Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 908: Big hope

This surprise is trivial.

Deep in all realms, there are old antiques.

Old antiques are not immortal towers. They are of the level of the brain of the universe. They now look like old chess pieces.

In Jiang Li's eyes, the three statues on the other side counted as one wave, the Yuanshi Heavenly King counted one wave, Heavenly Father counted one wave, and the three-dimensional universe heavenly thought one wave.

In addition, there really is no threat to his existence.

The son of destiny did not grow up.

The servant of Yuan Shitian Wang holding the indelible magic lamp is not jeopardized by him. If there is no layout of Yuan Shitian Wang, this girl is his dish, and the indelible magic lamp will be taken away.

As for the Tower of Immortality, the master of the brain of the universe, with the current practice of Jiang Li, can be broken and suppressed. Of course they have the protection of the three-dimensional universe's providence, so why not?

Right now, this "Blinking Emperor" practises and combines with great existence. With the help of power, the body begins to transform. The power of Jiang Li is unheard of. I do n’t know where it came from, but the essence is very strong. The three-dimensional universe is just like heaven, it is all that kind of breath.

"Where does this breath come from?"

Jiang Li secretly performed infinite magic, released it, and calculated it based on infinite dreams, and faintly saw that the clues of that power were not in the material world.

Power is not in the void.

"Is it? Is it in chaos?" Jiang Li was startled.

He observed again and confirmed this time that the power of this person's communication was indeed deep in the chaos, through the chaos, through the void, and reaching the material world.

However, this is not the power of chaos itself, but the creatures hidden in it.

"Impossible!" After confirming this, Jiang Li couldn't believe it: "After the Chaos Big Bang, all creatures will become extinct, so those creatures will be born in the physical world, even the master of the immortal tower and the master of the brain of the universe After the calamity, I was also squeezed into the material world. LU "

The rules of chaos are like this.

The big bang produced material and void realms, and no creatures could survive in the body.

Then chaos goes extinct, all the creatures in the material world become extinct, some new paleontology will be brewed in the body, and then the big explosion will extinct the paleontology.

This loops over each other.

In a word, in thousands of reincarnations, the physical realm exists, and there will be no living beings in the chaotic ontology. If there are living beings in the ontological, the physical realm will not exist.

Now that the physical world is still there, how can there be creatures in the body?

Suddenly, Jiang Li swelled with an idea. He remembered what the three-dimensional universe said, that chaos was originally extinct, all in the midst of meditation, fighting for a glimmer of vitality. There are always a few who can get through the atmosphere and can spend it. Robbery, successfully avoid reincarnation, will not be destroyed.

But this time, the three-dimensional universe God's will says that all will be extinct, and no vitality will be left, which means that the chaos itself has changed? Change.

What changed?

Did chaos in the body violate the rules and brewed paleontology?

Thousands of reincarnation, the undefeated and immortal chaos, also went wrong, and began to decay?

In this way, Jiang Li felt that he was in a good time. He had good luck and no problems with chaos. He could not be destroyed by any means. He could not be countered. If there was a problem, there would be a one in ten thousand chance to make him surpass. Reincarnation.

"Ancient creatures appear in the chaos. This is earth-shattering news." Jiang Li began to plan and couldn't help getting excited. He was hopeless at first, but now he is alive.

Indeed, after fighting the three-dimensional universe, and talking to Palimin, he was almost deeply desperate, because chaos could not be defeated at all, and in the thousands of reincarnations, a stronger existence than Yuanshi Tianwang appeared, all were chaos Crushing, even if he has great luck, he is just one of them.

He felt he could not overcome chaos.

Now, it's different. My mind is moving, my hopelessness is gone, I am full of hope, I feel so excited, and everyone is sober.

Xiu Wei seems to be moving and has improved a bit.

"The ancient creatures in the chaos don't seem to dare to walk through the chaos and come to the material world. They can only arrange chess pieces secretly. In this case, they have a chance to ride." Jiang Li kept thinking.

The "flickering" emperor is still practicing, absorbing energy, radiating his whole body, brewing a peerless killing body in his body. After a long time, the breath gradually dissipated, which caused the twinkle emperor to stand up and collect power, and warfare appeared on his face.

"Peerless Emperor Wudi, this time you didn't expect that I would get the help of a guest from outside the world. When I am elevated to an incredible state, when I arrive at the martial arts conference, my Da Yan Quan will break your magical power and suppress you. It is the Supreme Supreme of Wujie, the Lord of Wujie! "The twinkling emperor wished to go out immediately and kill a lot.

Jiang Li didn't do it.

He was still waiting to see what tricks the Shimmering Emperor was going to make.

