle has given him the qualification to spy.

After he calmed down, he knew that this replay was a benefit brought by his perverted spiritual sense.

Review again and again to help him master the way of heaven!

And Chu Chen stood not far from this brand new door, snooping and comprehending to his heart's content.

Facing the profound meaning of Yu Wenguang's style, I observed Yu Wenguang's every movement, every expression, every trick of operating spiritual power, and every blend with the rules of heaven and earth...

Although there are too many mysteries that Chu Chen cannot understand, he has begun to approach the gate and has slowly begun to come into contact with this layer of mysteries, which will be of great benefit to his future cultivation direction!

Just when Chu Chen was about to wake up from his deep sleep, he found that the Tao seed deep in his Dantian, which had already sprouted a green bud, now had an extra green leaf!

This means that the peerless sword intent he learned from Moming Ancient Peak has become stronger, and he is one step closer to turning the sword intent that can only hurt the soul into a sword light that cuts through mountains.

After confirming that the dream was over and that his body had returned to its peak state, Chu Chen finally slowly opened his eyes.

The night was as dark as ink, and the sky was full of stars shining brightly.

The weather tonight is particularly good. There are no dark clouds or hurricanes.

The gentle evening breeze blowing from the other side of the forest, carrying the scent of the stream, lifted his spirits.

Chu Chen found that he was lying on the branches of a giant tree. The branches were simple and vigorous, winding like a dragon. It seemed that this ancient tree had experienced a long period of training.

His eyes moved to the distance again. A bonfire was burning not far away. Xuan Ke was holding an antelope and two hares and slowly roasting them on the bonfire.

Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin were chatting aside. Lan Xuan was beaming, while Zhou Lin occasionally chatted.

On a piece of bluestone not far away, Shi Yuyan silently sat on her luck.

As she circulated her spiritual power, pale white traces of air slowly spread like a tide, forming a powerful field.

It was obvious that this peerless witch had completely recovered from her injuries, and her aura became even more powerful.

It must have been that he had slept for too long. Chu Chen's back was a little sore and numb. He put his arms on the tree trunk and jumped up, falling to the ground.

Everyone's eyes fell on him at once.

"Senior Brother Chu, you wake up!"

Zhou Lin was surprised and happy. She rushed over and threw herself into Chu Chen's arms without hesitation, her eyes were red.

Lan Xuan said with a smile, "I told you that the great hero Senior Brother Chu will wake up in the next two days, but you are still worried."

Although Xuan Ke, who was grilling meat, did not speak, he, who was always silent, still smiled at Chu Chen, his eyes full of gratitude. He nodded slightly.

Chu Chen patted Zhou Lin on the back and nodded gently towards Xuan Ke.

Among the people, only Shi Yuyan seemed to have the least reaction. She was practicing and just opened her eyes, glanced at Chu Chen, then closed her eyes again and continued her practice.

"Senior Brother Chu, you are so handsome that you were able to kill Brother Tianhe. Senior Brother Lan said you are definitely a monster."

Zhou Lin reluctantly left Chu Chen's arms, with admiration in the girl's eyes.

"Girl, don't talk nonsense. I mean that Senior Brother Chu is more perverted than a monster... No, he's awesome!" Although Lan Xuan was smiling, his expression was a bit awkward.

Chu Chen knew that when this guy talked about himself, he must be extremely exaggerated.

"The meat is roasted!"

Xuan Ke turned the roasting stick in his hand again, and a few drops of oil immediately fell on the golden roasted lamb, and a few wisps of thick smoke and sparks immediately appeared in the bonfire.

"However, you two don't eat yet. Chu Chen has been sleeping for so long after killing the Tianhe cultivator. Let him eat enough first." Xuan Ke said word by word.

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