Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1603 Super Spiritual Source

The Dantian, Qi sea, soul realm, and meridians throughout the body all burned!

Chu Chen felt that his whole body was on fire, and dark golden smoke visible to the naked eye came out of the pores on his body.

The little hamster on the side could no longer see his true face, only a smoky man dancing around!

"Calm down, be sure to calm down!"

Chu Chen, who had been burned to the point of unconsciousness by the dark golden spiritual source in his dantian, desperately warned himself to calm down.

But it backfired as his vision was blurred and he stumbled directly into the air, falling from the top of a hundred-foot giant tree.

With golden smoke all over his body, he just crushed countless branches and leaves, and kept falling downwards!

The little hamster just stared at him dumbfounded, howling and quickly disappeared from his sight.

"If I go, I won't die if I fall."

The little hamster muttered something, then stretched out his right paw, and a ray of silver light flew out. It spun around in the air a few times and then latched onto the sleeping "Duan Ji" body.

Then it jumped up and flew down. Duan Ji's body was also pulled by it, and flew down together. At this time, under its pulling, Duan Ji's body, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, was as light as a fallen leaf.




The little hamster nimbly jumped between the trees, constantly approaching the ground, and Duan Ji, who was dressed in black robe, also circled down like a kite.

As the little hamster gradually approached the ground, dark golden smoke was seen coming out from the green branches below.


The little hamster, who was about to descend further, heard a heavy muffled sound and saw an old tree of more than ten feet in front of him falling in his direction.


The little hamster hurriedly stepped aside, but it only cared about itself, and the body of Duan Ji it was pulling was swept down by a branch of the big tree that was pressing down.

The little hamster stretched out and pulled Duan Ji back, who was covered in fallen leaves.

"What are you doing..."

Before the little hamster finished speaking,

There was another loud noise in my ears.




Big trees fell down one after another. Fortunately, the little hamster was prepared this time and used "Duan Ji" to calmly dodge these falling trees.

"Is this boy Chu Chen crazy?"

At this time, the little hamster was no longer in a hurry to get down to the ground, because it had already seen that as long as the dark golden smoke rose from wherever it came, a big tree would fall down.

It knew very well that Chu Chen should be burned madly by the dark golden "spiritual source" fire!

Unable to absorb it quickly, Chu Chen could only attack everything crazily to reduce the burning of himself by the "dark gold spiritual source".

He's hammering the tree!




The sound of Chu Chen hitting the giant tree continued to ring in the little hamster's ears. With the heavy blows, the little hamster's brows were beating.

It knew that Chu Chen was in great pain at this time. If Chu Chen could not control and absorb this "dark golden spiritual source", then Chu Chen might be burned to death by it!

Chu Chen's current handling can be said to be extremely bad!

However, the little hamster still suppressed his thoughts. This was Chu Chen's disaster and fate!

This is the first drop of dark golden spiritual source refined in the Immortal Refining Altar. If Chu Chen can't even handle this, how will he improve his cultivation level next.

If he wanted to improve his cultivation level, Chu Chen had to endure these sufferings.

Looking at the fallen giant trees one after another, the little hamster suddenly remembered the few human monks it had chosen in the past long years.

Its eyes gradually turned cold.

The past years have been too long, so long that it has forgotten certain things. In the long years, its choices have created one legend after another!

And it also used these legends to establish an extremely glorious force!

The ancient power is so glorious that even time cannot completely erase it. Now the first seal is about to be completely released. Maybe it's time to once again get in touch with the ancient power that I established.

If you can leave the fairy world alive.

Now, I still have to stay with this boy Chu Chen.

After leaving the fairy world, you can make your own decision. Now, I just hope that Chu Chen can get through it first!

This ancient forest quickly darkened and night fell.

The little hamster was just under the starry sky, watching the frequency of big trees falling slowly decreasing, and the entire ancient forest gradually becoming quiet.

Early the next morning, Chu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in a huge pit, slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

In the ancient forest that has returned to calm, the lush green leaves are covered with morning dew.

Everywhere in the ancient forest is full of vitality.

In this huge pit created by Chu Chen, he felt as if he had been reborn.

Chu Chen couldn't bear to go back to the process of refining the "dark gold spiritual source" last night, but he finally succeeded in refining this terrifying spiritual source.

It’s time to test the results of your absorption!

Chu Chen took a deep breath and looked inside his body with his spiritual consciousness. Each spiritual stream became wider and more powerful than before.

At the same time, outside the four vast spiritual streams, the fifth vague spiritual stream has also begun to emerge, outlining a faint shadow...

Chu Chen never expected that this fifth spiritual stream would have been opened up!

Although it is still just a stream, it is only one step away from the Five Streams.

You must know that there is only one way to improve the Lingxi realm, which is to open a new Lingxi.

The top priority of this development is Xiyin!

The stream diversion is completed. As long as the spiritual source is filled inside, the new spiritual stream will be completely awakened!

This means that this drop of dark golden spiritual energy almost directly changed Chu Chen's cultivation from Four Streams to Five Streams.

"Not bad, I finally achieved the effect I wanted."

The little hamster appeared on the ground above Chu Chen's head holding the ancient Immortal Refining Altar. Its eyes were full of pride, "The Immortal Refining Altar is indeed well-deserved. Just a drop of Dark Gold Spiritual Source can almost elevate you to a higher level!"

"There is no need to be so complacent. Don't forget that we exchanged seven legendary treasures for this drop of dark gold spiritual source. Moreover, it is more difficult to improve the realm as you go up. This fifth stream requires two drops of dark gold spiritual stream. , the sixth stream cannot exceed twenty drops, which will consume treasures. "

Chu Chen reminded lightly.

"The treasure is not a problem. Don't we have Duan Laomo's body?"

The little hamster pointed with a sly smile on his face and pointed at the old man in black robe not far away who was leaning against a big tree with his eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping.

This is the soulless body of Duan Ji. Even though he is in a soulless state, he still exudes an extremely powerful aura.

Chu Chen thought that the corpses of legendary strong men would attract stories of shocking monsters.

Now that this old devil's body is here, I must exert all its value!

"I hope you can enter the Linghe River as soon as possible. The situation in the Little Immortal Realm is too chaotic now, and your strength can no longer increase so slowly."

The little hamster's eyes were filled with eagerness.

"Well, with the help of Senior Duan, I should be able to enter the Linghe Realm soon."

Expectation also ignited in Chu Chen's eyes. The destructive power of his Spirit River Realm was equal to that of a normal monk's Tianhe Realm!

(End of this chapter) () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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