Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 864: Catch a giant crocodile

[Baidu Star River Emperor welcomes you

The power of the Promise of Wuji strengthened, gradually combined with the emperor of the earth, and made up for each other. Suddenly, the power of monitoring was inextricably linked, and there was no possibility of omission.

Wuji's cerebellum is good at martial arts calculation and control, while Wuji's brain is the crystallization of pure wisdom, which cooperates with each other. Although the power has not recovered to the strongest peak of Wuji's brain, it is enough to let a human world completely envelope it.

多 How big is the human world? Compared with the entire physical world, it is pitifully small. The Promise brain is the source of wisdom in the entire physical world. Even if it is one-tenth of its strength, it can fully operate the human world like an iron bucket without any flaws.


The faint murderousness, with the spread of the Promise Lord, reached the depths of the human world.

Like the immortal world, the human world is divided into many caves. In addition, there are also continents that float with each other. They are blocked by nature and have a space-time tunnel connection. It is very convenient. In fact, it is the same as the Immortal Tower Star Field. Like the system, chips can be used to transmit at any time. Every citizen in the realm has a chip.

But unlike the Immortal Tower Starfield, people in the human world have more dignity, even if they are not wealthy civilians, they do not have the power to kill powerful people and masters at will. The laws are strict, everyone is equal, and self-confidence is fraternal. , Peaceful and naive.

Of course, there are some legal loopholes, but they can also be patched in time.

Moreover, since the immortal gourd was integrated into the human world, all the grievances have been absorbed by the gourd, but instead become the nourishment of the gourd, making the world more and more solid.

The millions of continents in the human world are hidden in the depths of time and space, similar to a province on the earth. The internal space is now no larger than the entire galaxy. It is difficult to explore even God, unless the emperor can only See the mystery in it.

However, with the promotion of Jiang Li, the majestic development in the human world has gradually established the same majesty as the immortal world. Although the reincarnation of the entire world has been transformed into Jiang Tianyi, the source has been left behind and integrated into the world ’s emperor In the body.

The emperor ’s current practice is also the peak of the emperor.

"The power of the Promise, scan everything ..." The faint fluctuations, only the emperor can feel, as the power of the Promise Lord strengthens, the fluctuations disappear, because this is the power beyond the Emperor.

Only when you practice to the "world and earth with longevity" beyond the realm of the emperor, can you detect the power of the mighty Lord, the mighty shore.

"After scanning the fertile continent, no abnormalities were found ......... After scanning the Aurora continent, no abnormalities were found ... Tianling Continent, Fighting Spirit Continent, Brave Continent, Wenyuan Continent, Kendo Continent ..."

The whole human world has a total of 129,600 continents, which is one dollar.

Moreover, each of these continents is huge and each has its own style. The number of yuan is changing with the blood in Jiang Li's body, and there are also 12,960 drops of blood in his body. Each has a different size. The world and the human world echo each other, and the human world is his incarnation.

More importantly, those continents are not just continents. They are inhabitants. Each continent has its own spirit and spirit, and carries a concept.

For example, the abundance of the mainland is rich, happy, and plentiful.

The continent represents the east. In the Buddhist scriptures, the east was once called the continent.

The Wenyuan continent is a place where the essence of humanities is concentrated. Of course, it is classical knowledge. Modern technology has a scientific continent and a mechanical continent. If you want to study, you can go to these continents and learn yourself. I want to learn something.

In addition, the immortal continent, the Buddha continent, and the martial arts continent are all places where civilizations gather and humanities gather.

Twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty-six continents is equal to twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty-six civilizations. They are extremely bright. The continents are shining like pearls, echoing each other, making the human world a perfect one, and there are no more drawbacks. .

深 In the depths of each continent, there is wisdom power and vitality.

This is exactly the same as the big world in Jiang Li 冇. A big world without ideas is meaningless. With ideas, you live alive.

滴滴 滴滴 ...

Suddenly, the Lord of Promise trembled.

A powerful force shrouded one of the continents, and then a strong alarm shot out from it: "There is danger, this continent is threatened, and there is a breath to destroy the world. It is the messenger that lurks in it."

"Seal the continent, immediately seal the continent, all the masters, isolate this continent." Jiang Li was shocked, knowing the danger, the Promise Lord felt very dangerous.

"This is the mainland of China. It is the backbone of the 12,919 continent. It has a large population and is an elite. Don't take it lightly."

"Anyway, I mobilized the Lord of the World to move all people out instantly. They have chips, and the chips have the power to move automatically. According to the emergency laws of war, as the supreme commander, he can make decisions at the moment of life and death. , Move everyone to a safe place. "Jiang Li had planned for a long time.

