Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1777 Escape Artifact


Lan Xuan was dumbfounded and screamed at the ground, but there was no response.


He was dumbfounded as he watched his most powerful support disappear into the huge crack in the ground, and his mind was a little hard to turn around.

"What...what is going on? With the old devil's cultivation, he is actually afraid of that old man who is pretending to be a ghost in the sky!"

Lan Xuan felt his eyes go dark, it was over!

"The visitor is one of the founders of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group, the 'Nirvana Heaven' in the 'Shanghai Three Days'."

There was no emotion in Shi Yuyan's cold voice, but Lan Xuan felt a chill running down his spine. It was the Nine Heavens of Nirvana!

"Nirvana should be coming from afar, using some kind of magical power to project its own projection here to intimidate us."

The old monk Xuan Ke also said with a serious face.

"Duan Laomo is indeed a pure businessman. When he sees a loss-making business, he turns around and leaves. Damn it..."

Lan Xuan couldn't help but cursed.

At this time, there were at least two thousand Jiutian white-clothed monks surrounding him, and a super old monster, Nie Mietian, was coming from the distance.

Duan Ji actually ran away on his own. This old guy really had no loyalty at all. He was considered his private property anyway, and he didn't care about it.


Chu Chen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up. With a flick of his hand, the giant white tiger under everyone turned into a stream of light and rushed out to the left.

Duan Ji's earth-shattering blow just now completely destroyed the Jiutian Breaking Formation Group's combined attack formation, so there were gaps everywhere.

No matter how far away, the white tiger can at least escape some distance!


After Duan Ji's figure disappeared, the purple thunder face in the sky did not dissipate, but instead exuded an increasingly powerful aura.

Continuous thunder began to sound between the sky and the earth. Every sound of thunder meant that an inexplicable pressure in the void became stronger and stronger.

The blurred facial features of the purple face are becoming more and more clear!

Everyone already knows that the Heaven of Nirvana is getting closer and closer to here.

"It's useless no matter how you run, you can't outrun that nine-day old thing!"

The giant white tiger was galloping, and Lan Xuan still couldn't accept the cruel truth that he was going to be completely destroyed.

"Damn Duan Lao Mo, Duan Lao Gou, Duan Zi's grandson, the old beast. He has no sense of loyalty or emotion. When he meets someone he can't beat, he will grease the soles of his feet. It's really unbearable. He deserves to be considered one of the top ten evil masters. Chu Chen, what do you think of this temporary master? "

Chu Chen didn't say anything. In fact, he had no time to talk to Lan Xuan now.

All his attention was focused on the giant white tiger, driving the tiger to avoid the magma flames that erupted from time to time. At the same time, he was looking for a gap in the encirclement of the Jiutian Breaking Formation, as if hoping to successfully escape from the encirclement before the gap closed.

boom! boom! boom!

Just as the white tiger rushed to a slightly flat rock,

There was a sudden explosion in the ground in the south, and the ground was cracking open!

More and more cracks are appearing, and there are mounds of earth that are constantly rising up, all seeming to tell that something huge is about to come out of the ground?


Everyone's eyes dimmed as a huge gray shadow burst out of the ground with boundless black flames!

A huge gray dragon, a thousand feet long, flew out of the ground with a large amount of broken rock and soil.

There are natural black secret patterns on the scales of this huge gray dragon, and these secret patterns are burning with blazing flames.

After the huge figure of the gray dragon rushed out of the ground, it twisted crazily and danced wildly on the ground, smashing boulders, big trees, and mountain peaks into pieces. Wherever it went, the surrounding terrain was completely destroyed!

The giant dragon seems to be suffering great pain?


Lan Xuan took a closer look and discovered that there was actually a human figure hanging from the giant tail of the gray dragon.

The figure grasped the huge tail of the gray dragon with one hand, and a layer of intense black light erupted from his palm to form a dense network of light, completely surrounding the thousand-foot gray dragon.

That figure was clearly Duan Ji!


The trapped gray dragon roared crazily, struggling crazily in the sky and on the earth. Wherever it passed, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered! Dust and smoke billowing!

The remaining members of Jiutian fled in panic one by one.

However, in front of the supreme power of evil, all the giant dragon's struggles were in vain.

Duan Ji kept blasting out all kinds of gleaming seals, and finally when he flicked his fingers to drive weird nail-shaped black runes into the body of the gray dragon, it finally calmed down.

No longer struggling, the fierce light in the giant eyes gradually extinguished, and the giant body like the Great Wall bowed down, as if it no longer resisted and was being slaughtered by Duan Ji.


At this time, Duan Ji, who was standing on the head of the huge dragon, waved to Chu Chen and his group who were not far away.

"Let's go, get ready to change mounts, let's ride that gray dragon."

Chu Chen said hello, and the white tiger led everyone to the giant dragon. Chu Chen jumped off the back of the white giant tiger with the unconscious Qi Fei, and climbed onto the back of the gray dragon in an instant.

When Lan Xuan and others saw this, they quickly turned over one by one.

There are many strange beasts in the Little Fairy World, perhaps because there have been no human beings for many years. Most of the strange beasts here have strong bodies, strong bones, and huge sizes.

Not to mention anything else, even if some king beasts don't have the slightest spiritual power in their bodies, they can burst out with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth just by relying on their physical body.

Naturally, this gray dragon has not reached the level of a king beast, but it is many times more powerful than the white tiger. It is like a huge moving wall.

Seeing everyone jumping up behind the gray dragon, Chu Chen looked at the white tiger, thoughtfully, took out a dark thing from the storage space, and threw it at the white tiger.

"You have been tired from leading us all the way. It will be good for you to eat this. The little fairy world is too chaotic now. Find a secluded place to retreat for a while, and wait until the chaos of the king beast is over before you are born again."

The white tiger quickly swallowed the black stuff in one gulp, and a look of gratitude suddenly appeared in its big eyes.

He actually nodded to Chu Chen in a very humane manner, and then disappeared into a stream of light.

When the white tiger disappeared, Chu Chen looked back and found that Lan Xuan was already kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down his face, holding Duan Ji's thigh, "Master, I know you will not abandon us, everyone thinks You left, but I firmly said that you will come back. You are kind and righteous, and as expected, you came back to save us!"

Not only Chu Chen, but also Shi Yuyan and others were dumbfounded.

This Lan Xuan has absolutely no idea what integrity is, and has completely forgotten how he scolded Duan Laomo just now.

Under Chu Chen's control, Duan Ji kicked Lan Xuan away and gave a direct command, causing the huge gray dragon to soar into the sky.

While flying into the sky, it actually traveled through several layers of space?

Instantly leaping to the top of the Nine Heavens, everyone looked down from the sky to the ground. The monks in white clothes of the Nine Heavens on the riddled earth had turned into small black spots that were almost impossible to see clearly.

The giant dragon is like a giant ship, constantly moving through the clouds and mist, and constantly making short-distance space jumps!

It led everyone to fly rapidly in the opposite direction from where Nirvana Heaven came.

Under the control of a peerless powerhouse like Duan Ji, the gray dragon has been able to break the air-forbidden law of the Immortal Crystal Ancient Mountain at this time and can fly freely above the nine heavens! ...

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