Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1622 The Jedi Ignited

After the third major change in the Little Fairy World, king beasts were rampant in all directions, but for some unknown reason, they rarely appeared in this vast land.

Like there is something here that they are concerned about?

Therefore, this place has become a rare peaceful place.

Entering the lifeless and desolate land, many formation-breaking groups were stationed at once.

At this time, in the area not far from the entrance to the thick earth, a continuous black tent spread out for more than ten miles.

From a distance, this black area exudes a dangerous atmosphere that no strangers should enter.

Above every black tent, there is a gray flag fluttering in the wind!

The gray flag is embroidered with a winding black dragon, forming the shape of a huge skull. It looks so evil that it wants to escape from the flag, which is extremely attractive.

These black dragon flags are obviously not mortal objects, but magical weapons!

The evil spirit emitted by the Black Dragon Flag is not empty. Above the entire stretch of tents, an obvious layer of blood-colored clouds can be seen rising.

Among the clouds, the souls of resentful souls struggling in pain are looming, seemingly real and illusory.

If a monk's spiritual consciousness is strong enough, he can discover that those resentful souls are not phantoms, but real resentful spirits.

Those are the resentful spirits formed by the monks’ lingering obsessions after death. These resentful spirits are so numerous that they gather into clouds!

This is a very murderous defensive formation, and the killing formation comes from the feared Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group in the Fairy World!

In the Little Fairy World, the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group is not very strong, ranking in the middle of the pack at most.

But its reputation is very great. To many monks in the Little Immortal World, it is like a nightmare. To a certain extent, it is even as good as the top ten formation-breaking groups.

The reason is because the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group has always acted in a bloody, ruthless and vicious manner!

There is a chilling ferocity surrounding this group of people, and they will do anything to achieve their goals.

Poisoning, coercion, undermining, beating...

Another point,

That is, they will leave no one alive after the deed is completed, and they will never let go of those who can be killed, and their methods are quite cruel.

Therefore, in the eyes of many monks, this black camp is more terrifying than hell!

But today, something strange happened in this hell? !

The blood-colored cloud formation on the black dragon's broken formation group was turbulent and swaying, fragmented and scattered into pieces.

In the black undulations below, golden-red, blue, green, and white light groups exploded violently inside the tents that stretched for more than ten miles.

All kinds of spiritual energy surged into a fierce storm that swept across all directions. Yellow sand filled the sky, and the rolling spiritual energy rushed up into the sky, completely dispersing the evil blood clouds above the camp.

Obviously, something happened to the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group!

Bright pillars of fire rose up, completely igniting the endless black tents.

The camp where the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Regiment was stationed turned into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye.

Raging flames billowed up, burning up all hell!

In the billowing flames, from time to time, members of the formation-breaking group dressed in black could be seen howling miserably as they emerged from the sea of ​​flames, and then turned into charred ashes in an instant.

This is the only crisis that the Black Dragon Formation Group has encountered in its history, and it is also a disaster!

"Run away! Everyone, run away!"

"You can go one step at a time, don't look back..."

"Don't go to the left, that's the place of death!"

Amidst the panic and wailing, the members of the Black Dragon were scurrying around like moths, just to escape, but there was fire everywhere!

Countless black robes have died, and the surviving escapees are not much better. There are traces of cuts from the sword energy and scorch marks from the flames everywhere. Almost everyone has injuries on their bodies, and many of them are injured. Even an arm or leg was cut off directly.

This group of villains were like a group of mutilated puppets, struggling miserably in the sea of ​​fire. They had long lost their previous ferocity of not leaving anyone alive.

At this time, if you look down at the entire sea of ​​​​fire from the air, you will find that there are three murderous auras rising into the sky in three directions in this area of ​​more than ten miles, surrounding the entire broken formation.

The three killing gods bombed the entire camp indiscriminately.

The spiritual power in their bodies seemed to be endless, defeating this well-trained and prestigious formation-breaking group.

Three people slaughtered hundreds of monks as easily as killing ants! ?

Amidst the painful howls, an elite group composed purely of monks from the Linghe Realm escaped from the left front of the camp.

The leader was Xie Xiu, the leader of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group, the 'Blood Demonic Dragon'.

He was tall, with muscles all over his body, and his black robe was almost stretched to bursting. He looked like a human tyrannosaurus, but he was very embarrassed at this time, his hair was disheveled, his face was covered with soot, and his blood-red eyes were full of violence. Anger and resentment.

"Damn it, I will definitely take revenge after I escape!"

"Boss, what kind of trouble have we gotten into? Why are we so dangerous!"

Following closely behind him was the fourth figure of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation, a young monk who was tall and thin and almost as fleshless as a real skeleton. He was covering a wound on his shoulder that was more than a foot long, and his mouth hurt. Had to be shaking all the time.

"The one in gray clothes is so damn perverted. He is obviously only at the Lingxi realm, but he smashed the second brother in the late Linghe stage with one punch. What is his background!"

"The Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group is finished! But we are still alive, so this revenge must be avenged!"

Xie Xiu's gloomy eyes showed a trace of hatred and a sense of fear.

As the saying goes, if you walk too much at night, you will definitely encounter ghosts. The Black Dragon Breaking Formation Group has always been ruthless and has no taboos. Unexpectedly, today they finally encountered bad luck and encountered an even more ruthless one.

That night there were three uninvited guests, although they were only three people.

But they are three murderous gods!

A boy in gray, a boy in blue, and an old man in green.

The young man in blue and the old man in green were okay, one was probably at the beginning of the Linghe realm, and the other was at the late stage of the Linghe realm.

But they are all extremely fierce, and their combat power far exceeds their cultivation level!

If they were alone, they wouldn't be enough to bring the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group to disaster.

After all, Xie Xiu is also a half-step Tianhe level expert.

The most terrifying thing was the cold young man in gray. His cultivation aura was clearly at the late Lingxi stage, but his actual combat power was unbelievably powerful.

He saw with his own eyes that the deputy captain, whose cultivation was at the peak of Linghe Realm, was unable to move away from the gray-clothed boy, and was blasted by him with one punch! !

So the moment he saw the young man, an unprecedented terror hit his heart, making Xie Xiu unable to think of any resistance at all.

Even though he was half as strong as Tianhe, he could only lead his elite men to run away in the opposite direction like crazy.

This feeling is like a nightmare!

These three uninvited guests actually formed a three-elephant killing formation. With the young man in gray as the leader, the young man in blue and the old man in green became unstoppable and became a living killing machine.

Xie Xiu had seen many storms in his life, and Tianhe cultivators had also dealt with them. But at this moment, his instinct told him to stay away from the indifferent young man in gray.

That god of death!

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