Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1621: Looting the Little Fairy World

"This junior will never be moved by emotion!"

The girl in white said every word.

"Okay, I'm just deceiving you. It's your young people's business to be emotional. I'm old and won't mind such nosy matters. Go ahead!"

Before he finished speaking, Duan Ji smiled, his big sleeves flying, and he blasted out a soft force that knocked Shi Yuyan away from the distance.

The girl in white who was flying down in the sky bowed slightly to the old man in black on the cliff, and then flew towards the bottom of Broken Dragon Cliff.

At this time, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and Chu Chen were already at the bottom of the cliff.

Boom boom boom...

Spiritual power surged, and the golden-red spiritual light transformed into a layer of flame that was more than a foot long on Chu Chen's body. It burned for a full stick of incense before slowly extinguishing.

After checking the realm, Chu Chen nodded, very satisfied with the result.

The cultivation level has been upgraded from the realm of Four Streams to the realm of Five Streams. There has not been any impact or damage on the origin. The result of this improvement in cultivation level is definitely very good.

"Little friend Chu, are you really okay?"

Xuan Ke's eyes were filled with a layer of green color, and he looked at Chu Chen carefully up and down, feeling a little surprised. Originally, I thought that after Duan Ji's refining, Chu Chen's origin would be greatly damaged, his energy and blood would be floating, and his blood would be unstable.

Now it seems that his aura is extremely calm, as if he has not been damaged in any way.

"He's fine. We all thought wrong. That old devil Duan Ji didn't want to refine him, but really improved his cultivation. Duan Ji recognized Chu Chen as his temporary master and had no intention of going back on his words. ”

A cold voice came, and everyone looked up and saw Shi Yuyan floating in the sky in white clothes. She risked her life to offend Duan Ji's cultivation, but she didn't suffer any injuries on her body.

Escaped intact!

"What on earth is going on? Is the old devil really so kind?"

Lan Xuan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

At this time, Zhou Lin also climbed down from the mountainside by herself. Without the trouble of the dragon evil spirit, she moved naturally and easily.

After checking Chu Chen himself,

Zhou Lin, who had always been cautious, finally felt relieved.

At this time, Xuan Ke, who was worried, asked, "Brother Chu, what should we do next?"

"Well, how to go next is indeed a big problem. The group of people from the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation probably can't be counted on for the time being. We already have a rough idea of ​​the direction of the home base on the front line, so we will head in that direction and keep going deeper. The heart of the fairy world, step by step."

Chu Chen said slowly, everyone knew that he should have a clear plan.

"Then let's go deep into the fairy world and rob along the way."

As soon as Chu Chen said this, everyone was dumbfounded. What kind of robbery was the plan?

"Robbery... is that a robber?"

Zhou Lin frowned. She was born in a righteous sect and had been learning to support justice since she was a child. She had always hated this kind of robbery and banditry.

"Robbery! I support it. Now I have to pay off the debt to that old devil Duan Ji. I can do whatever comes with the money. If Senior Brother Chu takes the lead, we will loot the little fairy world."

Lan Xuan looked excited, and Zhou Lin frowned slightly again after hearing this, thinking what happened to Senior Brother Chu?

Could it be that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black, have they been led astray by that old demon Duan?

However, Shi Yuyan remained silent and stood quietly aside.

What does robbery mean to her?

In this chaotic little fairy world, the weak eat the strong, the monks follow the law of the jungle, and it is not a problem for the strong to kill the weak.

Not to mention robbery.

However, after all, Xuan Ke had reached a certain age and became mature with age. He noticed Zhou Lin's awkwardness and immediately laughed.

"Girl Zhou, tell me who your Senior Brother Chu is?"

Zhou Lin hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, "Senior Brother Chu is a good person."

"That's right, you have to believe Brother Chu. What he did is definitely not bad. Everyone in the Little Immortal World is in danger now. Everyone is going completely crazy in order to improve their cultivation in a short period of time! Kill and seize Treasures are now commonplace, and the entire small fairy world... has become a Shura field. Others have no sense, but Brother Chu must have sense. "

Zhou Lin looked at Chu Chen half-understanding.

"That's right."

Chu Chen nodded, "Nowadays, countless king-level ancient beasts are wandering in the Little Immortal World, and it has completely turned into a land of Shura. In such a harsh environment, the only way to quickly improve is to continuously obtain resources such as heavenly materials and earthly treasures." Your own cultivation is the right path. Of course, when we plunder, we are targeting evil people. The most indispensable thing in this little fairy world is ruthless evil people."

Zhou Lin was immediately relieved when she heard this.

I thought to myself that Senior Brother Chu is indeed Senior Brother Chu, and he can find his own way of survival in this small fairy world that has fallen into a desperate situation.

"Let's go."

Chu Chen shook his gray shirt slightly, jumped into the air, and flew forward.

Lan Xuan reacted the fastest and flew away, followed by Chu Chen in fluttering blue clothes.

Xuan Ke chuckled, slapped the Qingyan beside him with his big hand, and rose into the sky to catch up with Lan Xuan.

Zhou Lin looked at Shi Yuyan, who was as motionless as a mountain and as deserted as a fairy, and decided not to care, and left first. With a movement of her body, she also flew into the air.

The four people turned into four spiritual lights that broke through the sky and flew towards the distant horizon.

However, the Qingyan area where the girl in white was the only one left under the Broken Dragon Cliff was already empty.

Shi Yuyan had obviously left with Chu Chen and the others!

One month later.

The thick earth of the fairy world.

The Thousand Earth Territory is the largest and most extensive desert in the Little Immortal Realm.

This is the driest place in the Little Fairyland. Hurricanes are roaring, quicksand is everywhere, and there is almost no sign of vegetation or life.

The environment here is so bad that even king-level ancient beasts rarely visit.

Before the sudden change in the Little Fairy World, no one was willing to truly explore this desert.

It is too desolate and arid here, and unlike other deserts, this desert has a special field. The degree of water loss in the body of monks living here will be dozens of times higher than that in the outside world. No matter how much cultivation they have, Strong people can't stand it for long.

There have been rumors in the Xiaoxian world that there is a huge ancient ruins in the thick earth, and there are shocking secrets inside.

Legend has it that the reason why this place is so desolate is because an earth-shattering divine war broke out in ancient times. This is one of the most important battlefields.

The divine power of the great powers swept across all directions and wiped out everything, so this vast and uninhabited desert was formed.

Many people once wanted to go deep into this desert to hunt for treasure, but in the end they gave up helplessly.

Among them there are even some legendary powerhouses of the Tianhe level. Later, no one wanted to come in.

But at this time, this fierce land has undergone earth-shaking changes!

A huge accident that shocked all the monks happened in this vast land.

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