Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 872: 104 Scriptures

Jiang Nalan talked eloquently, repaired for the supreme, and mastered the warship formed by the change of the entire light world.

"is it?". Prince Damen sneered: "You thought you could count them, I tell you, Dadi Ye, Dadi La led the elite in the light world, and they all turned to the other side. This is also the calculation of Heavenly Father. Without their integration, your divine The battleship is not complete. "

"Some people on the other side will be killed by me sooner or later." Jiang Nalan said: "Prince Dream, I came to negotiate with you today. In a word, you surrender me and let me enter the heavenly court. I become The Lord of the Fairy Realm must be able to turn the Fairy Realm into the heavenly realm, devour the immortal tower and the brain of the universe, and take back the jade dish of good luck. "

"What are you talking about?" Prince Dameng suddenly said: "I am a dreaming expert. You actually dream more than me? Who gives you courage? Do you want to die?"

"Hahahaha ..." Jiang Nalan laughed wildly: "Prince Dengmeng, you are sunset and you don't know the sinister situation. You didn't get promoted to the same life in heaven and earth. Refined some of the messengers of the world, so this is the realm, but your life has ended here, your blessings are shallow, and now you have exceeded your income. You still do n’t know. Just to die. "

Blessings are fundamental.

A man's achievement is determined by his blessing.

Prince Dameng ’s father is the soul emperor. According to his achievements, he is at most an emperor. Now he is actually surpassing the existence of the emperor, that is, the light and thin life, even if he assumes the throne, it is undoubtedly dead.

Many people in history have been like this. They have a weak life and become emperors, but they end up dying. If one person is fortunate, his blessings are limited, and he can't seek undivided grace.

Right now, Prince Dream is tantamount to conspiring for undivided grace, and no doubt he will die.

"I don't believe what you said, we can cooperate." Prince Damen knew very well, but how could he show weakness in front of Jiang Nalan? In his opinion, Jiang Nalan was just a waste. The villain got his will, but he was a natural aristocrat and climbed to this position step by step.

"Would you like to cooperate with me to deal with the Immortal Tower Star Universe and the Universe Brain Star Universe?" Jiang Nalan accurately grasped the dream of Prince Dream. "However, you and them have agreed on a vow of chaos, which has been constrained. You guys. You actually wanted to devour them long ago, but you couldn't motivate because of this vow, so you wanted to use my hand, didn't you? "

"I know that you also despise those two fat tigers." Prince Dameng said: "Don't say whoever you trust, we work together for mutual benefit."

"How do you do that?" Jiang Naland said.

"In fact, although you are very strong now, you are very lonely, because the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor, and the Lord of Truth have all fled, taken away a large number of light elites, and turned to the other side. They want to use the power of the other side to deal with you. , Recapture the light world. "Prince Dream's heart was constantly shaking, it seems to be eroding Jiang Nalan.

"Well, I know this well and cooperate together, but how are the benefits?" Jiang Nalan seemed to think that he could completely destroy the two holy places.

"I get the master of the two holy places and the jade dish of good fortune. How do you get Wang Chao and Ba Liming?" Prince Dameng seems to have captured Jiang Nalan's dead point: "I know that you have always been Wang Chao to human beings. He was embarrassed and wanted to challenge him, but he couldn't even match his hair. Now, you seem to think that you can compete with him, just become arrogant, right? "

"Yes, I did think of Wang Chao. I should have fought him, pinched him, like an ant, and knocked his head down." Jiang Nalan raised Wang Chao, his face twisted, hysterical, as if this Man is his vengeance.

However, on the earth, Wang Chao and he did not have the slightest entanglement. Before he grew up, Wang Chao had completely left the earth and no longer had any communication.

But his hatred for this person has surpassed Jiang Li, and there is even anyone.

Because Wang Chao occupied the position of the first human being for a long time, so that he would be suppressed forever. Therefore, his resentment could not be added. Although Jiang Li later expelled him and wanted him in the world, he still hated Wang Chao. , Kill this person and come quickly!

Even, he wanted to seize Wang Chao and kill him in front of countless people to let them know how helpless and painful the first person on the planet was, but he still couldn't do it. This was his heart. Obsession.

He now wants to complete this obsession.

However, he will not let Prince Dream big head up.

"Prince Dream, you are too greedy, I must have Wang Chaoba Liming, and the Immortal Tower and the Brain of the Universe, and you get the jade disc, how about it?" He also opened his mouth.