As soon as his mind moved, the Lord of the Earth suddenly burst into the invincible might. In the depths of Divine Land, billions of people were simultaneously moved to another continent.

That continent, called the "Zhongyang Central Continent," was specially prepared for war. Once there is a large-scale war, countless masters will gather in the Zhongyang Central continent, shrinking the defense, leaving civilians in absolute security. status.

Minjiang has operated the human world for so many years, and all kinds of defense measures have been done exquisitely, and no leaks have been leaked. Otherwise, the human world would have been long overdue.

On the mainland of China, all humans without problems have been removed. This is in accordance with the law and is a law of emergency in wartime.

The human world stands in the most dangerous area. Near the celestial sphere, many laws were born for war. It is completely different from the laws of the earth. When the earth was most dangerous, Jiang Nalan had to stop human voting. This kind of law is really too slow. Although human beings pay attention to self-reliance and civilization, at the juncture of life and death, they must sacrifice self-reliance.

Buzz ...

The continent of Shenzhou was completely sealed off, and humans were moved out. It seemed as if the pond had been drained, and some fish appeared.


The Divine Land is shrinking, and you can see several powerful shadows. In the roar and body, the boundless **** thunder blows up. The Divine Land is to be blown away, but to no avail. Although many things in the Divine Land collapse, but as long as The Lord of Man is here, and it can be reshaped in an instant.

In the human world, all materials are not important, and talent is the most important.


A chaos **** fist issued by a messenger.

The five emperor breath actually appeared on his body!

The reincarnation of the twenty-fifth emperor was swallowed up by this person. This person has been lurking in the depths of the human world for many days. He is dormant on the mainland of China. It is actually a giant crocodile!

The reincarnation of the five emperors was swallowed up by the messenger of the annihilation, but was killed by the coincidence of Jiang Li. That was because the annihilation of the annihilation of the emperor was still very shallow, and the five emperors had not been thoroughly refined, and they were killed. Death, if he waits in the tomb for a period of time, it will be truly complete and become the king among the messengers of the world. At that time, even if he wanted to kill him beyond the existence of the emperor, it was very difficult.

Now, this emissary who devoured the fortunes of the Five Emperors has gradually become a king.

"No wonder, neither the Five Emperors nor the Five Emperors have reincarnated bodies. According to the current changes, the calamity is approaching. How can that level of existence, especially the spiritual emperor, not be reincarnated? Arrange all kinds of chess?" As soon as he moved, he landed on the mainland of Shenzhou. At this time, the mainland of Shenzhou had turned into a mass of vitality.

There are several tyrannical messengers among them who want to conflict but are suppressed.

Minjiang Li saw that the strong man who swallowed the reincarnation of the five emperors was permeated with a noble temperament, covering up his devastating fluctuations.

He wore an emperor's robe, and if it did, he seemed to have comprehended the highest secret of the Great Dream Heart Sutra and created his own heaven.

"Chaos is coming, desperate heaven! Heaven is a nothingness. Anyone who attempts to ascend into heaven is actually dead. Therefore, heaven is destruction. Ascending people are already dead. They cannot escape, but they make up. A lie, so that people in the world have a hope. Actually, there is no hope, only despair, so I let you all know that heaven is despair. The messenger of the world came to the world, and when he came to this material world, he gave it to people. Despair. "


The strong man who devoured the reincarnation of the five emperors flew up, punched a few times in a row, and killed his companion!

After killing his companion, there was still a real light shining from it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The real light shining from his body made him a young man. The man was handsome and handsome, With the beautiful temperament of Yingwu, even a human breath.

He is no longer a simple messenger.

However, he can urge the Chaos God Fist, can absorb the ancient chaos, and can be contained in the material world.

"Half-destructed messenger, half-born after birth." Jiang Li was shocked, but did not expect that this would happen on the body of the messenger.

"Kill!" He blasted the past with a punch, but the Despair Angel in front of him was cast out, covering him completely, making his power impossible to kill and killing. He was preparing to urge more powerful power, but this The messenger said: "Stop!"

"Emissary of the world, if you have anything to say, just say it." Jiang Li stood with his hands in his hands and sealed the yoke around.

"I'm no longer a messenger! I'm called desperate. Desperate despair ..." This "desperate" in front of you said: "Presumably you have seen that there is only a part of the breath of the messenger in my body, which is no longer pure The messenger of the world, because I devoured the reincarnation of the five emperors, and encountered a series of changes. When I was devouring the reincarnation of the soul emperor, in fact, it was in the mind of the emperor of the soul. There is a strange thing that made me infected with the acquired air and turned into a part of the acquired spirit. Although I was polluted for innate chaos, I was also out of the control of chaos! "

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