Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1613 The stupid me


A basin of cold river water poured down from his head, waking up the unconscious Chu Chen. He shivered involuntarily. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a pile of brown rocks with injuries all over his body. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

However, when the spiritual energy turned in his body, he found that they were all ** external injuries, and the meridians in his body were broken!

Falling from the cliff, he was only injured. Although this body was very different from that of Duan Lao Mo, it also made Chu Chen a little relieved.

The hamster's fat face looked at him as if it was laughing.


"Laughing ass!"

Lying in the pile of rocks, Chu Chen couldn't help but glare at it.

"Too funny! Hahaha...hahahaha...I've lived for so many years, and I don't see many fools like you. I suspect that if you control Duan Xiong's clone with a little more force, will you slap yourself to death with one palm?"

At this moment, Chu Chen also felt stupid.

"Hahaha... the first cultivator in history to kill the original body with a clone... hahaha..."

The hamster laughed so hard that he fell backwards, holding his belly and jumping up and down.

"Stop it! I'm not very proficient in activating Duan Xiong's clone, and I didn't control the strength for a while..."

While defending, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel his face blushing no matter how thick his skin was.

He really underestimated the power contained in Duan Xiong's body. It was obviously just a "little" power for Duan Xiong, but he was able to hurt himself!

It's all because Duan Lao Mo's body is too abnormal!

Chu Chen looked up, and the high peak of Broken Dragon Cliff was half buried in the clouds.

He fell to the bottom of the cliff miserably.

That palm not only knocked him unconscious, but also flew him down from Broken Dragon Cliff.

Chu Chen turned over and tried to get up, and a wave of piercing pain came from all over his body. He fell from a mountain thousands of feet high. Even if he didn't die, he would lose a layer of skin.

At this moment, Chu Chen felt as if he had been hit all over by a sledgehammer.

There was no part that didn't hurt.

Fortunately, it was just a physical injury!

Chu Chen struggled to sit up from the pile of rocks, took out a top-grade healing pill he had made from his storage ring, and swallowed it.

The rolling medicinal power turned into a stream of warm currents rushing to his limbs and bones, constantly repairing his muscles, meridians, and blood.

After three incense sticks of time, the pain in his body was relieved a lot.

"Now you understand the difference, right? An old demon of Duan Xiong's level is a strong medicine for you, which will make you weak and unable to be replenished. Your own cultivation foundation is really too weak! You can't bear his spiritual power at all. Don't use this enlightenment for the time being."

The hamster finally laughed enough, and then he recovered and warned Chu Chen seriously.

What else could Chu Chen do? He could only shake his head helplessly and smile bitterly.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that the spiritual power in the body of this old thing Duan Xiong was so powerful.

When he used Duan Xiong's clone to kill the members of the Golden Lion Breaking Formation Group, he couldn't control the strength well, but he just punched them.

It was an explosion anyway, and he couldn't sense anything else clearly.


He actually knew that Duan Lao Mo was dangerous. This time, he used him to output spiritual power to himself. In fact, he was very careful, but he still couldn't control the strength well...

It hurts!

In the final analysis, his own cultivation is still as weak as a hamster, and he is not even qualified to use Duan Xiong.

Could this be the legendary weakling who loses and falls wherever he goes!

"Ahem, according to my estimation, as long as you break through to the Spirit River realm, you will be able to receive the enlightenment of Duan Xiong's clone."


"As long as that time comes, you can also use this clone to practice well, and your cultivation will improve faster!"

Hamster stroked his beard and deliberately kept it a secret.

"Practice? How to practice?"

Chu Chen's eyes lit up. It seems that Duan Lao Mo's body can develop many new functions!

"Simple, fight against him for special training."

Hamster took out a purple-red spiritual fruit from somewhere, chewed it in big mouthfuls, and explained.

"Practicing with this kind of legendary supreme monk is the fastest way to improve your own cultivation!"

Hamster began to look serious, like an expert teaching a class.

"Wouldn't it be a death wish if I were to fight him?"

"You know there is great terror between life and death, and there is also great opportunity between life and death. As long as you push yourself to the limit, you can constantly break through the limit!"

At this point, the hamster spit out a fruit seed with a puff, frowned, and threw the fruit in his hand away, as if he was not satisfied with the taste of the fruit.

Chu Chen, the attentive listener, was left aside.

The hamster began to take out a few fruits, choosing left and right, as if he wanted to pick out the one with the best taste to compensate himself, and fell into the choice difficulty syndrome.

Chu Chen couldn't bear it any more, "Teacher Cang, you are not a real hamster, don't indulge in this low-level game, teaching is the right way."

"Ahem, I'm done, anyway, everything will be realized when you cultivate to the Linghe realm, um, um, now your cultivation is too low, Duan Lao Mo's physical body has many new tricks, I can't teach you, alas, weak weak weak..."

"Damn mouse, are you done yet! I will do my best to use the Immortal Refining Altar to refine spiritual sources to improve my cultivation!"

Chu Chen couldn't help but glare at the hamster.

The hamster, who instinctively sensed danger, immediately smiled, jumped to the side holding a vermilion fruit, and gnawed it with all his heart.

Chu Chen took a gentle breath and prepared to use his spiritual thoughts to summon Lao Duan down and take him up the mountain.

After all, it was too difficult to climb Dragon Broken Cliff by oneself. Now that he was still injured, he could only let Lao Duan's physical body provide the services up the mountain.

Chu Chen's thoughts moved, but he found that he couldn't sense Lao Duan on Broken Dragon Cliff? !

Could it be that he was injured too seriously, affecting his soul ability?

Chu Chen was a little puzzled, took another deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing to calm down.

After a few rounds of spiritual power, he felt that he had completely calmed down and that there was no abnormality in the fluctuations of his soul. Chu Chen once again released his spiritual thoughts to control Duan Ji on the Broken Dragon Cliff.

But still no response!

Chu Chen was shocked. Could it be that the spiritual thoughts he had injected into Duan Ji's body had been erased? !

Or... Duan Ji's physical body has been destroyed!

Not good!

How is this good? No matter which direction the situation develops, Chu Chen cannot accept it. He never expected that he would fall from the Broken Dragon Cliff and cause a big disaster!

"Dead mouse, can you tell me what is happening on Dragon Broken Cliff now?"

Chu Chen's voice was cold.

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