Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1562 The elusive little hamster

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Chu Chen was not polite. Under the jealous eyes of Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin, he sat next to the bonfire, took a large piece of golden slightly charred lamb leg torn off by Xuan Ke, and began to feast on it.

After all, after sleeping for so long, it was obvious that the warm roasted lamb leg with crispy skin and fragrant meat would be more beneficial than any Qi-enhancing elixir.

It has to be said that Xuan Ke is definitely a top chef. Every bite is fragrant, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, and the fat is fresh but not greasy. This feeling of eating meat in a big mouth makes Chu Chen extremely satisfied.


While munching on the leg of lamb, Chu Chen suddenly noticed something was wrong, and a dull string sound came from the sky.

His spiritual senses immediately opened, and he suddenly felt a huge coercion pouring down from high in the sky.

This intense pressure made Chu Chen's right eyebrow twitch, and all the muscles in his body tightened unconsciously.

When he looked up, he saw the silhouette of a giant tiger several hundred feet high flying past high in the sky.

Like a moving mountain, its shadow casts its shadow across vast swathes of the forest.

It roared in a low voice like thunder, its three wings danced and pushed away the clouds, and its whole body was red, like flames!

This is a king beast!

There is simply no way to stay in this little fairy world where king beasts are everywhere...

Chu Chen, who was on high alert, was about to call his companions to evacuate, but found that his companions were unusually calm?

Lan Xuan was secretly tearing off a rabbit leg. Without raising his head, he opened his mouth and bit into the sizzling roast rabbit meat.

Zhou Lin just subconsciously shrank closer to him, but she didn't look particularly scared.

Xuan Ke became even calmer and continued to turn the baking stick and stirred the bonfire, causing countless sparks to pop up.

Shi Yuyan, who was practicing in the distance, didn't even bother to move at this time, and was still meditating silently for luck.

However, the traces of energy around her body disappeared, and the powerful aura emanating from her body also restrained.

Maybe...this is the current state of living in the fairy world.

No matter how terrifying the king beast is, if it does not pose a real fatal threat, everyone will be calm.

After all, there are so many king beasts. If you see them from a distance, you will be in a state of panic. That is the real act of seeking death!

Sure enough, soon, the huge shadow covering the forest disappeared, and the red tiger king beast also flew without a trace.

While Chu Chen let out a long breath, he also understood something.

That is, Lan Xuan and others have adapted to the existence of king-level ancient beasts in these days, and will not run away when they see a shadow again.

In fact, compared to king-level ancient beasts, only beings of the same class or at least powerful people above Tianhe can make them react strongly.

In their eyes, any other monks are no different from ants.

Unless there are a large number of ants or a stronghold of ants, their desire to kill will be aroused.

When you are in a hurry, do you care about one or two ants on the roadside in the distance?

Chu Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After a hearty meal, everyone began to rest. After sleeping enough, Chu Chen became idle and wandered in the forest against the stars in the sky.

While he was simply wandering around, he was also waiting for the little hamster to return.

I want to talk to it about how to quickly improve the realm in the fairy world.

In fact, Chu Chen also discovered that the little hamster is becoming more and more elusive. It has countless seals on its body. In the past, it was basically unwilling to wake up. It occasionally took it out to say a few words and then fell asleep.

Now, according to it, the first seal is almost broken, so it has become extremely active.

Now I am often away from myself, and I don’t know what to do all day long, but when I come back to myself, I still fall asleep.

Obviously, all the energy was spent doing things outside, and it was time to rest when I came back to myself.

It's almost like being in an inn.

However, as the little hamster was his blood pet, the two had a spiritual link. After Chu Chen sent a soul message to summon him back quickly, the little hamster finally returned in the middle of the night.

Chu Chen was the only one left around the bonfire, and everyone else had gone to sleep on the nearby trees.

"After sleeping for seven days, you are finally willing to wake up."

The little hamster jumped on the rock next to Chu Chen, its red-haired head swaying and smiling.

Chu Chen keenly noticed that this guy seemed to have an extra bush of red hair on his head, which was shining brightly in the light of the bonfire.

"Then how many days have you been away from me?"

Chu Chen sat up and stretched his muscles, and all the bones in his body made a slight muffled sound.

"It's only been a few days. I left yesterday...why did you sleep for so long..."

The little hamster was mumbling and chewing something in his mouth. It made a clicking and popping sound and he was eating with gusto.

It looked like it had just returned from foraging outside.

"He also said that the crystal core of this ancient volcano is really terrifying. It almost hollowed out my body."

Chu Chen looked frightened.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. The broken crystal stone that damaged your body has been eaten by me."

The little hamster chewed the food in his mouth leisurely, and happily picked the gap between his teeth with his slender little paws. "It is a crystal that contains the power of the ancient volcanic essence. What a good thing! After digesting this seal of mine, it will be completely Lifted."

Chu Chen was stunned. When he touched himself, he found that the ancient volcano crystal core was no longer there. His trump card was actually eaten by this bastard!

The little hamster still had a look of disgust on his face and murmured: "To be honest, it doesn't taste very good, but it's still useful, so I just ate it..."

Chu Chen spit out a mouthful of blood and ate it, but what did he think of quickly?

"Then repay with your life. "

Chu Chen's face suddenly turned cold. He rubbed his thumb and middle finger on his right hand, and a wisp of golden-red sky fire came out!

The surrounding area was suddenly reflected in a golden red, and the space near the flame began to become unstable.

"What a joke!"

The little hamster roared in panic while shaking his hand and throwing a light gray crystal.

This was Chu Chen's ancient volcanic crystal core that could be used twice. In fact, Chu Chen had already realized that this little hamster was teasing him.

As a result, the sacrifice of heavenly fire scared it, and the little hamster was frightened to the point of peeing.

Chu Chen reached out and took the ancient volcano crystal core obediently handed over by the little hamster and put it away directly.

"After you fainted from using the ancient fire crystal core, I put it away for you. By the way, there was also the stone sword of the swordsman in white. I originally wanted to leave it to you, but it was scrapped after he hit it with all his strength. I I took it out and exchanged it for some rations.”

The little hamster looked guilty.

"That's okay."

The stone sword was already full of cracks after the shocking blow. Even if the little hamster said it would be scrapped, it was at least close.

Chu Chen would not care about rewarding pets to him.

What's more, there are many crises in the fairy world. If the seal of the little hamster is lifted as soon as possible, it may bring unexpected great benefits to himself.

"Hey, I knew I was with the wrong person." The little hamster laughed a few times, "By the way, kid, I have to remind you that the internal structure of this crystal core has become a little unstable after being used once. I want to use it next time. If so, you have to wait at least a month, otherwise you may blow yourself up by then. "

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