Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1625 Bones of the Resentful Dragon

On the dark golden dragon body, the dragon scales are clearly visible, and each dragon scale is covered with bright red flame patterns.

The blue dragon eyes exude pure pressure, and you can even clearly feel the power of the dragon that dominates the world and looks down upon all things from this dragon!

Dragon pressure from the divine world!

Xie Xiu opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. When he released the Annihilation Thunder, he was already ready to fight to the death.

In his expectation, the power of the Annihilating Thunder would be enough to destroy all living things within a thousand feet.

But the situation didn't develop as he expected at all. A spiritual dragon simply and roughly swallowed the exploding Sky Thunder!

Then...then the whole world became quiet!

"How is it possible that a Lingxi dragon swallowed my Oblivion Sky Thunder!"

A hoarse voice was squeezed out of the helpless Xie Xiu's throat, and blood and tears almost flowed from his eyes.

"Because your Yitian Lei is a fake and rubbish."

Chu Chen replied calmly, in fact, the truth is that this dragon with divine attributes can restrain spiritual fire, including various ancient flames, and it is also composed of Chu Chen's heavenly divine fire.

Swallowing a sky-breaking thunder is a piece of cake!

Even though this Yaotian Lei is said to have Tianhe-level attack power, its destructive power is actually very weak.

Now that Chu Chen has this dragon with divine attributes in hand, he can defend himself for a while when he encounters a real Tianhe-level monk and launches a fire attack!

"Trash! I'm not trash, it's you little beasts who deserve to die. Even if I die, our Black Dragon Supreme Elder will avenge me!"

After Xie Xiuzheng, he suddenly went completely crazy. With a crazy roar, he flew up. His hand blurred, and a ghostly black broken bone suddenly appeared.

The next second, waves of unparalleled dark red spiritual power were inputted crazily, and the entire broken bone suddenly lit up with a layer of strange blood-red light.

Faintly, a vague dragon roar seemed to come from ancient times.

It's just that this dragon's roar is not as majestic and majestic as the real dragon's roar. Instead, it carries an aura of endless resentment, hatred, and jealousy!

At this second, almost every monk who saw the broken bone suddenly felt heavy in his heart, as if his whole person was affected.

Negative emotions of hatred, anger, and resentment surged up in my heart for no reason, and I just wanted to destroy everything and destroy everything.

The storm of resentful spirits that makes people turn black and go berserk appears!

"Oh, so this is the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group's most powerful treasure?"

Facing the storm of resentful spirits, Chu Chen's eyes lit up even though his gray shirt was fluttering in the wind, "A piece of ancient resentful dragon bone is almost equal to a semi-chaos treasure, but what is the Supreme Elder? Is the keel valuable?”

As Chu Chen said this, he pinched a magic formula with the index and middle fingers of his right hand and thrust it forward!

The blue-eyed golden dragon above the head suddenly opened its mouth wide, and with a pop, it spurted out a stream of scorching golden-red flames, blasting into the void towards Xie Xiu who was holding the Bone of the Resentful Dragon.

As soon as the golden-red flames touched Xie Xiu, it was like pouring a spoonful of boiling oil on the fire. The mighty golden-red flames billowed up and instantly ignited Xie Xiu's whole body.

His whole body immediately turned into a human-shaped torch!

The rolling golden-red flames were several feet high, but before even taking a breath, Xie Xiu was burned into nothingness.

It was as if it had never existed, and there was only a piece of black resentful dragon bone floating in the air!

Chu Chen rolled up his sleeves, and the severed keel flew into his hand. Got it!

The treasures hoarded by the Black Dragon Group were actually less than Chu Chen imagined. These desperadoes robbed more and spent more, but with this small piece of the resentful dragon's bone, this operation was still considered a success.

True dragon bones are no small matter, and the spiritual source produced will definitely not be less than a semi-chaos treasure!

The true dragon lineage has been the strongest race in the world since ancient times. Strictly speaking, the true dragon lineage is not just a bloodline, but a rank, the "rank" of the race with the strongest bloodline.

The road to becoming a true dragon is long and bumpy. If you have true dragon blood in your body, then this road will undoubtedly be much easier.

With true dragon blood in the body, even an ordinary spiritual beast has a chance to transform into a dragon!

If you succeed in transforming into a dragon, you will become a true dragon. If you fail to transform into a dragon, you will die. There is another possibility, that is, if you succeed in transforming into a dragon, your soul will transform into a true dragon, but your body will mutate and become a resentful dragon!

The mutated resentful dragon obviously has the strongest bloodline in the world, but it has never been able to obtain the rank of true dragon and achieve the name of the strongest. There will always be regrets, anger, resentment and other inner demons. In the end, Completely infected by inner demons, he completely became a resentful dragon.

Since ancient times, every time a resentful dragon is born, it will bring a catastrophe to the world.

The power of the resentful dragon's inner demon is extremely powerful and can infect the creatures around him without even realizing it, making them as full of resentment and anger towards the world as he is!

The Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group is so violent, it has to be said that they are affected by this resentment to a certain extent.

Chu Chen took away the Bone of the Resentful Dragon and refined it. To a certain extent, it was considered a meritorious deed, even though he was only practicing to seize the treasure for himself.

After Chu Chen put away the Bones of the Resentful Dragon, he glanced at the remaining group of black-clothed monks, and the world became quiet.

The air suddenly seemed as silent as death.

These black-clothed monks, whose hands were stained with countless blood, opened their mouths, revealing strange and ferocious smiles.

The career of the Black Dragon Formation Breakers taught them that in a desperate situation, the only thing they can do is to die with their opponents.

"Boss! We are here to avenge you!"

"Everyone, come together, these four bad men and women can kill every one of them!"

"I think we can kill that female cultivator, she should be the weakest!"

Dozens of elite monks from the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group all had red eyes. Only the instinct to kill was controlling them in despair. Each one of them clenched the magic weapons in their hands, bursting out streaks of scarlet spiritual light. !

From a distance, it looks like a group of black shadows standing in a sea of ​​blood.


After shouting in unison, most of them rushed towards Shi Yuyan, and the other half rushed towards Chu Chen and the other three.

Chu Chen smiled coldly, without any hesitation, and saw him wave his right palm, and the blue-eyed golden dragon in the void suddenly roared wildly, shook his body, and exploded with a bang!

It turned into eight identical blue-eyed golden dragons and swam towards the dozens of black-clothed monks scattered around!

Because of the relationship with the Immortal Refining Altar, because of the robbery of a large number of treasures in the Little Immortal World, and even more because of the trump card Duan Ji has in hand!

In an incredibly short period of time, Chu Chen's cultivation level improved from the fifth level of Lingxi to the eighth level!

Entering the great realm of Linghe is already right in front of you!

But Chu Chen knew that his time was actually running out. He sensed that Duan Ji's body was gradually becoming less controllable, whether it was because Duan Ji was completely dead or he was about to return.

There is not much time left for Chu Chen to practice crazily and improve his realm...

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