"Jiang Nalan, let's not bother here. The Lord of the Earth has absorbed more than ten eternal ancient wells. Now go back and study. Once he studies what is happening, he is promoted to a terrible realm. The two of us They are not his opponents. "Prince Dream said:" In this way, the forged jade dish is mine, and I make concessions, the universe brain star domain is mine, the immortal tower star domain is yours, other Wang Chao and Ba Liming, how about you? "

"Yes, I don't have an opinion, so let's do it now?" Jiang Nalan thought for a moment, nodded, knowing that conspiracy and rudeness had no effect at this time. It's better to be simple and not later, as much as you can do.

"Of course I will do it now. I originally planned to perform the Chaos Sacrifice and urge the essence. First, return the forged jade dish, chaos vows will disintegrate, and at that time, then to the people of the immortal tower star field and the universe brain star field. Slamming down the poisonous hands made them all fall into my grasp and became sacrifice, but now the world has changed, and the sacrifice is actually unsuccessful. "Prince Damen sighed again and again:" If I sacrifice now, then it will not only have no effect, Instead, it will suffer a terrible existence, so I did not dare to hold the chaos festival, which caused time to be delayed, but it ’s different with you. As an attacker, you suddenly flew out and teamed up with me. When it ’s critical, We can make the good fortune jade dish return first. "

"No problem, these things are also in my calculations one by one." Jiang Nalan promised, but no one knew what he was thinking deep down.

The two had their own babies, and they didn't know what the final development was like when they worked together, but the only thing was that in the future, the two would definitely kill each other and each wanted to devour each other.

At this time, deep in the human world.

Jiang Li arranged thirteen eternal ancient wells on the altar, and did not access chaos again. He summoned the ancient chaos and evolved into the messenger of extinction. Instead, he opened his mouth, and the infinite magic curse flew out, all infiltrating the eternal ancient. Above the well.

Immediately afterwards, all the powers of the human world began to act in unison, and at the same time spoke the spell.

The eternal ancient well was oppressed by the spell, began to shrink, and was finally swallowed by Jiang Li, and also entered the depths of the ancient wells of beings.

The combination of ancient wells and ancient wells completely restored the damaged ancient wells.

The thirteen eternal ancient wells are the tentacles of chaos. They contain the magical powers of unimaginable creation, and possess the supreme ability to communicate with chaos, which is itself the mother of all ancient wells.

It's just that the beings, the ancient wells, are special. They are made by the living beings themselves and are not recognized.

Thirteen eternal ancient wells are integrated into the ancient wells of beings. The ancient wells and ancient wells began to combine, and chaos and the day after tomorrow began to collide.


In the depths of the ancient well, the sound of the earth, water, fire and wind that actually evolved, huh, huh, and huh, it seems to be reorganizing into a new world.

Jiang Li knows that this is the highest change in the ancient well that is about to be successfully repaired and evolved. The infinite rule of the highest, chaotic rules are brewing in conflict with each other, and an explosion will occur later. This explosion almost and certainly does not destroy the magic lamp. The explosion of the star field is exactly the same.

I am afraid he cannot resist his current strength.

However, he doesn't care, he has the confidence to resolve.

Thirteen eternal wells have been swallowed by the ancient wells of all beings. The continuous brewing seems to be brewing peerless wines. The earth, water, and fire winds have produced explosions, and the strongest invincible supernatural powers are interpreted everywhere.


Suddenly, endless energy was sprayed out of it, and his whole body was broken, but there was no blood flowing out from the broken place, but an infinite mantra was sprayed out, and the spell turned into a long river.

"Okay, this energy is enough to summon the remaining indelible scriptures!"

Jiang Lixian suddenly sprayed out energy, combined with the infinite river, and 100 volumes of unbreakable verses were launched again. All the verses in the heavens were about to move ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now there are 8 verses outside .

Jiang Li must summon to gain the power of surpassing the emperor, and also control the river of time and space in his hands. At that time, he concentrated the river of time, killed the river, the king of the river, the river of infinity, all merged, and the river of destiny must also be him may not.


Suddenly in the distance, four more verses flew over. This verse merged into Jiang Li's body, which made him have 104 verses, the total number of verses was 108, which means that Jiang Li is still bad. Four verses can reach the highest level in one fell swoop.

However, no matter how he summoned, the Scripture did not move at all, it seemed to disappear out of thin air, or it was not in all realms.

"The Scripture cannot be summoned. The technique of my summons, with the power of the ancient Great Explosion, transforms eternity. It is impossible to find the place of the scripture. If there is a place in the world where I cannot sense, it is There may be only two places. The first place is the treasure of the Yuanshi Heavenly King. Among the celestial spheres of the world, the second place is the other side. "

Jiang Li immediately calculated something.

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