Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 907: The Flashing Emperor

Jiang Li and Ba Liming discussed for a while, then left the void and returned to the earth.

After the shock of the martial arts river in the void world, it stabilized, a large area of ​​martial arts radiated out, and a majestic inspection of the Quartet began to affect the operation of other rivers.

For example, the first effect was the killing of the long river.

What does killing depend on?

Of course, it is martial arts. Without martial arts, there is no killing.

To kill others, you need force.

Therefore, the emergence of the martial arts river made the killing river boil.

In addition, there are small fluctuations in the operation of the Wang Dao, the mighty Long River, and even the Long River of Destiny.

What does the king do when he fights the Quartet to preach the king? That is also martial arts. The reason why Hao Ran's righteousness does not go extinct is also through martial arts.

What does it take to change your destiny? Still rely on martial arts.

The so-called sky is healthy, gentleman is constantly improving. How to strengthen yourself? That must require martial arts.

Under martial arts, it contains almost all the motivation, struggle, blood, youth, and impassioned things. Revenge requires martial arts, and advancement depends on martial arts. It is its own root.

The idea of ​​martial arts Changhe was radiated out, and naturally, it was extremely strong, which resonated with the souls of the world.

Ba Liming's cultivation is also getting stronger and stronger, but if he appears in the material world, he will lose his power and energy, and only if someone sacrifice can he appear.

This is also the characteristic of the Changhe River. It operates in the void and is endless, which is obviously different from the material world.

He became another form of martial arts.

Jiang Li is himself and Changhe is Changhe.

But it doesn't matter. Now Jiang Li calls at any time, and the martial arts river comes down to resist the enemy together with the human world. Moreover, the martial arts river is affecting other rivers, especially the "colossal river" that is about to become the patron saint of the righteous heaven.

Changhe and Changhe will also eat each other, which is a fusion of ideas.

In history, many long rivers have appeared. For example, the long river of time was divided into the long river of history, the long river of time, and the long river of time ...

Then they merged with each other and finally formed the long river of today.

In fact, Wang Dao Changhe and Hao Qi Changhe have something in common.

The mighty river is the holy way, the so-called inner holy outer king.

In addition, the Changhe River of Killing has something in common with Wudao Changhe.

This is just like the long river on the ground. The river flows on the ground, the small streams converge into rivers, and the rivers converge into the ocean.

Jiang Li was in the realm of the earth, and when he looked at the Nether Realm, he found that the long rivers influenced each other, competed with each other, and pulled each other, and his infinite river was in it, and it was a little shaken.

However, his concept of infinity is detachment and tolerance. Even fate cannot assimilate him, but is tolerated by him.

In fact, his infinite road still has an outbreak. That is, his infinite road has condensed into 101 rules. At that time, all practitioners in the heavens and the world know that infinite road is beyond fate. The first magic skill.

At that time, there will be a wave of practice on Infinite Avenue.

In this way, it is not unusual for the infinite river to erupt ten times.

Now it ’s almost the immortal road of immortal world and human world. Other worlds have n’t practiced yet. Once all of them begin to practice, his practice is to rise to higher levels.

In the past, he was a little afraid of the bombardment and destruction of long rivers of fate, but after fighting with the three, Xiu Wei was promoted again, and not long ago, he fought with masters on the other side.

This fighting experience made him more and more brave and more arrogant.

He had a fighting world, a will to fight chaos.

However, to challenge fate and make fate surrender to his own infinity, it is far from simple. He also needs to accumulate the general trend, so that the strength and reserves of the human realm can be raised again. The next goal is just as Pali Ming That said, that is "Wu Jie".

The martial arts world has been a brave and invincible world since ancient times. Everyone practices martial arts. Any martial arts rumors have been passed down from the martial arts world, and various martial arts postures of all kinds are brewing and fermenting in it.

"The first thing I have to do in the military world is to merge and surrender. It is also the first to break the Seven Realms." Jiang Li's body precipitated for a while, and he merged all the battles with the three. The experience was stored in the body and slowly digested. grade.

His gaze looked at Wu Jie.

Na Wujie originally didn't look clear, but as his cultivation progressed to the present state, he completely saw his true face. The martial art giant kept showing martial arts in the depths of time and space, and his moves were never the same, even Jiang Li also saw that the meridians in the martial arts giant body, Yunxia flowing, are practicing internal power and internal interest.

When observing the changes of giants in the martial arts, masters can understand the strongest martial arts.

However, at the current state of Jiangli, it was higher than the superior and higher than the sky, so it was not a big deal for him to observe the martial arts and learn martial arts.

The purpose of his observation was to see flaws in the military world.

Surrendering the martial arts is much more difficult than merging the blood realm.

He merged with the blood realm that day because he swallowed the messenger to gain the power of the blood realm's son, so he was not swallowed by the will of the blood realm. There is one more point, that is, the Wu world is much more arrogant than the blood world.

Now to devour the fusion of the Wu world, it is certain that it will be resisted by the will of the Wu world and it will be difficult to play a role.

