Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1614 Golden Dead Branches

"Relax, the dragon evil here is just too strong, and the distance is not enough, your spiritual thoughts will naturally be unable to connect. Duan Lao Mo's physical body is fine. {щww{suimеng][lā}"

The little hamster glanced at Chu Chen with a surprised look, and then continued to chew on its vermilion fruit.

Chu Chen felt relieved after hearing the truth, took a few deep breaths of the cold air that was filled with dragon evil, and began another conquest of Broken Dragon Cliff.

Fly, fly, and climb using both hands and feet!

Once again tired as a dog and covered in sweat, he appeared at the top of the mountain.


He lay directly on the big bluestone on the top of the cliff, without any elegance of a high-level monk, and looked as embarrassed as a beggar who had not been able to get food for several days.

But he couldn't care less about this. He raised his butt and gasped for a long time before slowly sitting up and adjusting his breathing.

After several cups of tea, Chu Chen finally recovered some spiritual power.

Looking at the old demon's body standing aside indifferently, and then looking at the intact legendary magic weapons in the Immortal Refining Altar, Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh.

It is really difficult to improve your cultivation!

At this time, Chu Chen directly picked up the little hamster from his chest, bounced it a few times, and forcibly woke up the little hamster, which was sleeping soundly after eating.

"Teacher Cang, please show me a clear path!"

"Ahem...don't do anything, I...I'll give you a way to keep the bottom of the box under control."

The little hamster, which was poked by Chu Chen in various ways, finally managed to stay away from a pair of claws, and hurriedly pulled out a golden branch several inches long from the portable space.

Chu Chen's eyes lit up.

The branch looked like it had withered for a long time, its surface looked wrinkled, and there were no leaves.

However, the entire dead branch exudes a golden light like water waves, which looks particularly magical and filled with ancient atmosphere.

Chu Chen felt like it was a branch broken off from an ancient withered tree?

"What the hell is this?"

“Of course it’s a good thing.


The little hamster looked mysterious, "You can give this secret branch to Duan Ji's clone, and then let him inject spiritual power into this dead branch. Try it and you will see the effect!"

"What use can this broken branch do?"

The little hamster rolled his eyes a few times, "I don't know, this dead branch is the dead branch of the ancient sacred tree I found in the fairy world. When spiritual power is injected into it, a spiritual power amplification node will be formed within a radius of ten feet. boundary."

"Spiritual power amplification barrier?"

"Well, being within such a barrier, your spiritual power will be greatly enhanced, and you will naturally be able to refine these legendary magic weapons that Tianhe monks have left their mark on."

"Is it so magical?"

Chu Chen handed the dead branch to Duan Ji's clone with some hesitation, and asked Duan Ji to inject a vast and majestic spiritual power into the dead branch. A golden halo suddenly radiated out, instantly covering a thirty-foot radius. area.


Chu Chen's first feeling inside the barrier.

A dazzling golden halo shone in all directions, and a golden scorching sun seemed to suddenly appear on the top of Duanlongya Mountain.

The scorching waves radiated in all directions, even to the point where Chu Chen, who was about ten feet away from Duan Ji in the center of the barrier, felt unbearable heat.

He couldn't help but frown.

"Boy, Duan Ji's spiritual power release needs to be turned down a little, not so fierce!"


"Besides, it's a waste if the radiation range is too large. The increase in a radius of ten feet is enough to help you refine these magic weapons! Narrow the range."

The little hamster patted his head and looked at Chu Chen as if he hated iron.

Chu Chen ignored this fat hamster that easily got carried away. He concentrated on it and carefully manipulated Duan Ji to control the amount of spiritual power output from his palms.

To be honest, he has the divine fire from the heaven as his natal fire, so he can be said to be an expert at playing with fire.

But when encountering Duan Ji's spiritual power, he could feel a genuine sense of danger.

Duan Ji also has a ball of natal fire in his body, which is a ball of magic flame as black as ink.

The temperature of the black flame was not very high, but it had a powerful and strange devouring property. It seemed that everything in the world could be swallowed up, making people feel very uncomfortable from the deepest part of their souls.

With his ability to control Duan Ji's clone at this time, it would be a very difficult task to finely adjust the amplitude of the spiritual power output.

One big one makes it easy to grow, while one small one can be completely collected!

My balls hurt...

The billowing golden halo carried a heat that seemed to burn everything, making Duan Ji, who was controlling Duan Ji, sweat all over his body.

However, there was no other choice at this time. He could only carefully adjust the spiritual power output of Duan Ji's clone under the rolling heat in order to achieve the best effect.

After three full cups of tea, I saw that the golden halo continued to shrink, reaching a range of ten feet.

At the same time, the intense heat also disappeared, and the void became as warm as spring, making Chu Chen feel much more relaxed.

Under the golden halo, Chu Chen circulated his spiritual power and clearly felt that the spiritual power in his body had indeed become more active and violent.

The golden halo created by Duan Ji contains powerful and unimaginable amplification power, just like a huge amplification magic weapon.

Within this halo, he definitely felt that his power had become many times stronger, as if he could burst out with earth-shattering power at any time with a raised hand or foot.

Once again, he controlled his spiritual power and injected it into the mysterious totem, and the blazing golden-red flames immediately surrounded the entire Immortal Refining Altar.

At this moment, the melting speed of the legendary magic weapon in the altar was visibly accelerated a lot.

Refining these magic weapons suddenly became an easy task, and Chu Chen felt a little uncomfortable. After refining for several hours, Chu Chen, who was bored, decided to communicate with the little hamster.

"By the way, Teacher Cang, you seem to have a lot more good things lately."

While Chu Chen was refining the magical weapon with ease, he turned his head and glanced at the little hamster. There were indeed many mysteries in this fat mouse. Those scarlet spiritual fruits just now were obviously extraordinary.

And the golden dead branch it has dedicated now is even more incredible, almost comparable to the top amplification magic weapon!

"Oh, the first layer of the seal on my body is about to be lifted, and now there is a gap, so I can collect some small things by myself in the fairy world."

The smug-looking little hamster reached out and took out a handful of jade-like melon seeds, chewing them vigorously.

"What good things have you found in the fairy world? Share it with us."

Chu Chen now feels that refining has become so easy. With Duan Ji assisting him, the journey of cultivation is almost as if he is cheating. He has enough energy to gossip with the little hamster.

"There are not many good things in the little fairy world, but I have many good things myself. After living for tens of millions of years, I have naturally collected a lot of treasures. Unfortunately, they are all sealed in the deepest part of my body. Alas, I think that back then I was a man of all things in the sky and on the earth. The Supreme Beast, Lord of All Gods.”

The little hamster has entered the beaming and chattering mode again.

"To put it bluntly, if I want to, I can even refine this big world into the space in my body, but then I will be no different from that guy from Chaos! Alas, I always pay attention to individuality in doing things. , I don’t like to copy other people, so I didn’t do it..."

The little hamster's chattering made Chu Chen feel drowsy.

Chu Chen quickly cheered up and stretched out a hand to rub his temples. He was too lazy to pay attention to this fat rat who was full of boasts, as if he didn't know him.

The little hamster didn't care that the only audience ignored it, and still foamed at the mouth and danced.

For Chu Chen, with the help of the amplification barrier formed by golden dead branches, the legendary magic weapon inside the Immortal Refining Altar was completed in just one day.

The refining of the semi-chaos level remnant treasure was also completed in three days!

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