Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1604 The Girl’s Waiting

The effect of the Immortal Refining Altar was far beyond Chu Chen's expectations, because this thing is not just as simple as returning to nature and refining treasures into spiritual power!

It also greatly purifies and compresses the effectiveness of spiritual power, so that this most original spiritual source can not only directly absorb and transform it, but also greatly improve the monk's cultivation effect!

The treasure at the bottom of the little hamster's box is indeed a good thing.

"That's almost it. Let's go and go back to find Lan Xuan and the others."

Chu Chen gently brushed away a few green leaves that fell on his shoulders, and made a gesture towards the little hamster beside him.

In fact, Chu Chen was a little worried about Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin. Although the Ancient Ning Kong Whale kept chasing him and Duan Ji, its terrifying black light was shooting everywhere.

They also killed many monks.

I don’t know if they all escaped safely. Now I have to rush back to their home habitat to see.

Chu Chen flew up to a large leafy tree, grabbed Duan Ji who was hanging on it, and carried it directly on his right shoulder while flying out.

While Chu Chen was flying, the little hamster was also very fast. Like a small white shadow, it bounced a few times in the forest and landed directly on Chu Chen's empty left shoulder.

"I find that your fat rat is much more flexible than before, isn't it?"

Chu Chen jumped over a giant tree with a swipe of his hand and began to fly among the tree crowns. At this time, thousands of green trees were like a vast green ocean.

"That's right, I am much more powerful than you think."

When the little hamster was praised, his face was filled with exaggerated pride.

"Stop bragging, be careful of your tongue."

Chu Chen was flying very fast, and the wind made his whole body dance wildly, and the two fleshy balls on the little hamster's cheeks were also trembling.

"Hmph, I am not afraid of anything."

As the little hamster was thinking, he seemed to think of something, "By the way, don't you try the effect of using the power of the soul to activate Duan Ji's physical body?"

"is this necessary?"

"Very good. Don't find out that you can't control this clone when you need to use it. Practice makes perfect in everything.


The little hamster's eyes flickered.

"No need, I am an expert in the secret technique of activating clones."

After Chu Chen said a word calmly, he raised his voice and flew towards the east.

Only gray afterimages are left in the green forest!

At this moment, Chu Chen just hoped to get back to the camp as quickly as possible, and at the same time, he also hoped that the camp would not be empty except for himself.

In fact, Chu Chen didn't know that at this time, there were already companions in the camp waiting for the return of others.

There are many ancient forests in Xiaoxian World, and dense ancient forests can be seen everywhere. However, there is one dense forest that is extremely magical. The leaves of the giant trees here are all sword-shaped and hard in texture. At first glance, each tree seems to be hung with countless The small dark green sword looks particularly magical.

In order to easily distinguish the area, this forest was named "Iron Sword Forest".

It's the area where everyone's camp is located.

Just on the edge of the Iron Sword Forest, in a hidden cave, a graceful light blue figure was looking into the distance with a worried look.

After escaping from the Sky Auction, Zhou Lin had been waiting alone for three days.

When the ancient king-level beasts attacked, everyone completely ran away.

Zhou Lin never expected that she would be the first person to return to the camp, and she originally estimated that everyone would be able to join her in two days at most.

But now three full days have passed, and no one has come.

Could it be... could something happen to them all?

With such thoughts passing through her mind, Zhou Lin couldn't help but clenched her hands.

She has been thinking wildly these past few days, and the girl has already been in a state of confusion.

Zhou Lin was actually one of the first batch of monks trapped in the Immortal Realm. During the first catastrophe, she followed several of her senior sisters and fled into the dense forest.

The few of them have always been isolated from other monks, taking care of each other carefully, hiding in the ancient forest for a long time, occasionally going to the settlement to purchase daily necessities, and trying to avoid interacting with other monks.

Zhou Lin has an innocent nature, and she didn't know why the senior sisters were unwilling to approach other monks at first. Later, in the fairy world, it is common for monks to kill people and steal goods.

Only then did I realize that in this little fairy world, these beautiful young monks were just like prey for others.

Zhou Lin thought that she and her senior sisters could support each other until the blockade of the fairy world was lifted, but unexpectedly, all her senior sisters died in the second cataclysm.

Being left alone, she gritted her teeth and entered the gathering point of the monks. After choosing from thousands of choices, she finally found a Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group that had a good reputation and the members supported each other.

Unexpectedly, during the new training period, they quickly encountered the third catastrophe.

She was immediately frightened to death.

But this time, fortunately, there are Chu Chen, Lan Xuan who talks a lot but is quite reliable, and Xuan Ke who is silent but caring. Even the witch Shi Yuyan can't be disliked by Zhou Lin.

Because these people, in the common hardships, have become the people that the girl trusts the most.

Especially Chu Chen...

It's a pity that Zhou Lin feels that she is too ordinary. People like Chu Chen will fly higher and higher one day, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to look up to him.

But...but at least we fought side by side, which will be the best memory when we get older.

Thinking of this, the girl's white cheeks turned slightly red, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise beside him.

Zhou Lin turned around and saw a three-foot-long blood-red centipede slowly emerging from the thick pile of yellow dead branches and leaves.

"This, this is a highly poisonous blood centipede!"

All the hairs on Zhou Lin's body stood up in an instant. The most dangerous things in the Little Immortal World today are those king-level ancient beasts that are so tyrannical that they defy the heavens. However, except for the king-level ancient beasts, the most dangerous ones are not those The ferocious beasts in the Linghe Realm are all kinds of poisonous insects!

The poisonous insects in the Little Fairy World are all unique species from ancient times. These poisonous insects are ugly in appearance and extremely poisonous.

Zhou Lin vaguely remembered that when she had just escaped here three days ago, she had witnessed a six-legged dragon leopard at the peak of the Linghe realm suddenly fall to the ground and die while running.

There was a bloody centipede hanging from the neck of that six-legged dragon and leopard!

Poisonous insects that can easily poison the ferocious beasts at the peak of the Linghe Realm...

Zhou Lin has been particularly afraid of these things since she was a child. If it were before, she would be scared to tears.

But now, I have experienced so many things in the fairy world.

She no longer shows weakness easily. She told herself countless times that she must be strong and not cry.

You may have to rely on your companions now, but one day, you will also be able to rely on your companions.

Even if it is impossible to become a being like Chu Chen, you still have to get closer to him, no matter how little.

Let’s kill this poisonous insect now!

call out!

Just as Zhou Lin gingerly took out a light blue long sword from the storage ring, preparing to kill the poisonous insects.

A cold sword light suddenly flashed across the sky.

It directly carved a deep crack of more than ten feet on the ground, not far from Zhou Lin's feet.

The crack actually revealed the breath of death!

Zhou Lin secretly screamed that something was wrong, gritted her teeth, and retreated violently. She had been in the fairy world for so long, and she was already very sure that when it was time to escape, she must not hesitate.

(End of this chapter) () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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