Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1589 The Strongest Disguise Technique

Chu Chen was led by Duan Ji Lightning into Baizhang Gusen.

But in front of the giant Ning Kong Ancient Whale, the giant tree that was a hundred feet high was no more than a piece of shallow grass.

Any time the ancient whale roared, the sound waves alone could level an entire forest with a radius of thousands of feet.

Coupled with its terrifying space manipulation ability, waves of destruction suddenly swept through the entire forest.

Boom boom boom...

Duan Ji dragged Chu Chen through the dense forest, gritting his teeth and running like lightning. The giant trees behind them fell down in large numbers, the soil was flying, the dust was all over the sky, and the black giant was approaching step by step!

"Dead fish, how long will I have to chase your grandfather?"

Duan Ji became a little anxious, his eyes narrowed, "Ran!"

In one breath, he completely released all the spiritual power in his body, and the space around his body began to become empty and blurry.

The spiritual power billowing out from the body directly formed a ball of jet-black flame around the body. The black flame burned blazingly. From a distance, it looked like a black human-shaped torch.

Chu Chen, who was already close to Duan Ji, felt that this terrifying black flame could ignite the soul of any living thing!

Extremely dangerous!

Chu Chen was just like this, carried by the humanoid black flame, constantly shuttling through the forest.

Duan Ji was moving through another strange way, seemingly flying but not flying, floating but not floating, fast and slow. For a few moments, Chu Chen even felt that the two of them had stopped moving! ?

But in fact, Chu Chen knew very well that the two of them were running wildly through the forest at an unparalleled speed!

The fundamental reason why he had the illusion of stillness several times was that Duan Ji's terrifying movement technique, which was similar to the movement of the universe, made him unable to adapt, so that his soul could not keep up with the state of his body.

Chu Chen could only sigh that the top ten evil ways were indeed the strongest existences in the world.

After entering the vast ancient jungle, within just a few breaths, Duan Ji took Chu Chen into the depths of a dense and outrageous forest.


Duan Ji made a silent gesture.

The next second, Duan Ji flew his palms and quickly triggered a set of spells. Countless black talisman words were flying in the surrounding space. He raised his hand to hold up a palm-sized dark green ball of light.

The light ball drifted and fell towards the thick black earth covered with dead leaves.

The green light took root on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a towering tree with a height of 100 feet, wrapping the two people in the middle of the tree, protecting them all.

At this moment, the aura on Duan Ji's body completely disappeared!

Even with Chu Chen's spiritual sensitivity, he couldn't sense the slightest trace of human aura at such a close distance!

Chu Chen's own breath also disappeared without a trace, and the two people's breath seemed to be eaten by this "old tree" that was identical to the surrounding giant trees.

What a brilliant disguise!

Chu Chen was slightly shocked. If he hadn't seen Duan Ji throw a ball of light and transform into a giant tree to protect the two of them, he wouldn't have discovered that there were actually two living people inside the giant tree.

This kind of camouflage is the pinnacle of camouflage. If you want to carry out a hidden assassination, it is easy to master.


After a few breaths, the faces of Chu Chen and Duan Ji, who were hiding inside the giant tree, suddenly changed!

Although they turned into giant trees, the huge consciousness of the Ancient Ning Kong Whale was not affected by the breath of the giant trees and the rich wood spiritual energy in the forest, and locked onto them across multiple spaces!

"Go, why is this dead fish's nose smarter than a dog's? The ghost is still there!"

Duan Ji cursed secretly and broke through the giant tree with a bang, turning into a stream of light and dragging Chu Chen towards the distance again.

Chu Chen, who was being led, followed closely. Relying on the restraints of Wu Wu Ling and the magic of his own nameless footwork, as well as the power of the old demon, although he was panting, he was not particularly embarrassed.

The huge aura of the giant whale radiated overwhelmingly throughout the forest. The aura of the king who stood at the top of the food chain brought a complete disaster to the creatures in the entire ancient forest.

Its scent rolls like waves through the forest!

So while the ancient whales were chasing Duan Ji, Chuchen and the others, the ancient beasts lurking in the forest along the way were also running frantically for their lives.

These ancient beasts, large and small, either scurry around like headless flies, or rush into the sky in large groups.

The entire ancient forest was in shambles.

Duan Ji's eyes turned. When he was flying past a huge old tree with lightning speed, he suddenly turned around and quickly changed direction. Then he pulled Chu Chen on several giant trees continuously. After the jump, dive straight down.

Chu Chen, whose vision was blurred during the rapid movement, waited until he reacted and realized that the old demon was leading him towards a roaring ancient demon leopard.

This red-eyed leopard with red stripes all over its body was huge and dozens of feet long. It obviously felt threatened. It ran wildly and roared to the sky!

The shock caused countless giant leaves to fall and branches to break!

Chu Chen could clearly sense that this leopard was at least half a Tianhe-level ancient ferocious beast, and the old demon led Chu Chen into its bloody mouth!

As soon as his eyesight dimmed, a disgusting fishy smell entered Chu Chen's nostrils. Chu Chen, who was dragged by Duan Ji and landed on the leopard's giant tongue, felt sticky and slippery under his feet. He lost his balance and fell down. fall down.

"Senior, you really have a strong taste!"

Chu Chen growled helplessly. This ancient magic leopard was dozens of feet long, even though it looked like a small ant compared to the Ancient Ning Kong Whale.

But it's still too big compared to the human body.

At least any fang in its mouth is much taller than a human!

Its upper and lower tusks are as white as white mountain cliffs!

Duan Ji and Chu Chen rushed into its mouth, just like a small flying insect rushed into the mouth of a running person.

The terrifying coercion of the Ning Kong Ancient Whale made the Fantasy Ancient Demonic Leopard have no time to pay too much attention to the food that broke into its mouth. It swallowed it several times and still ran away lifelessly.

Duan Ji, who was swallowed by the Magic Ancient Demon Leopard and slid into his stomach along his trachea, showed a set of miraculous movements at this moment. He seemed to be skating, but he did not fall down. He was not at all like Chu Chen on the other side of Hun Tianling was so embarrassed that he was rolling and crawling.

Duan Ji shuttled through the greasy esophagus and stomach of the ancient giant beast, but there was no dirt on his body at all. Instead, Chu Chen had to open his spiritual shield to avoid being showered with gastric juices and saliva. All in one.

The two of them seemed to be falling down a dark cave tunnel.

The two of them shuttled along the long esophagus of the Ancient Magic Leopard for a while, and came to a relatively open place.

This is the stomach of the Ancient Demonic Leopard. It is full of thick mucus and is shrinking constantly. It can be seen that the Demonic Leopard has just had a full meal, and there is still a large piece of incompletely digested ancient beast bones in its stomach.

The two found a slightly clean space slightly above the Demon Leopard's stomach, and then huddled there motionless.

Chu Chen suddenly felt like vomiting!

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