Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1615 Chu Chen’s search and rescue plan


Chu Chen looked intently into the Immortal Refining Altar. Layers of rich golden spiritual light shone out, as if thick layers of water vapor spread from the inside of the Immortal Refining Altar.

Inside the treasure altar, clusters of crystal-like golden spiritual sources exude a hazy light, flowing like stars.

Chu Chen roughly counted, and this time he refined five drops of golden spiritual source!

Chu Chen immediately felt happy.

These spiritual sources are enough for him to break through to Five Streams. For Six Streams, it depends on luck. After all, the farther back he breaks through, the greater the amount of spiritual sources he needs.

But Chu Chen was not in a hurry. With Duan Ji's clone in hand, it was only a matter of time before he could break through to the Linghe realm.

As long as this old devil doesn't come back too soon...

Not wasting any more time, Chu Chen let Duan Ji's clone continue to hold the golden branch and continue to act as his spiritual power amplifier.

Chu Chen wants to use his power to transform the stream!

After the divine light in his eyes converged, Chu Chen swallowed the drop of golden spiritual source into his mouth, hot!

The crystal clear spiritual source contains a huge amount of energy. When it enters the body, it turns into a rolling torrent of heat and sinks into the limbs and bones, constantly expanding his meridians, strengthening his flesh and blood, and burning his soul.

It can be clearly felt that outside the four vast spiritual streams, the roar of the fifth spiritual stream slowly emerges from the infinite depths of darkness, faintly emitting dragon roars!

Chu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, was surrounded by spiritual light, and his aura was also rising. He quickly fell into a state of selfless cultivation.

While Chu Chen was practicing selflessly on the top of the cliff, four people were flying to the foot of the mountain below Broken Dragon Cliff.

After landing, the four people looked up at the towering Broken Dragon Cliff. Feeling the overwhelming power of the dragon in the void, the four people with fluttering clothes all looked uneasy.

If Chu Chen was also at the foot of the mountain, he would be able to identify Lan Xuan, Zhou Lin, Shi Yuyan, and Xuan Ke.

Lan Xuan, Zhou Lin, Xuan Ke and other three people originally followed Chu Chen's instructions and had been waiting for the return of the enchantress Shi Yuyan in the Iron Sword Woodland.

After Shi Yuyan returned safely, everyone told Shi Yuyan about the marriage between Duan Ji and Chu Chen.

Shi Yuyan only said lightly,

There must be a secret that cannot be told to anyone.

Everyone's hearts began to feel anxious, and then time continued to pass, and Chu Chen was still missing.

Especially after days and days passed, on the third day everyone could no longer hold back. At Lan Xuan's suggestion, the four of them decided to take action and left Tiejian Woodland to find Chu Chen.

Under the influence of Shi Yuyan's Dayan Heaven-Swallowing Secret Technique, and following the aura left by Chu Chen, the pedestrians quickly arrived at the Broken Dragon Cliff.

"His breath has stopped here. It must be that the dragon evil is too strong and he can't continue to track him."

Shi Yuyan frowned and looked up at the towering Broken Dragon Cliff.

The other three people also followed the gaze of the girl in white.

"I guess he's going to be in trouble if he climbs this cliff. The power of the dragon on this mountain is too strong. I'm afraid you won't go."

Shi Yuyan said quietly.

Zhou Lin and Lan Xuan's eyes became more worried.

"Hey, what is this!"

Xuan Ke, who had been checking the environment, seemed to have discovered something. He flew over to the pile of rubble.

Looking at it at this time, there seemed to be bright red blood stains there.

The expressions of the other three people changed drastically.

It was Chu Chen who vomited it out when he fell from the top of Broken Dragon Cliff.

"This blood stain containing an extremely fierce and domineering flame aura must be Chu Chen's!"

Shi Yuyan leaned down and spoke softly after exploring.

Xuan Ke nodded beside him, "My ancient Jianmu bloodline is very sensitive to the smell of blood. This blood stain is indeed similar to the breath of Brother Chu."

When Zhou Lin heard that it was Chu Chen's blood, her eyes immediately turned red, and tears kept rolling in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

Lan Xuan frowned deeply, "There is a great secret in Broken Dragon Cliff. Many people went to search for the remains of the ancient true dragon before. Later, this place was invaded by a group of king-level ancient beasts and killed everyone. The bloody souls left behind are very heavy. , this is a dangerous place, Senior Brother Chu was injured here again, he may be trapped in the mountain at this time, he must have encountered some danger! "

"Chu Chen is hanging..."

Before Xuan Ke finished speaking, Zhou Lin burst into tears. The little girl tugged at the corner of Lan Xuan's clothes and signaled him to hurry up.

"I advise you to calm down. According to what you said before, Chu Chen is with that old devil Duan Ji. If Duan Ji plots against him, we may not be able to save him."

Shi Yuyan gently pulled away the long hair that was blown by the wind from her forehead and said coldly.

"So what, Senior Brother Chu has saved us so many times. If we are really in danger, we have to go and have a look. No matter whether we can help or not, we have to know what kind of trouble he has encountered."

Zhou Lin clenched her fists tightly and blushed.

"Yes, although Duan Laomo is scary, he is a businessman after all. If businessmen want to communicate, I support Shan."

Lan Xuan pondered for a moment and finally expressed his stance.


Xuan Ke didn't talk much, but his attitude was very firm and clear.

"Okay, I also want to see how far this guy Chu Chen hooked up with this old devil Duan Ji and tricked himself, let's go to the mountain." To everyone's surprise, Shi Yuyan readily agreed.

Doesn't this fit well with everyone's impression of this scheming, scheming witch?

If you go head-to-head with Duan Laomo, the whole group will most likely be destroyed!

The girl in white looked at the doubtful eyes of the other three people and explained lightly, "This is a careful decision I made after thinking about it. In this chaotic little fairy world, Chu Chen is indeed a strong ally, and I don't I will take action at will, just for a look. If he really falls into Duan Laomo's hands, I will get out in time. "

Lan Xuan felt vaguely that the demon girl's explanation was a bit blunt.

The legendary explanation is a cover-up, and the cover-up is true. Could it be that this enchantress, who has made it her mission to bring chaos to the world, has fallen in love with this boy Chu Chen?

"Let's go!"

It was Xuan Ke who spoke the least and took the lead to set off. He kicked his feet on the protruding rocks. He broke through the void like a cannonball and turned into a red aura, flying in the direction.

"Wait for me!"

Lan Xuan shouted with his face, and his face rose into the sky, turning into a blue aura and flying up.

Shi Yuyan was the last one. After Zhou Lin left the foot of the mountain and flew for a long time, she sighed softly, her white clothes fluttering like a fairy, jumped into the void, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

The four people turned into four dazzling spiritual lights, breaking through the dense dragon evil, and flew towards the top of the towering Dragon Broken Cliff without hesitation.

Chu Chen's search and rescue plan is officially launched! . () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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