Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 865: Despair Messenger

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865 Chapter 865 Despair Messenger

Destroying the messenger of the world, out of the control of chaos, this will never appear in the history from ancient times to the present, because this is a violation of truth.

It was as if the emperor controlled the Zerg, and a worm under his Majesty suddenly had his own thoughts, so he began to rebel and did not obey the order of the emperor.

Of course, in the Daqian world, there are all kinds of wonders. If it is under the master's calculations, this kind of thing may not be impossible.

Although the "Envoy to the World" swallowed up the reincarnation of the five emperors, he was calculated by the Emperor of the Mind and escaped from the control of chaos. Because annihilation is annihilation.

However, he still has half the identity of the messenger of the world, which means that he can enjoy all the benefits brought by chaos, the messenger of the world can be intrigued, travel through all realms, and even be able to absorb the ancient atmosphere of chaos for his own use, to create Everything, urge the Chaos God fist.

Therefore, the "absolute" in front of me becomes a strange existence.

Of course, this creature is also a powerful existence. This person has a weird personality and is uncertain, but Jiang Li feels that it is still good to let this person go. For the human world, this person is a threat. He instinctively feels, Deep in his heart, a breath of despair will bring disaster and decadence to everyone in the world.

"I don't care who you are, but you are the messenger of the world after all." Jiang Lidao said, "So you have to die, it doesn't matter how you say it."

"Slow." "Just" said again: "I have been in your human world for a long time, and I know your human world well. Your human world originally has a lot of room for promotion. Unfortunately, there is no energy. That is the water without roots. The blood of Yuanshi Tianwang can absorb the power of all realms, but now there are too many human beings. If all curses are eliminated, all the powers of all realms will be absorbed, and all realms will collapse. The world will be severely damaged. In fact, I now understand that you, the human race on earth, the blood of Yuanshi Uranus, is the true messenger of the world, or in other words, the Yuanshi Uranus is the king of the world! Think about it, you humans are all awake , Crazy absorption of the power of all realms to strengthen themselves, everyone wants to be detached. The result is the collapse of the material realm, the collapse of the realm, and finally destruction. "

"How could a human be like this?" Jiang Li smiled.

"Humans are destined to be like this. Human greed is innate. In fact, all the people on earth who have the blood of Yuanshi Tianwang now hate you because you don't release the curse on them." Absolutely: "Now you are sealing The shackles message, but the news will not be sealed for a long time, as long as outsiders spread, it will gradually spread out. At that time, you can't hold back the situation at all. "

Minjiang centrifugal movement.

He knows that it must be true to say absolutely.

Now the number of humans on the earth is calculated in trillions. This is a pure earth human, and it has the souls of the celestial spheres of the world, as well as the earth humans of the Yuanshi Heavenly King descent. As for the respective immigrants in the human world, that is simply more.

And the pure earth human beings calculated by trillions are now hundreds of thousands of people who have unravelled the curse. This group of people did not absorb the power of the world, but instead absorbed the power in the human world to strengthen themselves. Jiang Li's plundering, a large amount of chaotic mud gathered, released vitality, and after the integration of the fairy magic gourd, the space expansion is enough energy.

However, if the number of people is increased, or hundreds of thousands of people are promoted to God, the energy of the human world will not be able to make ends meet, and it will dry up at that time.

What is more important is that there are also a large number of ambitionists in the human world. The blood of humans on earth has never lacked ambitionists. Greed is human nature and is innate. Therefore, among a large number of humans who have not eliminated the curse, there are already Dangerous thoughts, think about it, everyone is a human on earth, why can't others curse, and I can't?

Xuan Pian Pian Jiang Li can't eliminate the curse for everyone, because once it is eliminated, the greedy people occupy the majority and absorb energy madly, Wanjie will collapse, let alone the human world.

So Jiang Li now wants to do everything possible to solve this problem, that is, the problem of energy. In this world, is there endless energy, of course, it is chaos.

The most important foundation is the extraction of chaos.

However, his beings, the ancient wells, have been unable to absorb the chaos ancient atmosphere, and have not been able to complete it, resulting in difficult problems in the human world.

This is an unsolvable problem.

"You talk about, how should you solve it?" Speaking of this, Jiang Li didn't want to rush to kill the "absolute" in front of him. He felt that since the soul emperor calculated this person, he would make this person the day after tomorrow. The soul is definitely planning, it is definitely not to let this person die.

离 As for what the soul emperor thinks, Jiang Li can't figure it out.

