Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 873: Key move

"Blasting power, integrated into the river, unlimited energy, infinite truth."

The eternal ancient well produced explosive power, boiled in the depths of all beings, but was called by Jiang Li to immortal scriptures. Now Jiang Li has 104 immortal scriptures, only the last 4 are not summoned, Each additional volume of the scriptures will possess the incredible power of the great shore, and now the immortal true blood of Jiang Li's blood is almost complete.

As long as there is an opportunity, all the Scriptures will be incorporated into the body, making his body immortal in the end, which has reached an unpredictable level of ghosts and gods.


He worked again, merging all the power of the explosion into the depths of the infinite river, and the river expanded.

In the depth of the void, the infinite river changes from a subtle invisible line into a spirit snake, and walks around. In the depth of the void, as long as it is an emperor-level existence, you can feel the existence of the infinite river. Everyone sees that infinite Changhe is believed to have created the infinite road, which truly created the Shinto that has never been seen in ancient times, and has inherent changes in it.


Jiang Li's body changed again.

He concealed the river of infinity, secretly absorbing power, and at the same time, the infinite truth sent out: "You, Infinite Avenue, already contains the immortal true meaning, that is, if you practice my Infinite Avenue, you can come to see the emperor arrive The threshold of heaven and earth in the realm of life. "

He hoped that more people would practice the Infinite Avenue and set off an infinite frenzy, so he also integrated his practice experience into the depths of the infinite river.

As long as someone deliberately learns the Infinite Avenue, they can silently pray, communicate with the infinite river, and get the exercises and various martial arts from it.

Even the enemy is the same.

Because the enemy has practiced Infinite Avenue and accepted the concept of Infinite Avenue, he can change his world view and even turn the enemy into a friend. Even if he is an enemy, he can increase the power of Infinite River.

Some things, once they have accepted the concept of infinity, never change.

And Infinite Avenue is indeed the truth.

Prince Dream wanted everyone to attack the human world, while Jiang Li taught everyone to know the infinite road, and now the infinite road has completely spread in the human world and spread to the outside world.

In the course of this practice, Infinite River has inflated dozens of times.

The ancient wells in Jiang Li's body also began to wriggle, and finally settled down and renewed. This ancient well was completely repaired and the bottom of the well was unfathomable.

"Not bad."

Jiang Li inspected this well carefully and found that as long as he urges his energy, he can absorb the ancient chaos, but it is accompanied by a huge number of robbers, which he is not repairing enough to absorb them into nutrients.

It is necessary to obtain 108 verses, and let the heaven and earth live together.

However, Jiang Li's current practice has fallen into a bottleneck and cannot achieve the same life in the world. Four volumes of scripture cannot be found.

If you want to achieve the supreme cause, you only have to open the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang, but now he is even more uncertain, knowing that once the treasure is opened, an endless magic weapon will fly out, and the strength of countless people will surge.

At that time, he couldn't control the situation, and didn't know how many people were called emperors, and some people were called emperors.

He flew to the very center.

In the body of the emperor on earth, there are only two things. The first is the wish of God, and the second is the key to the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang.

Deep in the desire, there is great energy rolling everywhere. Those energies gather, change, and nourish this god.

Jiang Li picked up Shendan and was observing its structure.

Shen Dan is not something that can be forged by humans, but is a fruit brewed by the power of nature in the depths of chaos. This kind of fruit, even beyond the existence of the emperor and getting endless ancient chaos, cannot be produced at all. .

But now, Jiang Li gathers the ancient wells of all beings together, but just did n’t start, he knew a lot of knowledge in the ancient chaos, opened his eyes, stared at this wish, and he saw in the depth of God, it seems that time and space are Change, even he "dreamed" to the depths of the ancient chaos, wishing God to condense.

In the depths of chaos, the ancient atmosphere of chaos is brewing. It is the time when the world is not open, the strength is twisted, and millions of changes. The last chance coincidence turns into a tree, this tree is the tree of wish gods.

The Divine Tree is constantly changing, all of which are the power of desire, the desire mystery born from the depths of ancient chaos.

How can chaos be born of desire?

Jiang Li saw that scene.

He saw that the power of desire condensed into a **** tree, and that **** tree turned into many treasures. Among the treasures, many runes condensed. These runes are wish runes, and the depths of the wish runes are ghosts and gods. Unpredictable heaven.

Finally, those wishing runes ferment and turn into a fruit, and this fruit is the wish fruit.

The depth of the fruit of wish is the way of wishing that countless energy condenses.

