Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1590 The Wisdom of the King Beast

To be honest, Duan Ji's camouflage skills really opened Chu Chen's eyes. Not only did he hide in the body of a huge ancient beast, but he also used a secret technique to cut off the vitality of the two people's bodies. The breath of living things came out, like two pieces of dead meat swallowed by the Phantom Leopard.

Hiding his aura, and then using the cover of the moving ancient beast to escape from the tracking range of the giant whale, Duan Laomo is really clever!

The ancient magic leopard is called "Phantom", which means that this ancient ferocious beast is extremely fast, and its movement speed is definitely comparable to the powerful creatures in the Tianhe Realm.

This sticky and smelly environment was really uncomfortable. Chu Chen could only pray that the leopard could hurry up, and even faster, enter the depths of the ancient forest, and get rid of this damn black fish.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Chu Chen felt like his days were like years. It was only two cups of tea, but it felt like two centuries.

"Oh shit!"

In the dark space, Chu Chen suddenly heard Duan Ji's scolding and secretly thought something was wrong!

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the familiar violent and vast spiritual lock fell from the sky again!

"Asshole, how on earth did this fish find us? It can't even hide this!"

Duan Ji cursed a few times with a livid face, then his whole body of spiritual power exploded, and he swung his right palm, tsk!

The Ancient Demon Leopard's body was immediately cut open with a huge gap. Chu Chen, who was hiding in his stomach, immediately saw light coming from above his head and blood spurting out from the gap!

With this strike of Duan Lao Mo's palm, he directly cut open a section of the body of the Fantasy Ancient Demon Leopard. Amidst the painful whine of the Demon Leopard, Duan Ji's arm shook, and with Chu Chen's whooshing sound, he followed the gushing Plasma shot into the sky.

Chu Chen used spiritual power to protect his body, and the protective spiritual flames evaporated a lot of leopard blood to prevent him from being too embarrassed.

Duan Ji dragged Chu Chen away from the ancient leopard who was having a crazy headache like a shooting star, dashed left and right in the dense forest, and soon ran into a roaring river in the forest.

During the subsequent escape process, Duan Ji's repeated tactics can be said to have constantly shocked and refreshed Chu Chen's outlook on life.

Chu Chen could only worship him completely. The old devil Duan Ji's skill of disguise and concealment had truly reached the level of becoming a saint.

When he plunges into the river, the aura on his body will become exactly the same as the surrounding water.

He retreated into the cave,

The whole person manifested into a stone in spiritual awareness.

He sank into the forest, and the rich wood spiritual energy emanating from his body made Chu Chen wonder where it came from.

Relying on all kinds of magical disguise and concealment techniques, although the Ancient Ning Kong Whale could teleport at will, it was still unable to truly catch the two of them.

Escaped from the pursuit of the ancient whale time and time again, Chu Chen fully experienced the powerful methods of the ten most powerful men in the evil way.

Chu Chen felt that Duan Laomo's escape skills were not only textbook level, they were simply art!

Obviously, if it weren't for Chu Chen, a burdensome person by his side, Duan Ji would have escaped the Ning Kong Ancient Whale's pursuit long ago.

Along the way, Duan Ji led him to hide here and there like a desperate man. His life hung on a thread, but Chu Chen learned something.

Even though he was just imitating Duan Ji's skills around him, and had not mastered the true essence of concealment, transformation and camouflage, Chu Chen's concealment and camouflage skills had improved a lot!

If he could survive, this escape would be considered an unexpected gain, Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Duan Ji was actually sighing at this time, he was really tricked to death by this little fox this time!

Alas, even now, I can't throw away Chu Chen as a burden. After all, I am a trustworthy businessman!

He promised to save Chu Chen's life, and hoped that he would be satisfied with his generous rewards.

Under this damn contract, I can only think about the breach of trust in my mind.

I don’t know when this escape will come to an end, death or life?


Listening to the long howl of the giant whale in the distance and the terrifying sound wave impact, I watched the giant trees around one hundred feet undulating exaggeratedly with the sound waves like grass in the prairie.

Duan Ji suddenly had the idea that he might be implicated in this business to the point of death.

But what can be done?

All we can do is grit our teeth and continue to escape!




If you can't replace the forest, you can replace it with a river. If you can't replace the river with the desert, you can't replace the desert with the grassland!


Three days and three nights passed like this, with the Ningkong Ancient Whale still chasing after him, and Duan Ji desperately struggling to survive.


After being discovered hiding in a swamp again, Duan Ji once again said a black lightning and dragged Chu Chen out fiercely.

Along the way, a 100-foot-long dragon-tailed blood crocodile living in the swamp saw someone flying overhead and suddenly became furious. Just when he was about to open his mouth and roar, he felt the fierce flames emitted by the black human-shaped torch and was so frightened that he immediately retreated back to the swamp. Went deep.

This dragon-tailed blood crocodile is a true legendary beast of the Tianhe level. It is definitely the real overlord in this swamp with a radius of ten thousand acres, and is a predator standing at the top of the food chain.

However, even such a ferocious beast still did not dare to act boldly when faced with Duan Ji, a fierce man at the level of the top ten most powerful evil spirits, and hid obediently.

Duan Ji, who had escaped from the swamp, had just been flying for less than a cup of tea, and suddenly stopped in a stone forest area. His face suddenly changed: "It seems that there is no way to escape!"


Chu Chen was stunned, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart at this moment.

It was a pure sense of impending disaster.

At this second, death was so close, as close as a knife that could split the heaven and earth was hanging above his head.

The vast soul power radiated out in all directions. When Chu Chen's soul power felt two huge groups of breath in the distance, his entire face completely changed...

About tens of thousands of feet in front of them, two huge king-level ancient beasts were rushing over from two directions in front of them, forming a "pin" shape with the Ning Kong Ancient Whale behind them. surrounded.

The two newly-appeared king beasts exuded terrifying vitality.

The king-level ancient beast in the northwest is more than two hundred feet long. It is surrounded by black energy and has six wings. It looks like a dragon but not a dragon. It also has a pair of huge goat-shaped horns. It breathes black energy and electric light, killing. The meaning is permeated.

To the northeast is a giant bird that is more than 300 feet tall. Its body is covered with gorgeous dark green feathers. With its wings spread out, it looks like a moving forest.


With its blood-red eyes, it screamed strangely, its wings burst into bright green light, and the space around its giant body was shattered!

This is a terrifying peacock beast!

Both it and the six-winged crocodile beast were terrifying existences that Chu Chen had encountered... But why did these two king beasts suddenly appear? !

At this time, these three king beasts occupied three positions respectively, completely surrounding the two of them.

And from their ever-shrinking encirclement, we can know that the appearance of these two king-level ancient beasts is definitely no accident. They are really working together to round up Duan Ji and Chu Chen!

Are you kidding me? !

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