After venting for a while, the twinkling emperor was still thinking about himself: "What kind of character were the foreigners that day and why did they look at me? There is no good in the world, it must be taking me as a chess piece. I must be careful about this, but It ’s a fact of increasing strength now, but I ca n’t resist this kind of existence. It seems that I have to find a strong backer, try to swallow the wolf, and let them lose each other. Only then can I get the benefit of the fisherman. What? Today, it seems that only the other side can take refuge, but those people are even more fierce ... "

Although he was thinking in his heart, his thoughts had been completely circulated, which caused Jiang Li to understand his thoughts at a glance.

"I can help you worry."

At this time, Jiang Li finally no longer concealed, showing his body, directly in front of Shining Emperor, directly condensing the formed body.

"Who are you!" Blinking the Great was startled, almost unable to believe his eyes.

"Lord of the world." Jiang Li reported his name: "Scintillating Emperor, I'm here to save you. You have been stared at by the ancient demons in the depths of chaos. Although it gives you energy, it is actually controlling. You, and then wait for your cultivation to rise to a certain level, he will appear, take you away, you become his body, and now you are using too little value, he will slowly cultivate you, you now It's a good idea and I've noticed my danger. "

"The Lord of the Earth is actually you, we are the enemies!" The twinkling emperor waited for himself, but found that all the space was sealed, and it was not a level existence with Jiang Li at all.

"Don't act lightly. I'm not your enemy. I'm here to save you. You know the rules of our world. Absolute freedom. There is no oppression. There is no hierarchy." Jiang Lidao said, "We are the Red Dust world, perfect time and space. You are not Want to defeat the peerless Emperor Wudi? I will help you realize this opportunity, and at the same time, let you truly master the Wu world and integrate into our world. "

"Do you want the Wu world to be the same as the blood world? Your appetite is too big to integrate into the world." The Shining Emperor knew that there was no way to resist Jiang Li at this time, but he calmed down and began negotiations.

"It's nothing, you can see that nowadays, the human world is flourishing. In time, it will be normal to merge with the fairy world and merge martial arts, dragons, and demons." Jiang Lidao said: "Moreover, our ancestor of martial arts, Pali Ming has come out of the trap, the immortal tower star domain is seriously injured, do you see the martial arts river deep in the void? "

"Sure enough, the martial arts long river." The flashing emperor quickly sensed, his face paled immediately: "I thought that the martial arts was the ancestor of martial arts. For martial arts understanding, martial arts is the real first. Now it seems that the ancestors of martial arts have already Beyond the martial arts, the will of the martial arts may be affected by the appearance of the martial arts river. I am also a proficient martial arts man, and sincere to martial arts. In this case, I will obey your arrangements. What do you want me to do? Also, just how much a foreigner who gives me strength exists? "

"It was chaos that changed, and ancient organisms appeared in the body. This time, reincarnation is likely to be our chance. Whether we can escape from reincarnation depends on this time, so you have to choose well, choose wrong, and you will never lose it. Choose Right, then immortality. "Jiang Li warned.

Hearing this, the Great Emperor was sweating.

"Lord of the earth, I listen to you, anyway, now I can't resist anyway. In my opinion, the Seven Realms alliance is really a joke against the human realm." The flashing emperor is a man who can see clearly. The Alliance is just a small number of people who want to trap a large number of people, only for their selfish desires and hatred.

In fact, the "Blinker Emperor" did not have any hatred for the human world. Now that he is backed, why not do it? The most important thing is that he wants to find the other shore as the backing, but he ca n’t eat the personality of the other shore. Now he looks for the world to be the backing. The credibility of the world is well-known. Not only that, the appearance of the martial arts river has indeed shaken his belief that martial arts is not the real martial arts, and the martial arts river in the human world is the real martial arts.

"Where is the son of martial arts?" Jiang Li asked.

This is the most critical place.

The information of the son of martial arts is blinded by the will of the martial arts. He is also not good at calculating. Although he can force calculations, he is afraid of causing the backlash of the martial arts will.

So Jiang Li now penetrates from the inside.

As long as you get the son of Wujie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there will be no obstacle to the integration of Wujie.

"The son of Wujie is now under the control of the peerless Emperor Wudi. He has other ideas. The son of Wujie is a man and the son of Longjie is a woman. The two seem to be united together." Shining the Great Emperor Road.

"What? Really combined? The existence that was born didn't have dragons at the same time, Wu's supreme intention?" Jiang Li frowned. "Since this is the case, I have to use other means."

"What other means do you want to use?" Shining Emperor hurriedly said, "I seem to have inquired where they combined, not in Wujie or Longjie, but in a very mysterious ancient ruins."

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