"Yes, yes ..." Jiang Li, watching the changes in the fruit of the wish, is equivalent to returning to the era when the world is still unfulfilled and the world is not open. In the depth of the fruit of the wish, how is the power born, how to make a wish, and chaos? what is the relationship?

All this is under Jiang Li's grasp.

However, Jiang Li's eyes suddenly sharpened, because he seemed to see it. This wish God seemed to be absorbing the true meaning of chaos. This true meaning is not easy to find, not his all beings.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct. Even the wish **** spirit has changed, affected by chaos, and transformed. If I continue to absorb energy for this wish **** spirit, wait for the moment when the energy is complete and make a wish, this **** spirit will Not only will my wish not be fulfilled, but it will come down to the messenger of extinction, the powerful messenger, and even the existence beyond the Great Emperor. "

Jiang Xueliang is as bright as a mirror.

"This is the wish for god." At this time, Juheshu also stood by his side and watched the change of goddam. He never spoke, but looked in silence, and Shu already saw that this is the king of god.

"Absolutely, why don't you speak?" Jiang Lidao.

"Very good, this miraculous is very strange, but I don't see enough energy has been absorbed. Once the absorption is completed, it will really burst out of wishing divine power. When you use this power to make a wish, you can definitely achieve it. It is not impossible to surpass the Great Emperor. "It is absolutely slow.

"Hahahahaha ..." Jiang Li laughed: "Absolutely, you really think that Jiang Li is a fool? I created the human world and after hundreds of battles, can you detect what I can feel, can I not detect it? There is something wrong with this wish goddamn? Hope that the interior of the **** has been invaded by chaos. When I have accumulated enough power to make a wish, I do not know what the messenger is. "

"You already saw it?" She was shocked, and then smiled. "It is indeed the Lord of the world. It's not bad, even the slight chaotic changes can be acutely noticed. It can be seen that your cultivation is not good enough. In one step, you will be able to surpass the emperor and reach the supreme realm of heaven and earth, which is not bad ... I am more confident in working with you. "

"You said that this wish is no longer useful." Jiang Lidao said: "You are most familiar with chaos. What should I do to deal with it?"

"It's still very useful. You can still draw energy to make the gods complete, and then maybe you will, then you will come down to the strongest messenger of the world. Then when you kill the messenger, you will get more than you wish. What you get. "Utterly said:" You know, the greater the risk, the greater the return. "

"That's true." Jiang Lidao said: "I knew this in my heart for a long time, but I just didn't say it. In that case, I'm looking for energy now to fill this wish."

"It is best to kill the messengers of the world. Of course, it is not impossible to absorb the ancient atmosphere of chaos, refine it, and turn it into the way of the emperor." There are definitely many ways: "In fact, in the treasure of Yuan Shi Tian Wang, it may even be The source of the great emperor is to refine the way of the great emperor from the ancient chaos. As long as the **** has absorbed the way of the great emperor, he can be promoted to the great emperor, and even the great emperor can be brewed directly from the depth of the ancient chaos. "

"Impossible." Jiang Li's eyes flickered, and he felt that such a thing was too outrageous.

Yuan Shi Tian Wang is very powerful, but it has not reached the point where he can create an emperor. The source of the emperor is already unreliable. He knows that everything can be born in the depths of chaos, and that he can give birth to any kind of impossible existence.

However, even if Yuanshi Tianwang cannot imagine, it is not comparable to chaos.

Chaos is the strongest being.

If Yuan Shitian can really absorb the ancient chaos and brew the emperor from it, that would be too scary.

"Don't say it's impossible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's entirely possible. This is not the power of Yuanshi Tianwang, but the power of chaos itself. Not to mention the chaos that has brewed thousands of emperors, even if it has evolved from heaven to heaven It ’s completely normal. The Emperor Yuanshi himself is the biggest enemy of chaos. He may have some secrets in the chaos, so he is jealous of the chaos and must kill it quickly. ”It seems that he knows countless secrets, and he devours them. After the reincarnation of the five emperors, he also obtained the secret of the soul emperor, which is equal to the avatar of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and half of his body is the messenger of the world. .

Although Jiang Li can suppress him now, he still retains the means, because he knows that this person may have a great effect at a critical time.

In the future, when he obtains the treasure of Yuanshi Tianwang himself, perhaps his chance is the greatest.

Now, he himself has a chance. Jiang Nalan is definitely a chance. In addition, deep in the world, everyone who has the blood of the Yuanshi Heavenly King will have a great chance.

"Well, it seems that this key should have a chance to be used soon." Jiang Li grabbed it and grabbed the key on the altar.

Absolute eyes are completely on this key.

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