Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1602: Laying down the foundation

"How could I have guessed?"

Chu Chen glanced at the little hamster, "I'm so tired now that I can't even think straight. This thing is hard to handle."

"You have just started using this ancient treasure. It is not easy to basically activate it, let alone refining so many fairy crystals. Your spiritual power consumption is actually abnormal. Once you truly master the activation of it, This method will consume less spiritual energy.”

Listening to the little hamster's explanation, Chu Chen nodded slowly to express his understanding.

"Swallow this drop of spiritual energy first and see how effective it is in replenishing spiritual power."

The little hamster looked expectant.

Looking at this situation, Chu Chen saw that it was obvious that the little hamster himself did not know how powerful this spiritual liquid was.

In the little hamster's eager eyes, Chu Chen swallowed the drop of jade-like spiritual source into his belly.

When he closed his eyes, he immediately felt that he had swallowed a small pellet of sun, which was extremely warm but would not hurt his internal organs.

The small sun slowly fell into Chu Chen's dantian, and a ball of hot flame immediately rose from the dantian, and immediately turned into a heat current and traveled through the meridians of Chu Chen's body.

After six cycles, all the heat flow returns to Dantian and escapes into the deepest sea of ​​qi.

"How about it?"

The little hamster couldn't wait.

Chu Chen showed a bitter smile, "This thing is a bit tricky. It consumed 30% of my spiritual power. As a result, the refined spiritual source did not even fully replenish the three levels of spiritual power I consumed. How can I continue to make ends meet like this? It may improve your cultivation.”

Chu Chen shook his head with a grimace.

After hearing this, the little hamster pondered for a moment, "It seems that I overestimated the spiritual source content of these dozen fairy crystals, and the most important step is to let you replenish the consumption with elixirs first, and then absorb the spiritual source. Directly using spiritual sources to replenish consumption is simply a waste of resources.”

"I understand."

"Another one, even a small amount of Immortal Crystal is still of no use. A large amount of treasures have to be used. I bought two legendary treasures during the chaos of the sky auction. You can also contribute, and all the legendary treasures obtained from the sky auction will be Hand it over and throw it in."

The little hamster set an example. With a flick of his little paw, he threw in a broken semi-legendary ancient sword.

Another ring with better quality also flew into the altar.

The little hamster was bleeding profusely. Although Chu Chen was a little reluctant to part with the five legendary treasures that he finally got at the sky auction, when he thought about it, there were still two chaos-level ones anyway.

Just practice!

Chu Chen gritted his teeth and threw these shining legendary treasures one by one into the Immortal Refining Altar.

"Teacher Cang, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you don't refine something in the end, I won't be done with you."

Chu Chen glanced at the little hamster.

"Don't worry, don't worry, didn't I also invest in two legendary treasures? Don't be so petty! Calm down."

"Your two remnants, and my five may be intact legendary treasures."

Chu Chen really couldn't calm down.

Legendary magic weapons are hard to come by, and if the final result is just a few drops of spiritual liquid, it will really be a waste of money.

"No matter what, just throw it in and start practicing."

The little hamster ignored Chu Chen's sadness and kept urging him.

Chu Chen took a deep breath and controlled the Immortal Refining Altar containing the treasures to rise into the air.

Raising his arms and flying with his fingers, Chu Chen once again sketched mysterious and complicated totems in the void.

The crystal-like purple flames burned blazingly. After this first experience, he felt that he was a little more proficient this time, but the spiritual power consumption did not decrease, it was still the same!

But this time Chu Chen came prepared, and had already prepared the spirit-boosting elixirs, because he knew that so many legendary treasures were definitely not like the dozens of fairy crystals before, which meant a protracted war.

No matter how hard it is, you must persevere until everything is refined.

In this way, Chu Chen gritted his teeth, and while the spiritual power in his body was burning crazily, he continued to refine the treasures in the Immortal Altar by swallowing pills.

Just like that, the sky turned dark, the dark turned light, and three days and three nights passed!

Chu Chen finally completed this ritual of emptying his body.

However, Chu Chen did not rush to inspect the loot. His body was already close to collapse. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and continued to use elixirs to replenish his physical strength and consumed spiritual energy.

After about three hours, after finishing his meditation and breath control, he opened his eyes to see the stars in the sky.

"Boy, my spiritual power is fully replenished."

The little hamster had a proud smile on his face.

"It's filled up. You're smiling so happily. It seems like there's something good going on."

Chu Chen has become more and more familiar with the little hamster's character, and he can tell what it is thinking just by looking at it.

"Just see for yourself."

The little hamster pointed at the Immortal Refining Altar. Chu Chen stood up and took two steps forward. He found that the Immortal Refining Altar this time was completely different from before.

Because what comes out of it is actually golden light!

The seven legendary treasures are indeed a little different!

Chu Chen looked around and saw that there was only a drop of suspended spiritual liquid in the Immortal Refining Altar. It was dark golden in color.

The dark golden brilliance flows, crystal clear like diamond.

There is a layer of faint golden mist surrounding the spiritual liquid, and the drop of spiritual source is like a treasure in the fairy palace.

"Eat it."

The little hamster's expression also became serious.

Chu Chen said nothing and nodded vigorously.

At this moment, without hesitation, he opened his mouth and swallowed the drop of dark golden spiritual source into his mouth.


He felt like he had a sun in his mouth. This sun was hundreds of times stronger than the previous white spiritual source!

Extremely hot!

He felt as if his head was on fire.

He hurriedly wrapped the small blazing sun with spiritual power, but it was still extremely hot. Chu Chen could clearly detect the dark golden smoke coming out of his mouth, nose and ears.

Smoke from the five orifices!

Chu Chen couldn't help but look at the little hamster with pleading eyes. The little hamster faced him and made a gesture of swallowing it quickly.

Although the original white spiritual source was a bit hot, Chu Chen knew that he would never be burned by it.

But Chu Chen had an instinctive fear about this drop of golden spiritual source. He felt that after swallowing it, his whole body would burn.

"Swallow! What are you doing standing still?"

The little hamster urged again.

Chu Chen already felt that his mouth was so hot that it was about to explode. He really didn't want to swallow it directly.

"If you don't swallow it, it will start to dissipate, and so many treasures will be wasted."

When Chu Chen, who had dark golden smoke coming out of his five orifices, heard this, he no longer hesitated and directly swallowed the small burning sun that was so hot that it was about to explode.

The scorching sun sank straight into Dantian, but wherever it passed, Chu Chen's internal organs were burned with burning pain!

There is obviously a large amount of spiritual energy package, but it is useless!

The moment the scorching sun sank into his dantian, Chu Chen felt that his dantian turned into a sea of ​​fire, and all the spiritual power in his body seemed to be ignited.


Chu Chen wants to cry but has no tears... () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts with the laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing healthy and green information. reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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