Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1624 The ancient thunder that destroys the sky

Three dark figures headed by the boy in gray walked out of the sea of ​​fire, like three evil spirits from hell, making Xie Xiu and the others shudder.

At this time, Xie Xiu suddenly realized that there were more than three people in front of him, but these three people were chasing a group of people slowly and unhurriedly.

It was just that the murderous intent of these three people was so strong that they concealed the presence of a large group of bereaved dogs in front of them.

In front of the three of them, dozens of members of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation Regiment, covered in bruises and bruises, were all sobbing and crawling in front of Xie Xiu like bereaved dogs.

When Xie Xiu saw the cold-faced young man in gray among the three people again, his brows jumped a few times, and a sense of fear from the deepest part of his soul burst out inexplicably, making him breathe quickly and his body couldn't bear it. He was trembling slightly, his legs were weak and he could not control himself.

Is this kid a peerless old devil?

Since there is no way out, there is no other choice, fight!

Xie Xiu glanced sideways, shook his hand, and took out an object about half the size of a fist from the storage ring. Thick black air and evil aura came out.

It looked like a black iron ball, with a surface as smooth as jade, and only one side with thunder-like lines, exuding an unparalleled aura of destruction.

"Annihilation Thunder!"

The wrinkled face of the old monk Xuan Ke suddenly froze, a trace of surprise flashed across his expression unnaturally, and he took a breath of cold air.

On the side, Lan Xuan was frightened. Damn it, chasing these poor bandits, could they really be chasing ghosts?

Only Chu Chen glanced at it indifferently, "Oh, this is the legendary Annihilation Thunder that can severely damage the strong men of Tianhe?"

"This Annihilation Thunder is made by the ancient gods collecting a trace of the innate hot energy of the heavenly fire. Once it explodes, it will be equivalent to the attack of a Tianhe-level powerhouse!"

Xie Xiu, who looked miserable, had a stern look in his eyes, as if he was going to die together.

"Boy in gray, I know you are scary, but I don't believe any of you can withstand the bombardment of a Tianhe-level powerhouse! It's useless to regret now... You are the one who forced me!"

Xie Xiu's expression became more and more ferocious. He looked at Chu Chen and the others, and then at the fairy in white standing in the sky behind him. He looked as fierce as if he was going to die at any moment.


I think you misunderstood. "

Chu Chen said calmly, "Actually, we came here in the first place because we were short of money and just borrowed money from you. You have done these things yourself a lot, so you probably won't make a fuss. But in the end, you want to kill us, so for To protect ourselves, we can only retaliate in kind.”

Lan Xuan on the side couldn't help but want to laugh. Chu Chen was simply talking nonsense seriously. Who would believe someone who wanted to rob other people's property by borrowing money.

And if you want to rob other people of their wealth, how can others not fight with you?

Then you went through all kinds of grievances to protect yourself, so what the hell is tit for tat?

At this time, Lan Xuan could only rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he and Chu Chen were in the same group, and were not the unlucky Black Dragon Formation Group he was targeting.

"That's nonsense. You are clearly the one who bullied our black dragons by killing them all!"

Xie Xiu became anxious, his eyes were red and he couldn't help but scream. He held the Yi Tian Lei tightly in his right hand, and his knuckles turned white.

"What does bullying mean? Since you want to kill us, we will also kill you. Everyone depends on their ability. Whoever is inferior to others will die. What is there to complain about?"

Chu Chen said coldly.

"Very well, if we die, you won't be able to live!"

Deciding to make a desperate move, Xie Xiu was furious and roared violently. Waves of violent dark red spiritual power surged out of his body, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. He held the jade-black iron in his hand. The ball swept towards Chu Chen and the other two!

The sky-breaking thunder blasted out!

At this second, the whole world seemed to have stopped.

In the world of monks, this thing is definitely famous. During the Doomsday God War at the end of ancient times, it is said that there were special flame gods who made large quantities of these ancient thunders. Countless ancient thunders blasted into the sky, and the blood of the gods It poured down on the earth, and its incomparable power once blasted countless holes in the sky!

It was from this battle that this powerful one-time consumption magical weapon was named Yan Tian Lei!

At this moment, countless thousands of years after the end of the ancient era, this terrifying ancient magic weapon once again blossomed its terrifying power.

Perhaps its power cannot match that of ancient times, but its destructive power should not be underestimated!

Chu Chen could see that Xie Xiu's dark red spiritual power was constantly squeezing and flying inside the ancient thunder in the air like a storm!

Obviously Xie Xiu's spiritual power was not intended to bombard Chu Chen at all, but just to detonate the thunder!

When the dark red storm squeezed to a certain extent, the jade black ancient thunder exploded!

In an instant, thunder suddenly burst out from the ground, and a blazing sun seemed to suddenly appear in the void.

Vast red flames billowed up, as if a piece of lava suddenly poured down from the sky.

Rule this space!

The face of the old monk Xuan Ke suddenly turned pale. He has the ancient Jianmu bloodline. What wood monks fear most is the explosion of this fire-type magical power, not to mention the raging red flames with a touch of dazzling gold. The aura of destruction that emitted made Xuan Ke tremble with fear, and he almost instinctively began to retreat.

Lan Xuan also retreated subconsciously. The technique he practiced tended to be a mixture of water and wind. Although he was not restrained by fire, his face changed drastically in shock at this pure aura that destroyed everything.

When his footwork reached its peak, he even shook his hands and threw out several protective weapons, which turned into auras of spiritual light and surrounded him.

At this moment, even Shi Yuyan, who was floating in the air on the other side, changed her expression drastically.

She is worried about Chu Chen!

Dayan's secret technique of swallowing the sky claims to be able to swallow all the spiritual energy in the world, whether it is righteous energy, spiritual energy, evil energy, or demonic energy. It has no scruples at all.

But even the ancient chaotic beasts have some things that they dare not swallow, including the so-called heavenly fire!

Facing this terrifying power that could completely destroy everything, Shi Yuyan subconsciously bit her lips, with only deep worry in her eyes.

Because, right in front of her eyes, Chu Chen, who was standing at the front, was bearing the full power of the Yantian Thunder!


Facing the thunder and fire that swept across the sky, Chu Chen did not take a step back. His body shook violently, and a blazing golden-red flame exploded around him like a flower.

In the vast flames, a dark golden dragon of more than a hundred feet jumped up fiercely, swallowing up the golden lava erupted by the sky-obliterating thunder in mid-air.


The dull dragon's roar resounded in the void, and the dark golden dragon's figure suddenly swelled in a circle, and then gradually shrank back.

Turning into a size of several feet, the dragon transformed from the spiritual stream seemed to suddenly become a real living creature at this moment. Only then did everyone realize that the dragon had kept its eyes closed? !

It suddenly opened a pair of eyes!

It's actually blue!

It is impossible to describe how captivating those blue dragon eyes are. The azure blue eyes seem to come from the purest color in the heaven, giving people a sense of majestic dignity.

It is suppressing heaven and earth!

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