Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1588 The final deal

The ability of this giant beast to manipulate space is so strong that the black whale can even achieve the effect of "teleportation" within a certain distance.

Chu Chen knew that unless Duan Ji's speed could far surpass this king-level ancient beast, it would be difficult to really get rid of it.

Just as he was about to get rid of him, he teleported a few times and caught up with him again!

However, this old devil actually gave himself the blame for being chased by the black whale!

"Senior is joking, how could it be me that it's chasing?"

Chu Chen looked innocent.

"Senior, you have the highest cultivation level among all of them! If the Ancient Ning Kong Whale wants to devour blood, it must be that the spiritual power and blood in your body are the richest, and you are the most attractive to him!"

Chu Chen's face was very aggrieved, but his heart was panicked.

When the prey in front of them is running away, the Ning Kong Ancient Whale, as a hunter, will definitely choose the fattest prey among them to hunt. This is the instinct of all creatures.

Originally, Chu Chen thought that among all the monks, the old guy Duan Ji had the greatest attraction to the Ancient Ningkong Beast.

But as time went by, he gradually discovered that the huge consciousness of the Ancient Ning Kong Whale seemed to be focused more on himself.

In that vast consciousness, he clearly felt a strong desire for the power of the soul, which was far higher than the desire for blood...


What the Ancient Ning Kong Whale wants to devour most is not the blood, but the power of the soul!

Among the monks participating in the entire sky auction venue, in terms of soul power, probably no one can compare with Chu Chen himself!

After thinking about it, Chu Chen confirmed that he was the best prey.

But no matter how clear he was in his heart, Chu Chen would never admit it.

Chu Chen knew very well that Duan Ji, an old man, would decisively give up on him in order to escape.

Without Duan Ji, no matter how he escaped, he would not be able to escape the fate of being buried in the belly of a fish.

"Is it me? But why do I feel that the fish's attention is more focused on you?"

Although Duan Ji's soul power is not as powerful and sharp as Chu Chen's,

But after all, he was one of the ten most powerful people in the evil way, so he still felt something was wrong.

"Senior must have lost his sense of measure under tremendous pressure. Is my strength in the Lingxi Realm worthy of being preyed upon by this giant whale? Senior, calm down and come to your own conclusion."

Chu Chen chuckled and felt weak again.

Don't let the old fox discover the truth!


At this moment, the Ancient Ning Kong Whale, hundreds of miles away, once again let out an earth-shattering roar, and a series of terrifying void shock waves crashed in.

The last two half-step Tianhe-level monks who were still following Duan Ji not far behind exploded into pieces amid a burst of shrill screams.

Now, there are no other monks behind Duan Ji and Chu Chen, only the two of them.

The other monks who were with the team either died or turned around and fled!

Chu Chen was led by Duan Laomo and flew wildly. The old demon almost used up all his strength to escape. He escaped into the void and rushed out again. He almost exhausted his ability to escape from the sky, just to save his life. Get rid of the black whale.

The Ancient Ning Kong Whale was still pursuing it relentlessly.

The distance was still shortening a little bit, and Chu Chen could clearly sense that the murderous intent and malice on the giant beast were getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that not catching his final prey for such a long time has completely annoyed this terrifying ancient king-level beast.

"You little bastard, look, this fish is really coming for you!"

Duan Ji, who had doubts in his mind, quickly drew a mysterious talisman between his eyebrows with a finger while he was flying rapidly.

I saw a sky-blue light-like eye suddenly open on his forehead.

When the azure eyes looked in the direction of the Ancient Ning Kong Whale, the old man suddenly became furious and his whole body was ignited with light black flames of rage.

"As expected, you are really dragging me down, why don't you get out of here!"

Duan Ji shook Huntian Ling hard, and Chu Chen followed the black and yellow belt and scurried around in the void, but there was no intention to separate.

"If you want to die, die on your own. I don't want to be killed by that fish with you!!"

Duan Ji cursed loudly, but he didn't know if it was because of distraction that his speed became slower.

A black ball of light flew just a hundred feet behind him like lightning...

"Damn it!"

Cursing fiercely, Duan Ji shook his arm fiercely, and an ice-blue stream of light rushed behind him with a whoosh, exploded violently, and transformed into a giant ice-blue net to protect him behind him.

At the same time, his arm that was wrapped around Hun Tianling suddenly pulled Chu Chen, who was hundreds of feet away, to his side.


The void trembled, and the black ball of light exploded. Countless rays of fine black light shot out and were caught by the giant ice-blue net.

The giant net was about a hundred feet in size, so in this torrential rain of death magic light, the area covered by the giant net became the only safe place.

"Senior is really kind to me."

Chu Chen gratefully waved his hand at Duan Ji. Although the old man told him to get away quickly, he was able to help him when danger came. It seemed that he was not completely ruthless.

"Little fox, I have thought clearly. I have been flying with you for so long. If I give up on you now, all the hard work ahead will be in vain. Moreover, with my ability and a small sacrifice, I can still take you to escape. But I saved your life, so you have to remember to return this favor to me."

"Senior, I am not an ungrateful person. I will definitely repay senior with a huge surprise for this rescue!"

Chu Chen knew that Lao Mo's promise to save him at this moment was true, and he would definitely repay this businessman with huge profits.

"Very good, don't forget your promise today."

Duan Ji glared at him and saw the dense rain of black light disappear slightly, and the figure turned into a black electric light and rushed towards the earth with a whoosh.

"The power of space in the sky is the most unstable. Let's go down and return to the ground. The closer we get to the ground, the restraints of the rules of the earth will make the Ancient Nether Whale less terrifying."

Chu Chen nodded, and at the same time urged his body skills to follow Duan Ji. The two of them seemed like two dazzling meteors falling from the sky, and entered a dense ancient jungle with a bang.

Rolling air waves roared in all directions, and the huge impact created a huge crater with a radius of several hundred feet in the vast forest.

Following closely behind them, the huge Ancient Ning Kong Whale also fell from the high sky.

The huge Ning Kong Ancient Whale was like an ancient giant mountain falling from the sky. Its superb space control ability did not cause the ancient whale to fall to the ground. It stopped in mid-air hundreds of feet above the ground, and then headed directly towards Duan. The pursuit continued in the direction in which the murderer fled.

Waves of biting wind pressure spread in all directions. The Ancient Ning Kong Whale's body was a thousand feet long. Under its rapid flight, the wind surrounding it turned into violent tornadoes that swept across the sky, blowing away pieces of tall ancient whales. The giant trees stood up from the ground with force.

Smoke and dust billowed, gravel flew, it felt like the end of the world!

This ancient dense forest is very dense, with trees reaching a height of more than a hundred feet and stretching endlessly.

Once a human monk enters it, he seems to have entered a green ocean and disappears easily.

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