Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1795 Be your umbrella

There was a strange feeling in the girl's heart.

On the other side, Chu Chen's heart sank after scanning Ling Xuan's soul fluctuations.

Because he discovered that Ling Xuan's so-called condition now was still the sequelae left behind by the soul control of Taoist Ku Xin!

Although Chu Chen helped Ling Xuan get rid of Ku Xin's soul at that time, he could not completely get rid of it, so that there was still a shadow of Ku Xin's soul in Ling Xuan's soul.

This demonic shadow is attached to Ling Xuan's body like a maggot attached to the bone. It has become one with her soul and is always waiting for an opportunity to erode her soul.

And the erosion of this demonic shadow also makes Ling Xuan have to expend a lot of energy to resist at all times. Once her mind is relaxed or she has experienced a battle that consumes the power of her soul, she will be attacked by the demonic shadow. will become so weak.

After so many years, even with the strength of Chu Chen's soul, he did not dare to rashly get rid of this demonic shadow.

Because this demonic shadow has become a part of Ling Xuan's soul, if it is eliminated by violence, even Ling Xuan's own soul will be severely damaged.

At this moment, Chu Chen felt like he had nowhere to start.

At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and dark clouds quickly gathered from all directions, covering the sky.

The dazzling electric light danced like a silver snake, tearing the void apart. After a while, heavy rain poured down, turning the entire world into a swamp.

The climate in the Demon Realm is extremely abnormal and can change at any time. It often changes several times in a day.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, and now it is pouring with rain.

The top of the high cliff is unobstructed.

Chu Chen slowly stretched out one of his wings and placed it on Ling Xuan's head. The single wing of the silver roc clone was more than five feet long, and he immediately built a spacious and quiet place in the middle of the downpour. .

The girl fell at its feet and lay on its wings.

"Let's rest for a while."

Chu Chen sent out a spiritual thought, and at the same time activated his soul power, forming a bright and dazzling sun in Ling Xuan's soul.

That scorching sun continued to emit waves of thick, warm energy in all directions, completely removing the shadows in Ling Xuan's soul.

Although it could not completely clean up the trace of the demonic shadow, it could temporarily suppress the power of the demonic shadow.

At this time, Ling Xuan felt relaxed and fell into an exhausted sleep under the warm sun of Chu Chen's soul.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, as if it is going to flood the world.

But Chu Chen stood aloof on the high cliff, shielding the girl from the wind and rain. Even if the world was submerged, he would not waver.

This was the most peaceful sleep Ling Xuan had had in months.

There is no entanglement of the ghostly shadow of Sweetheart Ku, no frightening nightmare, no uneasiness of being swallowed up and eroded.

She felt like she was lying on an endless stretch of grass, with the warm sunlight pouring down from the sky and covering her whole body, filling her whole soul with a sense of security.

Wake up slowly from a deep sleep,

The girl realized that the rain had stopped at some point?

A warm scorching sun hangs in the sky, bringing a rare light to the demonic realm of Middle-earth that is always shrouded in demonic clouds.

Looking around, looking down from the high cliffs, one can see that many places are still shrouded in thick fog.

Beside her, the silver roc, which was more than three feet tall, stood silently beside her. It spread out a wide wing and formed a small shelter around her.

The little eagle that could barely walk back then has now grown into a behemoth with a wingspan of nearly ten feet.

Looking at the outstretched wings, each feather seemed to be made of silver, full of explosive power. For some reason, Ling Xuan felt very happy in her heart.

"Little Eagle, meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life."

The silver roc looked around with sharp and piercing eyes, looking loyal.

Because in Chu Chen's heart, he also felt that it was the luckiest thing for the little eagle to meet the girl when it was born into this world.

"I will protect you well."

Chu Chen faintly sent a spiritual thought towards Ling Xuan.

Ling Xuan nodded vigorously.

No one would believe that this girl, who was alone, frightened by everyone, and out of tune with the world like a killing machine, would accept the protection of others without hesitation.

The girl actually whispered to the silver roc, "Next time...next time, don't disappear for so long."

The girl's always cold and beautiful face revealed a trace of pure attachment.

Just like all the frost melted instantly, a flawless white snowdrop bloomed from the depths of the iceberg.

At this moment, Ling Xuan was so beautiful that she was pure and flawless.

Let the whole world lose its color.

At this time, Chu Chen clearly felt that Ling Xuan's soul had become extremely stable and stable, and her thoughts were clear.

This kind of situation can also make her soul perfect, so that the demonic shadow cannot corrode her mind.

"Your inner demon has not been completely eradicated. I have observed that you seem to have been trying your best to suppress it during this period. However, the power of the demonic shadow is extremely tenacious and has been suppressed so hard that it seems to have a tendency to finally explode recently."

Seeing that Ling Xuan was in a good mood, Chu Chen started talking about business.

"Although I can help suppress the demonic shadow by your side, in the end, it is better to block it than to open up. I know a place that may be able to help you completely eliminate the power of the demon in your heart. Are you willing to follow me?"

The silver roc seemed to be looking at the girl with a smile.

"I'll go with you."

Ling Xuan answered without any hesitation. She didn't even ask where the place was?

Chu Chen smiled and stretched his wings, as if stretching in the direction of the sun.

Ling Xuan looked interesting and stretched towards the sun.

One person, one bird, the same movement.

The girl's graceful and slender figure seemed to be rimmed with a layer of light golden light under the sunlight, making her look particularly soft.

Just as she stretched her waist halfway, the girl's expression suddenly changed.

Looking towards the direction of the sun, you can see a small point of light speeding towards you from the distant sky.

The light spot quickly became brighter, turned silver, and then turned into a silver light group.

In just a few breaths, the silver light group turned into a clearly visible huge silver shadow!

"Silver Dragon Eagle!"

Ling Xuan quickly stood in front of the cliff and rushed in front of Chu Chen. Her eyes focused and her palms shook. A white long sword as clear as water appeared in her palm, and wisps of sharp light blue sword light bloomed.

Ling Xuan, with her black hair and black robe flying in the wind, seemed to have forgotten that if she wanted Chu Chen to protect herself, she instinctively held the sword in front of the little eagle to protect it! ...

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