Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1570 Meeting the old fox again

Shi Yuyan seemed to realize that she was too ostentatious, so she left the team first and went to Baochi Square on the top of the mountain alone.

Chu Chen continued to wait for his companions who were still exchanging money.

Lan Xuan surprised Chu Chen. This guy didn't even change a single blue talisman. Instead, he changed dozens of white talismans. A lot of jade talismans were shining in his hand. He looked like a nouveau riche. Feel.

This guy... seems to be determined to make up for his lack of luck with quantity.

Xuan Ke and Zhou Lin didn't change their talismans, they were just spectators of this sky auction.

Baochi Square is on the top of this white mountain, and it takes a lot of time to walk from the reception hall.

Chu Chen just led Lan Xuan and others up the stairs along with the monks pouring out of each reception hall.

There was a huge crowd, and Chu Chen estimated that at least a thousand monks would participate in this sky auction, which was quite a large scale.

Walking among the crowd, the little hamster ran to Chu Chen's shoulder and started to grumble.

"Boy, I didn't expect that this sky auction would be a treasure-drawing system. It all depends on luck. I'm afraid we may not get what we want. Maybe I miscalculated this time and shouldn't come to this damn sky auction. Will do."

"Now that it's here, let's take care of it. We don't have much capital anyway. We can still try our luck by drawing treasures. At worst, it will just be a waste of time."

Chu Chen was very calm. During the conversation, he kept walking and soon arrived at the huge treasure square.

At this time, there were already four to five hundred people in the Baobao Square, but what is surprising is that there is no pool here?

The monks gathered together in twos and threes and communicated softly. From time to time, a girl covered in white gauze handed some fruits and pastries back and forth. Obviously, the real treasure drawing had not yet begun.

There was a deep blue sky above, with white clouds constantly passing by.

Lan Xuan couldn't help but feel that the sky auction was indeed held in the sky.

Chu Chen found that the entire square was filled with a powerful aura, and this feeling was especially obvious after leaving the reception hall.

After experiencing the changes in the fairy world again and again, the monks who can survive until now are all elites, and those who can come here to participate in the auction in the chaotic land where king-level ancient beasts are raging are even more powerful among the elites. .

At a glance, except for the maids from the Beiming Breaking Formation Group and the servants standing around, almost most of the people in the square were super powerful people from the Spirit River Realm.

There are only a handful of monks in the Lingxi realm.

A dozen of them exuded a terrifying aura at the Half-Step Tianhe level, which was much more powerful than Shi Yuyan, a pseudo-Half-Step Tianhe expert.

This is truly a cloud of strong people. It is no exaggeration to say that there are such a bunch of strong people, and it seems that there is no problem that cannot be solved.

Moreover, the cultivation level of several of them is even more unfathomable. Even Chu Chen's powerful innate spiritual sense cannot detect what state they have reached in cultivation?

This sky auction is definitely Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

There were thousands of simple stone benches around the square. Chu Chen saw Shi Yuyan from a distance, so he took Xuan Ke and others to sit down next to her.

As more and more monks poured into the square, the Sky Auction House felt a bit crowded at this time.

Chu Chen also continued to observe the surrounding situation. When his eyes swept across the other corner of the square, he was suddenly startled, and then smiled and nodded towards that place.

At this time, in another corner of the square away from Chu Chen and others, a thin old man was sitting comfortably on a stone bench with his eyes half closed.

The old man was wearing tattered black clothes, with little dried blood stains on them, as if he had been through a battle.

He didn't exude any terrifying aura.

But everyone in the square moved away from his position almost subconsciously, so that there was no one else in the corner where he was.

At this time, beside the old man, there was a young man in blue who was busy tapping his arms and legs, serving him with a flattering look on his face.

Duan Ji, turned out to be Duan Ji, one of the ten most powerful men in the evil world with great reputation. This guy actually came to the Little Fairy World and entered the Sky Auction House!

This old guy can really be seen wherever there is profit...

And Lan Xuan didn't know when he had returned to him without anyone noticing.

I have to say that Lan Xuan, this slave, is quite competent.

Chu Chen shook his head helplessly, and Duan Ji, who seemed to sense his gaze, looked over at him with half-closed eyes, and winked at him with a smile on his face.

This old guy should be the reason why Shen Du always has a chance to make a lot of money every time he meets Chu Chen.

At this time, my mood became particularly good, and my eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing that his master was in a good mood, Lan Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and even more intensively pounded his shoulders and legs, and was very busy.

"You know her?"

Shi Yuyan, who was sitting on the stone bench next to Chu Chen, looked calm, but her eyes unconsciously turned to Duan Ji's direction, with a faint look of uneasiness.

"Well, I've dealt with him a few times before. The old monster Yan Guo is just looking for profit. No matter where he goes, he will try his best to make a fortune. I don't know how short of money he is."

Chu Chen was very understated.

"This man's strength is unfathomable. Do you have any conflicts with him?"


Chu Chen felt that his relationship with Duan Ji could only be described in words.

"As long as he is not an enemy, it is fine. His strength is at the level of a 'hidden' member. If he is a friend, his chance of survival in the fairy world will be greatly improved."

The girl looked up with an expression on her face.

"He's not an enemy, but don't expect him to be our friend. That old guy is a pure businessman. As long as you give him enough money, nothing is non-negotiable."


Shi Yuyan's eyes lit up.

"It's very expensive. The biggest question is whether we have such huge profits to attract him."

Chu Chen asked with a wry smile, "You must have heard of his name in the outside world, Duan Ji."

"He is Duan Ji?!"

Shi Yuyan's expression changed in vain. The top ten strongest men of the evil way were the most powerful men at the top of the pyramid of the monk world. With her status, she had naturally heard of this thundering name, and she had also heard a lot about this name. s legend.

There are many old devils in this world, but there are only a handful of people who can be called peerless old devils.

There will definitely be no more than five peerless old demons of Duan Ji's level!

Why did he also enter the fairy world?

Logically speaking, he would definitely not be one of the first members trapped in the fairy world, but would later come in through the cracks in the fairy world.

What exactly is there in the fairy world?

Let such a giant in the world of monks get in regardless of his own safety.

You know, the Little Fairy World is a world that cannot be left and is gradually heading towards destruction? !

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