Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1628 Void Blood Array


When the giant eagle cries, a huge sonic storm centers on it and radiates crazily in all directions!

The space with a radius of thousands of feet is turbulent and the yellow sand on the ground is rising!

Everyone was involved in the yellow sand, including the old man in blood and the old man in black.

Lingdian felt an invisible heavy hammer hit his soul, and a flash of panic flashed across his eyes as dark as the abyss.

Before the invisible waves emitted by his unparalleled "soul-stripping" pupil technique could rush to Chu Chen, he was startled by the hawk's cry and instantly dissipated without a trace with a bang!

He was also affected by the giant eagle's sonic storm. At this moment, he felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and the whole world was only black and white.

Lingdian's body staggered in the flying yellow sand and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, not only did the sword light he released shatter, but the thin and bright blade in his hand suddenly dimmed and suddenly shattered with a pop!

That is... what is that, what is that? ?

How could a young monk in the Lingxi Realm have such perverted soul power? Just the long chirp of a spiritual bird's phantom destroyed his own soul attack and even hurt himself!

Who is this silver giant bird? !

This is the ancient golden-winged roc that has not yet evolved completely!

The soul of the supreme beast cannot be spied on!


Chu Chen gave a cold scolding, and at this second, the power of the soul in his mind was fiercely stimulated to its strongest state.

The terrifying silver-winged roc, a substantial phantom, immediately vibrated its sky-covering giant wings, and countless soul storms appeared in this piece of heaven and earth!

The old man in blood and the old man in black were about to take defensive actions against these soul storms raging everywhere, but all the soul storms disappeared in an instant?

The grumpy old man in blood-clothed clothes was just about to scold him for being mysterious, but his mouth opened wide because he saw a shocking scene!

All the soul storms disappeared. They did not disappear, but merged into a soul hurricane and swept into the Lingdian body! !

The whole person in Lingdian was carried by the hurricane and flew hundreds of feet into the sky.

Like a puppet being pulled up into the void!

When the hurricane of souls dissipated, the vitality in the eyes of the soul floating in the sky had disappeared. His body stiffened, and with a thump, he fell silently and quickly fell down.

One of the three supreme elders of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group, he died just half a step away from the Tianhe-level spiritual palace!


The corpse that fell from a height of a hundred feet directly created a huge sand pit and raised countless amounts of sand and dust.

"His Royal Highness Lingdian is dead?"

"How is it possible that the Supreme Elder of the Lingdian is much more powerful than the leader?"

"It must be witchcraft. Is that boy in gray a demon from a certain restricted area of ​​life?"

Seeing half of the feminine young man's body buried in the sand, and feeling from a distance that there was no longer any life fluctuation in the body, the remaining members of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group went crazy.

one move?

With just one move, a monk half a step across Tianhe was killed by a young Lingxi monk!

This is the Lingdian elder among the three Taishang elders!

This is the spirit palace that once single-handedly destroyed a broken formation!

When the remaining members of the Black Dragon Breaking Formation were about to go crazy, the old man in black was unusually calm, "In a duel between soul monks, life and death only take a moment, so don't panic."

"It turned out to be...soul backlash?

The old man, whose bloody clothes were flying like a war flag, also nodded in realization.

"The most fearful thing about Lingdian's soul-stealing pupil technique is an opponent whose soul power is far stronger than his own. This kid's soul power is actually stronger than Lingdian's. He should be a young genius with super strong soul talent."

The old man in black looked at Chu Chen with a hint of regret. It was hard for his soul to be a genius, but he still had to die.

"Xiao Ling swallowed a rare seven-fruit Poria plant by chance, and his soul ability was forcibly enhanced. Compared with monks with real soul talents, he is indeed weak, so he will have to admit his death. We will avenge him. that is."

The old man in blood clothes slowly clenched his fists.

"How do you want revenge?"

The old man in black said with faint concern.

The blood-clothed old man smiled ferociously, "A mere little monk in the Lingxi realm has such abnormal soul power. I won't kill him so quickly. I finally found such good material. I have to study it carefully and play with it. Have fun!”

"If you don't launch a soul attack and give him an opportunity, he won't be able to escape. Just have fun and let me search for your soul."

The old man in black knew his old man's cruel hobby. This young man in gray killed the spiritual palace that he had cultivated for many years. It was necessary for the Blood Lord to train him well to satisfy his hatred.

Chu Chen stood a hundred feet away, watching the two Tianhe monks discussing how to punish him, but his expression was unusually cold.

As if it has nothing to do with myself.

"Haha, this kid is quite courageous. He's not afraid when things are about to happen."

The ugly scar-like blood lines on the forehead of the old man in blood shimmered slightly, looking like a strange snake moving slowly.

"I, the Blood Lord, have been in the world of monks for so many years, but I haven't seen such a reckless little beast for a long time. Anyway, let me teach him what it means to be in awe of superiors!"


A blood-red light beam suddenly lit up from the blood-clothed old man, twisting and tangled in mid-air, and quickly transformed into a blood-colored strange insect that was a hundred feet long. This was a thing filled with evil energy.

The evil-erupting monster insect is covered with dark red scales, has no legs, no claws, no face and no eyes. At one end of its body is a hexagonal bloody mouth, which is filled with dense fangs.

This is an ancient evil insect!

Xuan Ke's heart was beating wildly in the distance.

At this time, Chu Chen made a move. He flew up and turned into a gray light and flew towards the west.

The ancient evil insect immediately chased him. Its huge body continued to expand and twist during the flight. Halfway through the pursuit, it suddenly exploded in the void with a "bang"? !

This is beyond everyone's expectation. What kind of waste is this ancient evil insect?

Will he self-destruct?

While everyone was dumbfounded, Chu Chen, who was running away quickly, had a face as cold as frost, flying faster and faster without any intention of relaxing.

call out! call out!

The huge blood mist spurted out streaks of blood-red light, dancing in all directions.

These blood-red rays of light instantly caught up with Chu Chen, covering hundreds of feet around Chu Chen, transforming into a huge dark red formation.

A gust of wind blew, and the bloody cloud after the explosion of the strange insect floated into the entire giant formation!

A bloodline evil formation is completely laid out.

At this time, looking from the outside, one could see a hazy blood-colored mist. Chu Chen's figure could be faintly seen in the mist. It was extremely hazy, as if it would disappear from this world at any time.

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