Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1629 Indifferent Companions

"This is...this is Lord Blood Lord's secret technique of empty prison, I saw it again!"

"This Hollow Bloodworm has been raised by Lord Blood for nearly a hundred years. The formed formation space is so strong that even a legendary strongman of the same level as Tianhe will be trapped in it and unable to escape. This kid deserves to die!"

"Lord Blood Lord must vent this evil breath on Black Dragon's behalf, so that he can't live or die."

Seeing the hazy bloody mist shrouding Chu Chen's figure, the remaining members of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group all became excited and regained a bit of viciousness.

Obviously, everyone believed that the overall situation was completely in the hands of the old man in blood and the old man in black.

Two Tianhe-level legendary monks control the situation. These four uninvited guests are destined to fall one by one!

No matter how hard you struggle!

Compared to the excitement and ferocity of the remaining members of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group, the faces of Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke and Shi Yuyan were very calm.

Even the members of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group felt that these three people were terrifyingly calm. It was clear that their companions were trapped in the blood formation and were in danger, but they remained unmoved?

Are these people really weird?

In contrast to the indifference of the three people, Chu Chen, who was trapped in the void blood formation, looked serious.

"Ancient evil worms... rift blood worms? It's interesting..."

At this moment, Chu Chen, who was trapped in the formation, was concentrating on scanning the void blood formation he was trapped in with his spiritual sense, feeling that the space within a hundred feet around him seemed to be completely cut into an independent world of its own.

Chu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is the space spirit prison technique!

Once a monk reaches the Linghe Realm, he begins to deal with the laws of space.

The monks in the Linghe realm can initially perform the secret space technique of "drawing the ground as a prison", which can imprison a space of several feet to build a house, making the enemies in the space feel like they are trapped in a cage, unable to move at all.

This is also the unique domain power of the monks in the Linghe realm. Faced with such a secret technique, the monks below the Linghe realm lose all mobility and have no possibility of counterattack.

The secret technique of the spiritual prison performed by this blood elder of the Tianhe level is even better than the previous level. Using the ancient evil insect of the space type, the "sky-cracking blood worm", as a carrier, the entire cut-out independent space was refined into a mysterious building. Incomparable magic circle.

In this way, the power of the ancient insects, the power of space, and the power of the formation are gathered together, making this independent space even more dangerous and strong!

Everyone in the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group has seen that there are more than one Tianhe-level strongman who fell into this called "Xuanxue Demonic Formation"!

Not to mention this little monk from Lingxi in gray!

Chu Chen, who was trapped in the Void Blood Formation, was frantically analyzing the formation with his spiritual sense, ignoring all disturbances.

"Little beast, your cultivation level is so low. I won't bully the weak too much. I decided to give you a chance to survive. This Xuanxue Demonic Array has three magical powers: 'blood trapping', 'fascination' and 'demon-hungry'. , I will shut down the most lethal "Devil-like", leaving only the two magical powers of Sleep and Confusion! If you can escape from it, I will spare your life!"


Chu Chen in the Void Blood Formation was scanning frantically with his spiritual sense, and he couldn't care less about listening to what he said.

The old man in blood-clothed clothes couldn't help but snorted coldly, thinking that he was stunned, "I'm afraid it's too late now. Let me tell you the rules of survival. You only have one cup of tea to escape from this blood array. When the time is up, I will I'll break a limb of yours!"

The ferocious look in the blood-clothed old man's eyes became even more intense.

"After cutting off one of your limbs, I will give you another ten breaths. If you can't escape, I will cut off another limb. If all four limbs are cut off, I will kill you directly! Hahaha..."

The wild laughter shook everyone within a hundred miles, and everyone's eardrums hurt.

A group of black dragon monks were very excited. They knew the fear of falling into this void blood formation. Sometimes, suffering in fear was a hundred times more terrifying than being killed immediately.

"Remember, there is only time for a cup of tea, so now... let's get started!"

The old man in blood-clothed clothes had a playful look on his face, like a cat and mouse, and his blood-clothed clothes were flying like a big flag.

At this time, Chu Chen, who was deeply trapped in the blood formation in the void, finally made a move. His figure shook violently, and the space around him couldn't help shaking. Eight Lingxi dragons, as powerful as prison, with blue eyes and golden scales, emerged from the void. He got out and swam in all directions with his teeth and claws bared!


The dragon roared, and every Lingxi dragon was extremely condensed and real. The scales on its body were lifelike, and even the fine lines on the scales were clearly visible.

They exude a faint dragon power. If everyone hadn't seen the dragon rising from Chu Chen's body with their own eyes, people would have no doubt that these dragons are real dragons with flesh and blood!

Eight dragons swam towards the edge in eight directions in the blood-red world. In just one breath, one of the dragons suddenly exploded with a bang and exploded into pieces without any sound, turning into dots of golden light. Dissipate into the void.

Killed by the formation!

It’s the killing point!

Chu Chen's eyes suddenly condensed. After the space nodes cut out by the prison secret technique were melted into the Xuanxue Demon Array, the originally fragile space nodes had transformed into killing points.

Those nodes are filled with extremely powerful killing power. Once you get close, you may be killed by the powerful power of Tianhe level!

If the space "node" of the space cage cut out by the general painting ground for the prison secret technique is found, then it is basically not far away from cracking the space cage.

It is like a magnificent palace, with a few pillars being the most important.

As long as those few pillars are removed, the entire hall will collapse.

But after being smelted into the formation, these nodes that were originally weak points have turned into killing points full of murderous intent. Ordinary cracking methods are... useless for this formation!

This formation is not simple...

Bang bang bang!

Just as Chu Chen's thoughts were racing, the remaining Lingxi dragons burst into pieces.

When these dragons were chasing the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group, they were extremely powerful and invincible. No member of the Black Dragon Formation Breaking Group could resist them.

But when faced with the killing point of this formation, there was no resistance at all. You can imagine how strong the killing point is!

It seems that the ordinary cracking methods are not working... Then we need to change our thinking!

Chu Chen frowned and saw that all eight dragons exploded into pieces within a few breaths, but he didn't seem to care too much.

His figure suddenly shook, and eight more Lingxi dragons wandered away in eight directions.

Bang bang bang...

In the blink of an eye, the eight newly born Lingxi dragons once again encountered the new "killing points" in the space with powerful killing power. Without any suspense, they exploded one by one and turned into little golden light and disappeared.

Chu Chen's face was calm, his figure trembled slightly, and he threw out eight blue-eyed golden dragons, and swam in all directions with teeth and claws.

In the blood-colored formation space, dragons roared, and each blue-eyed golden dragon seemed to be a real dragon flying through the void, exploring every direction of the entire formation.

From time to time, jet-black murderous intent soared into the sky, smashing the dragon into pieces.

Some are killing points transformed from space nodes, while others are the killing power contained in the formation itself.

Wandering triggers a kill!

Over and over again!

Although the most murderous "demon-loving" power of this formation has been turned off, there is still a large amount of killing light distributed in the formation. Under the exploration of the Lingxi dragons, these killing points, The killing places were explored and discovered by Chu Chen one by one.

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