Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1569 New gameplay

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"Senior Brother Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Lin saw Chu Chen's serious expression and immediately expressed concern.

Before Chu Chen could answer, Lan Xuan said first, "Senior Brother Chu must be thinking hard about how to get the most treasures!"

When Chu Chen heard this, he immediately burst into laughter. Lan Xuan was really shrewd and he guessed what he was thinking.

Zhou Lin was relieved when she saw that Chu Chen was fine. Like a curious baby, she raised her curiosity again.

"The treasure-drawing method of the Sky Auction House is quite novel. All treasures are divided into four categories according to different grades, but this classification is not standard, right?"

Lan Xuan frowned, "How do you say that?"

"For example, some of the small top-quality treasures in the white treasure pool may be better than the treasures in the blue treasure pool. If you draw them, you will make a lot of money."

Zhou Lin's eyes flashed.

"Well, in order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for collecting treasures, the people from the Beiming Pond Formation Group will definitely put some top quality products that exceed the level of the treasure pool in each treasure pool! However, most of the treasures are mediocre. Generally speaking, Speaking of which, the Bei Ming Breaking Formation Group must have made a profit as the organizer.”

Chu Chen replied aloud. He had already seen Beiming's method of breaking the formation.

"If a lucky person draws a blue or even red-level treasure in the white treasure pool, it will definitely cause a sensation and make everyone look forward to such luck. This will greatly promote the enthusiasm of all monks to participate. I will try my best to take out every immortal crystal from all the monks who participate in the auction."

Chu Chen explained calmly.

At this time, Mingxin had opened the exchange for treasure talismans, so the monks in the reception hall lined up and went to the front desk where Mingxin was located to exchange treasure talismans.

Lan Xuan hurriedly pulled Xuan Ke to line up for everyone and quickly disappeared into the long queue.

Chu Chen was sitting with Shi Yuyan, Zhou Lin and others, and waited until Lan Xuan occupied a position closer to the front before he stood up and joined the team.

The reception hall became lively. Rich monks were using fairy crystals to buy various talismans, eager to try their luck.

Those who didn't have many fairy crystals took out various treasures to exchange them for fairy crystals, hoping to get better treasures.

Those who can come to this sky auction house are all powerful monks, so most of them are rich, and the treasures they bring out are so bright that they can reach the sky.

The entire reception hall was filled with precious light for a moment, which was really beautiful.

In this dazzling spiritual light, when it was Chu Chen's turn, the few treasures he took out were not so conspicuous.

"Please identify it first."

Chu Chen handed over several treasures to be exchanged for treasure talismans to the beautiful woman.

"Hold on"

"The Mysterious Scale Sword made from ancient dragon and carp scales. Although it is broken, the mysterious scales are intact. It is considered to be of middle grade."

"The bronze coiled dragon bracelet contains a trace of ancient dragon energy. It is of the highest quality."

"The protective armor made of the animal skin of the Deep Sea Demon Shark King is still in good condition, but the essence has been lost. It is of medium to low quality."

"A replica of the regret mountain seal, low-grade. A white jade Buddha pendant blessed by the light of ancient Buddhism, low-grade..."

Ming Xin's soft and delicate palms took over the treasure handed over by Chu Chen. The palms seemed to have the ability to automatically identify, and they could accurately tell the material, efficacy, and grade of the treasure just by touching it.

This method of identifying treasures is quite admirable.

"As mentioned above, junior brother, the total value of these treasures of yours is about more than 24,000 fairy crystals. You can exchange the fairy crystals with us, or you can exchange them for treasure talismans."

After appraising the treasure, Mingxin smiled slightly at Chu Chen, perhaps because she knew that Chu Chen was Shi Yuyan's companion, so the price she gave was very fair and not worth much.

"Well, I'll use it all to exchange for treasure talismans."

"How do you want to change it?"

"Exchange two red treasure talismans and four blue treasure talismans. How many white treasure talismans can be exchanged for the remaining fraction?"

Chu Chen asked softly.

"Two red treasure talismans, four blue treasure talismans... there are probably more than 800 fairy crystals left. Since it is your first time here, we will give you a discount and give you 7 more white treasure talismans. A total of I’ll give you fifteen white talismans.”

Ming Xin's expression was always so gentle and caring, making it difficult to tell how much of this tenderness was real and how fake it was.

"Then I'll just say thank you."

Chu Chen smiled and nodded, left the team, and gave up his position to the girl in white behind him.

A slim figure gently walked up to Ming Xin, with a cold and arrogant voice: "You have learned the spectroscopic cloud detector well. How many years have you been practicing?"

"No, no, it's just a small trick."

Mingxin's expression was slightly stern, and she lowered her head silently, her expression seemed a little nervous.

Shi Yuyan, who was standing in front of her, glanced at her lightly and spoke so softly that only two people could hear.

"Although your Mei Ling Jue has achieved some success, it also has a huge shortcoming. That is, once it is subdued by a strong person with its breath, it is easy to become obsessed and fall into love and debt. It is better to stop this technique as soon as it is good. Don’t underestimate everyone in the world.”

"Ah! Yes, I understand, thank you...thank you for the tip."

The beautiful woman in white Ming Xin was startled, the iconic smile on her face also faded a little, and her whole aura changed suddenly. If just now she seemed to be intoxicating like a gentle spring breeze, now she suddenly seemed to have turned into a cold wind, exuding a chill.

"This thing, give me six blue talismans."

Shi Yuyan raised her hand and threw out a round object the size of a fist.

She didn't ask Ming Xin how much her treasure was worth at all, but her tone was extremely determined, full of unquestionable flavor.

The thing looked like a piece of coal, covered with light green lines. It was neither gold nor stone. With Chu Chen's eyesight, he couldn't tell what kind of treasure it was.

Mingxin quickly took the black ball and rubbed it with both hands for a while.

"This...is this the ancient lightning strike wood core? This, I can give you a discount for this, in exchange for a red talisman. Do you want it?"

"No need, just exchange for six blue talismans. It's a matter of luck anyway."

The girl in white didn't say anything more, she looked full of fairy spirit, picked up the treasure talisman and left.

After Shi Yuyan left, it was obvious that Mingxin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Shi Yuyan, this enchantress, was really like a fairy. She was always aloof. Only when she was teased by him, she would look like a helpless and shy girl.

She is truly a very special being.

During the exchange of treasures, Shi Yuyan quickly became the focus of the audience, because the most beautiful woman in the audience was overshadowed by her.

Almost all the male monks followed the girl in white with their eyes, but they did not expect that she would quietly come to the side of an unattractive young man in gray and stand obediently.

For a moment, the male monks all stared hard at the young man in gray, and their eyes turned red.

Chu Chen was very calm, as if he didn't see the jealous looks of everyone, and yawned.

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