Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1568 Divine Charm

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Around the reception hall, girls also wearing white clothes and covering their faces with white gauze were playing soft melodious music. There were also fruit teas placed on the wooden table next to the seats. ????·

The environment of the entire reception hall looks very elegant, and the large seats made of fine animal skins make people feel comfortable and will not want to get up after sitting down.

After the monks all sat down, the lights in the entire reception hall suddenly dimmed.

Immediately, a bright light shone on the front stage of the palace, where a slim and beautiful woman in white clothes had appeared.

When everyone's eyes fell on the beautiful woman in white, all the male monks present couldn't help but their hearts beat suddenly!

The woman looked to be about 27 or 28 years old, with a curvy figure, plump and attractive, like a ripe peach.

She didn't speak as soon as she opened her mouth, she just looked around silently with a slight smile on her face.

Her gentle and moving eyes glanced at everyone carefully, and every man who looked at her couldn't help but stiffen.

Those eyes are filled with a layer of gleaming water, and there seems to be a thousand kinds of charm and sweetness in them. If you want to talk about it, you will feel far away and want to take it into your arms. Light pity and sweet love.

This is charm! ?

Chu Chen sensed it immediately.

At this moment, the breathing of all the monks present became much heavier unconsciously.

You must know that the male cultivators here are all strong men with profound cultivation and firm minds.

She seduced them all with just one look, and one could only imagine how powerful this woman's charm was.

But when the beautiful woman's eyes fell on Shi Yuyan, the smile on her face suddenly froze, and the look of astonishment in her eyes...

Chu Chen clearly sensed a slight snort from Shi Yuyan beside him, and saw a hint of respect in the woman's eyes. She lowered her head slightly and quickly turned her eyes to the side, as if she was a little afraid to look at her.

This is... Do people who practice charm have a special feeling?

Chu Chen suddenly realized that Shi Yuyan was born with an extremely charming body, and could be called a god-like existence in the line of charming cultivation.

This beautiful woman in white is also an accomplished master in the art of bewitching, but she is still considered a subordinate in front of her, and she must be in awe.

It seems that for Shi Yuyan, who has already cultivated to the level of a fairy, all charm techniques are just paper tigers.

"Thank you all for coming to take care of the business of our Beiming Formation Breaking Group today. I met many familiar faces, and there are also many new friends who may not know me yet. You can just call me Mingxin. Mingxin, Mingxin, I am in charge of this hall. Reception work.”

When Chu Chen heard this, it was obvious that this sky auction was very large, and this reception hall was just one of them.

The beautiful woman smiled gently and gently, and her voice naturally contained a charming meaning, as if it turned into an invisible stream of heat and penetrated into the person's body, making people feel that their bones were a little numb.

Many of the male monks looked at her with fascination.

"What I want to tell you is that we are adopting a new method for this sky auction..."

Before she finished speaking, the monks in the hall began to make a commotion. Isn't the auction just about bidding?

Is there a completely new way?

Beiming Breaking Formation Group really knows how to play.

But Chu Chen felt that maybe his chances would become greater. With his own capital, he couldn't shoot anything good. The new model might mean new opportunities.

Ming Xin smiled and signaled the monks to be calm, and continued, "This time it is no longer a simple bidding auction, we adopt the rules of the treasure lottery system to conduct the auction."

"Treasure drawing system? What does this mean?"

Everyone is a little confused,

The monks present were all strong men in various fields. They had seen all kinds of scenes, but this was the first time they heard such a term.

"We classify all the treasures according to their grades. They are divided into four grades and placed in four treasure pools: gold, red, blue, and white."

The monks began to listen attentively.

"The white treasure pool corresponds to the white treasure talisman, and the golden treasure pool corresponds to the golden treasure talisman. As long as everyone spends money to buy the corresponding level of treasure talisman, you can randomly draw it from the treasure pool to which it belongs."

Lan Xuan nodded, "I understand, low-level treasure talismans can be drawn in the low-level treasure pool, and only high-level treasure talismans can be drawn in the high-level treasure pool."

"So...the specific treasures that can be extracted depend on everyone's luck."

Ming Xin smiled sweetly, and her soft voice was intoxicating. Four treasure talismans about three inches long appeared above her right hand, white, blue, red, and gold, each with a special treasure light.

The white one is the lightest, and the golden one is the most gorgeous. The level is clear at a glance.

"One white treasure talisman with one hundred immortal crystals, one blue treasure talisman with one thousand immortal crystals, one red treasure talisman with one hundred thousand immortal crystals, and one golden treasure talisman with one hundred thousand immortal crystals."

Ming Xin clearly stated the price.

"Can each treasure talisman be drawn only once?"

An old man in black in the back row asked loudly.

"Yes, each treasure talisman can only be drawn once from the treasure pool of the corresponding level. However, high-level talismans can be drawn ten times as many times as low-level talismans."

Mingxin continued to introduce.

"For example, a blue talisman can be drawn from a white treasure pool ten times, and a red talisman can be drawn from a white treasure pool a hundred times. "

The beautiful woman smiled very gently.

"Well, that's a fair way to go."

The old man in black in the back row nodded.

A handsome male monk in brocade clothes in the front row raised his hand again, "According to what you said, wouldn't it be possible to draw a golden talisman a thousand times from the white treasure pool? There are so many in your white treasure pool." Baby?"

"What use are low-level treasures to a strong man like you?"

Ming Xin's charming eyes smiled deeply, the waves in her eyes were charming and moving.

The monk was obviously very impressed by what she said, and his expression softened a lot.

"Nowadays, the situation in the Little Fairy World is chaotic. A good treasure can save lives at a critical moment. It cannot be exchanged for many low-level treasures."

The smile on Mingxin's face always remained.

"Therefore, I suggest you not to waste the treasure talisman you purchased. It is better to draw treasures from the treasure pool of the corresponding level."

The handsome male cultivator nodded.

"The treasures you draw are your own, right? If you draw some of the best, you won't regret it, right?"

A young monk in the middle asked very warily.

"Don't worry about this. After doing business for so many years, Beiming Breaking Formation Group still has this reputation."

Mingxin chuckled, "No matter what treasure you draw, it belongs to you, and you can do whatever you want with it. We will never go back on our word."

The monks nodded one after another, basically understanding the rules of this sky auction.

Chu Chen frowned.

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