Although his cultivation is far above the original soul emperor, he always has a feeling that the soul emperor is unfathomable. It seems that it is not an ordinary emperor at all, but a different form of existence.

Otherwise, the self-cultivation of the lord of the immortal world does not fit his identity at all.

I believe that the master of the heavenly world masters the cultivation of heaven, in fact, even if it is beyond the emperor, it is not excessive.

"I can absorb the chaos, and I can draw on it, and provide your world with a steady stream of energy. And I use your world, infinite truth, to cultivate my body, and change myself into a stronger existence. In the time of annihilation, you can save yourself. All in all, we cooperate with each other and complement each other. In addition, you have the key to the treasure of the Yuanshi Heavenly King. Famen. Inside, there is something left by the Emperor of the Mind, which is also what I want. In that year, the King of the Heavens and the King of the Minds had a close relationship, and it was even possible that the King of the Minds was born from the incarnation of the King of the Kings. Moreover, I have studied your life. I already know that the Emperor of the Mind has a great influence on you, and that the King of the First Century has a greater influence on you. The foundation of this human world is the world of cultivation, which is also a chess piece arranged by the Emperor of the Mind. Don't you want to get the true secret of your life like me? "

"There is no secret in my life." Jiang Lidao said: "I don't need to cooperate with you. I got the ancient well of the immortal magic lamp star domain, and soon I can draw the chaos and ancient spirit to condense my body!"

Never panic, wave your hand: "Yes? Your ancient well, after the catastrophe, is basically impossible to repair, and there is only one way, which is to open the treasure of the Yuanshi Heavenly King and get some mysterious power from it, to be able to Success in one fell swoop, at this stage, you still have to rely on me to absorb the ancient chaos, and no one knows the secret of the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang better than me, because I devoured the reincarnation of the soul emperor. Of course, that reincarnation has It may be that the Emperor of the Soul deliberately let me devour it, but I know that the Emperor of the Soul is inextricably related to the King of the Heavens, so the King of the Soul is most familiar with the treasure of the King of the Heavens. " "If you don't cooperate with me, it's basically impossible to get some of the treasures, and your current human world is indeed in great crisis. As far as I know, some people will come in and destroy them."

"You talk about it." Jiang Lidao: "Look at it, what secrets are there in the depths of Yuanshi Tianwang's treasure?"

"Now I will say? You are so funny." He laughed. "Come, Lord of the earth, cooperate with me, I will even provide you with a lot of news about the messengers of the world. In fact, I have now I want to kill the messengers and get rewards from the material world. I think those messengers are stupid beings. They are insulted by chaos and kill everything in the material world. They will eventually perish. I have come to realize now. With an independent will, you have to cooperate with people and kill the messenger everywhere. What are you doing now? "

"That's because only the messenger is most familiar with the messenger. If you cooperate with me, you can find some where the messenger is." Jiang Li knows the power of the messenger deeply.

He can't find where some of the messengers are now. If he is united with the messengers now, he can soon find Jiuyang, or even another messenger who lurks into the human world.

Otherwise, he would not be able to urge the Lord of the Promise to search in the depths of the world.

If you can fight against "absolute", you will certainly be able to catch all the messengers of the world.

The greatest power of annihilation messengers is that they will never let people know where they are ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They are best at hiding. Unless it is beyond the existence of the emperor, even if it is the emperor, it is difficult to figure out where they are.

However, the "absolute" in front of him is not so cooperative. After all, he has half the blood of the messenger. If he is mad and the injury is still in the human world, not only that, it is also difficult for this person to be an acquired creature. I believe that he is insidious and desperate, and not a good person. Working with him is tantamount to making a hide with the tiger.

However, Jiang Li knew that to suppress this person in front of him would have to pay a great price. According to him, the Emperor of the Mind was really the clone of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, then this person was the chessman of Yuanshi Heavenly King, and he himself was according to the Father Said, it is also the chess piece of Yuanshi Tianwang.

If you want to kill this person here, it is tantamount to destroying the plan of Yuanshi Tianwang, and the gain is worth the loss.

What Heaven Father said, although Jiang Li didn't fully believe it, but if you think about it, it's not unreasonable.

He already has his own judgment and will not be misled by others.

I thought for a while, and he nodded: "Since that is the case, I will work with you, we will unite, with the help of your ancient chaos, nourish my world, and we will kill the messenger together."

"Okay, but I won't believe you. Let's take an oath of chaos. This is the highest-level oath. Even if the existence beyond the level of the emperor violates this oath, it will all be broken."

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