Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1778 Flying Current

The feeling of everyone riding a gray dragon soaring in the sky with lightning speed is completely different from riding a white tiger leaping and galloping on the ground.

With no terrain restrictions and the ability to travel through space for short periods of time, the gray dragon is as fast as lightning!

Not long after, the rushing thunder behind him became smaller and smaller, but he calmly escaped the pursuit of Nirvana Sky.

"It's finally safe..."

The group of people sat on the generous arched backs of the gray dragon. Seeing the purple thunder in the sky finally disappear, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and all of them showed expressions of surviving the disaster.

"This time it was really dangerous. The two founders of the Nine Heavens Broken Formation Group, Hengtian and Jiannietian, actually appeared one after another. The most important thing is that we managed to escape, hahaha... We are really lucky!"

Lan Xuan laughed loudly, as if he had saved everyone.

The old monk Xuan Ke, who always cherished words like gold, also showed a look of relief at this time.

He felt very emotional in his heart, having personally witnessed the battle between the top experts in the entire Little Immortal World, which benefited him greatly in his cultivation.

Shi Yuyan looked at Chu Chen warily.

"Speaking of which...who is this person you brought?"

Shi Yuyan's cold eyes glanced up and down around Chu Chen. The unconscious big man flew away. This man had many swords stuck in his body, and he was not dead yet! ?

"He is my brother, Qi Fei."

As Chu Chen spoke, he bent down and carefully checked Qi Fei's pulse. He saw that although he was still unconscious, the violent spiritual energy in his body had calmed down.

The alien flesh and blood essence he swallowed was too mellow and could not be straightened out in a short while.

The only solution for now is to find a safe place first, and then slowly think of ways to help him heal.

"This guy's appearance is very arrogant. He has more than a hundred swords stuck in his body. What kind of Tao does he practice?" Lan Xuan on the side widened his eyes.

Xuan Ke was also sizing up this uninvited guest. He said slowly, "But it seems to me that these swords are made from a certain magical weapon. How did he do this? It seems that some kind of magical weapon is half-refined with blood." , and then it mutated?"

"I'll explain it to you slowly when I have time. Has Zhou Lin prepared our hiding place?" Chu Chen asked.

Today's Little Fairy World has fallen into chaos. If you want to survive in such a chaotic world, you must set up safe strongholds in some safe locations and prepare various healing and replenishing elixirs, magic weapons, food, water and other supplies in advance.

In this way, whether you are experiencing a life-and-death fight or exploring ancient ruins, once you are injured, you will have a relatively stable place to recuperate.

Otherwise, you will go through a bloody battle with scars, and end up like a headless fly just finding a cave and crawling into it. Who knows if there are some evil spirits and evil beasts in that cave!

"It has been prepared for a long time. Zhou Lin has prepared three hiding places. The nearest one is less than 100,000 miles away from here."

Lan Xuan took out a jade talisman from the storage ring and activated his spiritual power to manifest a three-dimensional map of light and shadow.

Show all the general landforms around you.

Among the beautiful spiritual landforms, three bright red light spots sparkled.

Chu Chen noted down the locations of these three hiding places and was about to take a rest. The battle to escape from Xianjing Ancient Mountain had left Chu Chen exhausted.

Chu Chen, who had just closed his eyes, suddenly realized something was wrong?

A sudden change!

In fact, at this time, everyone relaxed. After all, there was a peerless fierce man like Duan Ji guarding them. Even if the so-called Nirvana innocently chased after him, Duan Laomo would still be blocking him first.

Besides, there are gray dragons that can fly in the air, which also avoids the possibility of being overwhelmed by the Nine Heavens Formation Breaking Group's human sea tactics.

It is precisely because of this that when a sudden change occurs, no one can react in advance!

...No one, including Duan Ji's physical body controlled by Chu Chen's soul, noticed that high in the sky, on top of countless clouds, a dazzling huge purple electric light had quietly formed.

Immediately, with lightning speed, the sky and the earth were shattered, like the ultimate Thor's hammer coming, the huge purple lightning struck the gray dragon heavily.

The dazzling purple light exploded. This purple light was extremely pure and magnificent. From a distance, it looked like it was carved from pure purple jade.

The strange thing is that this purple electric light did not leak any aura, and even Chu Chen's powerful spiritual consciousness did not notice it in advance.

When the purple thunder struck down on the head, a great terror and horror from the deepest part of his heart suddenly burst out, and the 36,000 pores on Chu Chen's body instantly became cold.

Chu Chen issued the command almost instinctively, and Duan Ji's body let out a violent roar, and a black light burst out from his body, forming a huge light shield that enveloped him!

But it was too late. When the black light shield was forming, the huge purple thunder had already completely chopped down.

The rapidly flying gray dragon exploded, broke into several pieces, and turned into billowing blood mist.

At the critical moment, the spiritual shield that Duan Ji burst out only covered a few people, but it was not even able to protect the gray dragon.

At the same moment, Chu Chen felt as if someone was holding a giant hammer weighing ten thousand pounds and hitting his soul hard.

The world will be shattered by this blow!

Chu Chen felt like he no longer existed.

His mind felt dizzy and he was about to lose consciousness completely.

Before he fell into coma, he only had time to send a command to Duan Ji's physical body to continuously activate the spiritual light shield to protect everyone, and his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

"Oops, the gray dragon was killed. If I fell from such a high sky, I would be left half disabled even if I didn't die..."

This was the last moment of consciousness before Chu Chen fell into coma.

I don’t know how long it has been?

When Chu Chen woke up again, he found that he seemed to be lying in a cold black forest.

There are huge trees all around, with thick branches and leaves, covering the sky and the sun.

He seemed to have fallen into a swamp, surrounded by a strong miasma and the sour smell of rotten branches and leaves.

There were many huge broken branches around, probably the result of the impact when he fell.

The second feeling I felt when I regained consciousness was pain. There was no part of my body that was not in pain.

The purple sky thunder that appeared at the end seemed to contain some corrosive power, making Chu Chen's hands and feet sore and weak, and the pain continued.

It felt like a ferocious beast was eating his body bit by bit.

After trying several times in a row, Chu Chen finally sat up from the swamp mud.

Like a clay figure, he endured the severe pain that spread all over his body and took a closer look around him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there were no missing parts on his body. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of rancid sludge.

This is extremely embarrassing.

But at least he survived. ...

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