Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1794 Old problem

In the circle formed by the four demons, the silver dragon eagle seems to be the only flaw!

Because it is a great bird demon, the blood power of the silver roc has a natural suppressive effect on it!

No matter how lofty it is in this territory, it is still a humble and insignificant existence in front of the most noble Golden-winged Dapeng bloodline.

No falcon-like ferocious beast, spiritual beast, or demonic beast can resist the golden-winged roc. This is natural bloodline suppression!


In the biting wind, the silver roc flew towards the huge silver dragon eagle without hesitation.

The lightsaber in Ling Xuan's hand on the back of the silver roc also expanded to its limit, and its offensive force had to tear a crack in the siege of the demons.

Her target is obviously the Silver Dragon Eagle, which is suppressed by the power of the Silver Dapeng's bloodline!

Taking advantage of the moment of bloodline suppression to kill it? !

But at the moment when the lightsaber and the silver dragon eagle were about to come into contact, the dark silver roc suddenly turned straight up and soared into the sky.

Until nine o'clock!

Escape to the sky?

After the demons were stunned for a moment, they all jumped into the air and followed closely.


Ling Xuan turned her wrist and swung the dazzling lightsaber downwards, smashing into pieces dozens of demons that were flying high into the air in an attempt to intercept them.

A light blue sword ring continued to expand, extending and radiating in all directions in the void.

For a moment, all the monsters were startled and stopped their pursuit, because they did not dare to pursue upwards and confront him head-on to explode the sword ring.

The four demons, the old man in black robe, the beautiful woman with nine tails, the giant unicorn beast, and the silver dragon eagle, were stunned for a moment, and then they joined forces and rushed into the sword ring that cut the space.

But it's too late!

Only when the speed of the silver roc suddenly reached an incredible speed, it disappeared from the top of the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Yin, what's the matter with you? A strange bird with some ancient Dapeng blood suppressed you into this?"

The eyes of the three big demons all turned to the silver dragon eagle, and the anger in the eyes of the black-robed old man almost burst out.

Dragon Eagle's huge body, which was a hundred feet long, trembled slightly, and sweat flowed out from the gaps in the silver scales all over his body.

It was obviously very frightened of the old man in black robe and kept explaining.

"It is not an ordinary prehistoric bloodline, but a real, pure bloodline of a divine beast! Pure bloodline of the golden-winged roc!"

The old man in black robe sneered, "Even if it is a divine beast, it is still a cub in its infancy. Have you lived such a long time in vain?"

"Hey, I'm usually so domineering, but now I'm as docile as a bird, it's no use." The nine-tailed beauty shook her head with a sweet smile, turned into a stream of light and escaped into the distance, and left.

"I am ashamed to call you the supreme double wall of this demonic realm. No one can stop you, so what kind of wall are you?" The giant unicorn also sneered, got into the void, and disappeared.

"This is an ancient stone of blood. It has the power to protect blood. Take it and don't let me down again."

The old man in black robe breathed out a palm-sized red jade stone from his sleeves.

It was thrown towards the silver dragon eagle, and then turned into black air and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

After the silver dragon eagle swallowed the blood in one gulp, he muttered something to himself, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

After a long silence, a blazing light suddenly burst out from Longying's vicious eyes.

Contained in that light is almost endless madness and hysteria!

"I am not convinced! I must eat that silver roc to obtain the pure blood of the mythical beast roc."

It roared angrily and began to laugh wildly.

"This is my destiny and opportunity. No matter what, no matter what the cost, I must...eat it!"


With a violent roar, the silver dragon eagle spread out a pair of broad wings more than a hundred feet long, and rushed towards the direction where the silver roc disappeared!

At this time, there was another side of the sky.

The strong wind was fierce, and the silver roc clone sprinted through the void with great speed.

The speed flew to the limit, causing the surrounding scenery to turn into flowing shadows flying behind him.

This is already the extreme height, and everything on the ground becomes extremely small.

In a daze, the girl Ling Xuan was half-lying on the back of the silver roc, touching its dark silver feathers that shone like metal with both hands.

The girl asked in a low voice, "Where have you been these days? I have traveled to many places and can't find you? I thought...never again..."

Chu Chen was startled for a moment and opened his mouth, but he only let out a sharp eagle chirp.

I was used to using bird language, and in my excitement, I forgot to translate it into human language.

"This... I'm at a critical stage of evolution recently, so I set up a concealment restriction and found a place underground in my original lair."

"Oh, I thought I was the only one left in this world without anyone to rely on. Finally, you finally came to me. I know you won't abandon me."

No one would have thought that this girl, who was regarded as a killing machine by the outside world and always kept to herself, would say such a thing.

Chu Chen also felt a sore nose.

She really only has herself.

He must protect her, just like she protected her newborn self.

Xiao Ying and Ling Xuan have always depended on each other for survival.

After maintaining the top speed for more than an hour, Chu Chen found the top of a high cliff and used it as a temporary place to stay.

The demon territory in Middle Earth is so vast that it is impossible to fly out for a while.

Relatively speaking, the higher the place, the safer it is. No matter what danger you encounter, you can leave as soon as possible.

Falling lightly to the ground, Chu Chen controlled the silver roc clone to lower slightly and put Ling Xuan down on his back.

But something seems wrong with Ling Xuan right now?

The girl's face was pale, and she was covered in cold sweat. Her originally beautiful face showed a hint of pain from time to time.

The aura on his body also fluctuated up and down, as if he was experiencing some great pain.

"what happened?"

Chu Chen was startled, and the spiritual thoughts sent over him couldn't help but bring a hint of anxiety.

Could it be that what she did in the Demon Realm just now caused internal injuries?

"It's nothing serious. It's just an old problem that will happen every once in a while. It will get better on its own soon."

Ling Xuan closed her eyes tightly, the girl's soft body leaned against the thick feathers of the silver roc, and she forced a smile.

"What's the condition?"

Ling Xuan shook her head, as if she didn't want to say more.

Chu Chen was anxious, so he stopped asking any more questions at the moment and activated his soul power, as vast and powerful as the sea, to scan Ling Xuan from top to bottom.

In fact, this kind of behavior of scanning each other's body, including the soul, with the power of the soul is extremely rude. Generally, except for couples with extremely close relationships, father and son, master and disciple, no one would dare to do this.

Because each person's soul has absolute control over his or her body, if the opponent's soul counterattacks during the scanning process, it will cause heavy damage to the scanner.

However, the girl originally had great trust in the silver eagle that she had watched since she was a child. Now she felt the soul exploration of the silver roc, and knew that it was for her own good, so she had no objection and allowed the other party to use her soul. The body was scanned all over.

But inexplicably, Ling Xuan felt a strange feeling in her heart.

She didn't know why, but it was clear that there was just a silver eagle-like spiritual beast here, but when its huge soul power scanned over, a certain heartstring in her heart was lightly touched. ...

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