Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1591 The old devil in desperate situation

Chu Chen almost doubted his life. He had been chased by an ancient king-level beast for several days and nights, but now he was being chased and intercepted by three ancient king-level beasts.

Are you so delicious?

This giant whale in the sky obviously found that it was difficult to catch the young and old by itself, so it actually summoned other king beasts to share the spoils!

There are only two of them, Lao Mo and me, and it’s not enough to squeeze three of them between their teeth!

While Chu Chen was thinking wildly, Duan Ji's face turned dark and his brows furrowed as he continued to fly.

"It's over, the game is over now, this dead fish actually calls for help... By the way, don't these king-level ancient beasts all kill each other when they meet, so why are they joining forces?"

No matter how much Duan Ji dragged Chu Chen to move left and right, three huge beasts slowly forced him and Duan Ji into the rocky cliff area with a radius of thousands of feet.

The domineering and terrifying auras of the three king beasts were like ancient giant mountains, and Chu Chen could no longer breathe.

"King-level ancient beasts already possess extremely high intelligence, and we can no longer simply regard them as beasts without intelligence."

Duan Ji's eyes were solemn, and he led Chu Chen to a high cliff.

"Now that the situation in the Little Fairy World is chaotic, these king beasts will naturally join forces with each other. Now it seems that these three king beasts are in a group. Our luck is really bad."

Duan Ji's voice was very low. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and electric light flowed in his black eyes. Standing in this stone forest area, standing on a single cliff, waves of huge aura spread from his body. out.

The auras of the three king beasts surged like a tsunami, and Duan Ji, who was standing on a single cliff, was not to be outdone and began to burst out with murderous intent to compete!

At this moment, Duan Ji, one of the ten most powerful men in the evil way, faced the suppressed momentum of the three king-level ancient beasts. He did not slack off at all and completely displayed his cultivation.

The turbulent auras of the three king beasts like the sea have flooded the world. The entire stone forest area was directly invaded by the three storms. Suddenly, the stone pillars collapsed and dust filled the sky!

Duan Ji, who was at the center of the storm, was dressed in black robes, with black flames burning in his eyes. First, wisps of black energy erupted from his body. When the black energy became thicker and thicker, he let out a low scolding, and a terrifying black light beam erupted from him. The body storm burst out and soared into the sky!

Suddenly, the aura of the king beast on the cliff where Chu Chen and Duan Ji stood,

Washed away completely.

But at this time, two of the three king beasts have appeared in their field of vision, and they are finally here!


Six huge purple-black wings covered the sky. The six-winged Sheephorn slowly flew down from the west. Its body was covered with purple-black scales. At this time, there were streaks of lightning that were more than ten feet thick. Each one The lightning was like a wild dragon, lingering around it, faintly transforming into a fantasy world of thunder and lightning.

However, compared to the huge body of the Ning Kong Ancient Whale, which is thousands of feet long, the Sheephorn Dragon Beast appears to be smaller.

Its body length is only more than two hundred feet long.

But its six giant wings are more than 600 feet long when fully extended, enough to cover the sky and the sun!

The open membrane wings were covered with thick scales, which made Chu Chen feel that it was invulnerable and invincible.

It feels like each giant wing can smash a mountain into pieces.

Every inch of the muscles on its majestic body bulged out with extremely hard lines, as if it contained endless explosive power.

A monster that is invulnerable, powerful, and can swallow thunder and lightning!

The Peacock King in the north is more than three hundred feet tall with its wings fully spread. It is like a huge green forest floating in the sky.

The most eye-catching thing about this monster king beast is its tail. The gorgeous tail feathers are actually longer than its body.

This long tail is like a river, spanning the void!

It chirped strangely, and the dark green feathers on its body were as clear as green divine gold, exuding a powerful pressure.

Streams of dark green flames burned around it, lighting up the sky!

This is just the body-protecting flame that it normally emits. It has already burned the surrounding void, which is constantly collapsing, shrinking, and gathering, forming small space black holes around its surface.

Is this just a protective flame? It can form small space black holes one after another. How powerful is this? Absolutely perverted! !

However, the thunder dragon beast to the west and the green light demon bird to the north are not what makes Duan Ji most uneasy. The threat that makes him most uneasy comes from the rear!


With an earth-shattering roar, the Ancient Ning Kong Whale behind them finally entered the field of vision of the two of them!

The body that is thousands of feet long is like a mountain range flying towards it.

Wherever it went, the howling wind gathered into black storms and swept up, and the stirred space shook violently like a tide.

The three king beasts gather together!

The spiritual pressure in the space had reached an unparalleled level. Chu Chen and Duan Ji's heads felt like three giant peaks were pressing down on them.

Duan Ji put away the black light that shot into the sky, and a dazzling spiritual shield lit up around him, directly covering Chu Chen.

Surrounded by three king-level ancient beasts, although they have not yet launched an attack, the huge spiritual pressure alone is enough to crush the super strong man of the Spirit River Realm to death.

With Chu Chen and Duan Ji at the center, the space with a radius of thousands of feet was completely rioting, with turbulent space flow and void cracks crisscrossing the space.

Violent winds, thunder and lightning, and flames were entangled with each other and rushing around, as if they would be completely destroyed in the next second!

The three king beasts looked ferociously at the two people surrounding the center, their murderous intent getting stronger and stronger!

Chu Chen even felt that the space where he and Duan Ji were standing would be completely eroded and destroyed by their murderous intent!

"How dare you, a mere ancient beast, underestimate me, a strong human being!!"

The huge pressure roared like a landslide and a tsunami, and Duan Ji suddenly roared to the sky.

In an instant, black light burst out from his body again.

The billowing ink light surged and rolled, and actually condensed a huge evil god's dharma image in the void!

The evil god has four wings on his back and is more than three hundred feet tall.

It has two huge horns on its head, and a purple-black magic dragon is wrapped around each of its six arms. There is a tail behind it that is longer than its body. The tip of the tail is covered with bone spurs that are dozens of feet long. It seems that the whole body They all seemed to be born specifically for fighting, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Thick black smoke billowed up and burst out from the Evil God's Dharma Appearance, completely dispelling the terrifying pressure of the king-level ancient beast in the void.

Every inch of its flesh seemed to be made of black steel, full of explosive power.

The most striking thing is that the evil god has six eyes, but there are no pupils in the eyes. There is only darkness as deep as hell, surrounded by thick black smoke.

Chu Chen below felt that his soul was about to be sucked away just by looking at the empty beady eyes of the evil god!

Is the old devil going to do something hard?

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