Although the masters in the military world are like clouds, they do not seem to surpass the existence of the emperor. It is nothing to go through the military world, but if they encounter the resistance of the military world, it will still be a great obstacle.

As an ancient existence, Wujie Tianyi is extremely tyrannical and exerts it all. The net of death is broken, and Jiang Li must retreat.

At that time, the Heavenly Father could not destroy the heavenly will of the heavenly world, but could only penetrate and seduce the souls of the heavenly world, making the whole heavenly world degenerate and the heavenly heaven weakened.

Therefore, Jiang Li now has to surrender the military realm, he must also follow this path, enter it first, and spread his infinite road.


He stepped out one step and reached the center of Wujie, which was not blocked by the will of Wujie.

Because he is the body of all realms, the soul of all realms of the celestial sphere will not be blocked by any world. As long as no devastating destruction is done, the will of heaven cannot kill him and punish him.

When he reached the depths of Wujie, he looked around, mountains and rivers, cities and towns, and ancestral gates. Even in Wujie, there was no truly unified dynasty, similar to Tianting.

The peerless Emperor Wudi, also known as the former Emperor Tianwu, is known as the Lord of the Wu Realm, and is actually one of the strongest leaders in the Wu Realm.

This is like during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the strongest country could issue a commander and call it hegemon. What is the Spring and Autumn Period and the Five Hegemonies? That's all. It can't interfere in the internal affairs of other schools.

It is not as good as the emperor, who spoke with jealousy. For the subordinate ministers, even the officials of Fengjiang, were killed and killed.

Therefore, the reason Wuwu did not grow is because there was no unity.

"There are as many ancestral gates in Wujie as there are in Hengsha." Jiang Li looked at it for a long time, with a general outline in his heart. Next, he would use his means to support one door and suppress one door.

The martial arts sect where the peerless Emperor Wudi is located is called "Tianwu Shenzong", which is the largest force in the martial arts and occupies half of the country. However, the ancestral gate opposite him is called "Dayan Boxing Gate", although it is not as good as "Tianwu Shenzong" Accumulate your power and wait for the opportunity of the next martial arts convention to capture the title of Lord of the Martial Arts.

There is a rule in the martial arts world. Every martial arts conference is held every ten thousand years. Each major gate can send its own master to compete. Whoever wins the title of the first master is the master of the martial arts. His gate, That is the strongest ancestral gate in Wujie.

This is equivalent to the title of the leader of the Wulin Alliance.

"This is the Dayan Boxing Sect." Jiang Li settled down instantly, and decided to help the "Story of the Day Yan Boxing" to seize the position and control this person.

Of course, in the induction he looked at at first glance, there were countless messengers lurking in the depths of Wu Jie, even if the will of Wu Jie was not noticed.

The messenger of the world came from the will of chaos. It is difficult to detect that the Providence is normal. Even in the normal state, Jiang Li can't detect it, but with the absolute existence, he can fully observe the movements of all the messengers of the world. .

It seems that there is definitely a messenger lurking in Dayan Quanzong.

However, observing the luck in it, it is still clear that the high-level has not been penetrated.

After all, the martial arts world ’s will is magnificent, if too strong a messenger can still be found, the weaker messenger will not seize power.

Jiang Li stepped out again, already outside the Dayan boxing sect, the building of that boxing sect was built like a fist, standing up to the sky, full of strength.

At this point, he wanted to mix in, but it was actually very simple. He did n’t have to start with small people and walked up to the high level step by step. That was an impossible performance.

With his gaze, he directly saw the most central place in the depths of Zongmen, not to mention the Dayan Boxing Sect. Even the Wu world did not have any secrets for him.

In the core independent space, there seems to be an artifact.

This artifact is a sphere, which seems to be a chaotic magic soldier. It is gray in color. Once urged, all evil will not invade, and there is an emperor cultivation in it.

That is the "Blinking Emperor" of "Da Yan Quan Men". This emperor's boxing is fierce, extremely fast, and dominates the world, but he is suppressed by the peerless Wudi and his power cannot be exerted.

Now, he practiced day and night, trying to learn the stronger way. In the next martial arts conference, he defeated the peerless emperor and became the master of the martial arts.

This person also has great luck, and seems to be a key figure in the future.

Jiang Li's body turned into data, and penetrated into the artifact sphere ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he went to the "Blinking Emperor" cultivation place, and saw him sitting on a futon, breathing and vomiting, Yuanshen's operation, and breath in his body. It was boiling and seemed to be combined with inexplicable power.


Jiang Li is a little strange.

Because the practice of "Blinking Emperor" seems to interact with the great power in the meditation, Jiang Li can't figure out that power, and doesn't know where it comes from.

In other words, the Scintillating Emperor has become a **** of some great existence, and this great existence is not from any side known by Jiang Li.

Not the Yuanshi Heavenly King, not the Heavenly Father, not the three-dimensional universe, not the other side.

What exactly is that

Are old antiques hidden in all realms?

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