Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 932: Find cheap

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932 Chapter 932

932 Chapter 932

"Unexpectedly, the annihilating king actually conflicted with the other three. On the other side, such a thing happened, and I found an opportunity."

On the other side of the shaking, Jiang Li immediately became aware of his character.

Suddenly in an instant, his will permeated and felt the breath of all the messengers on the other side, and gathered in the middle of the mighty, he was there, and found the true form of the king of destruction.

Then he knew what was going on, and even everything that had happened before could be inferred, vividly.

From the three banks on the other side to bargaining with the king of the world, to the three cast of the killer sacrifice, sacrificing the small chaos world, he reflected in the depths of his mind, and even he knew more about the secrets of the treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang.

I actually have the birthmark of the strongest reincarnation.

He only got the memory of the six strongest "King of Epoch", "King of Power", "King of Hope", "King of Heaven", "King of Time" and "King of Xuanxuan".

六 The birthmarks of these six strongest men must be among the treasures of Yuanshi Tianwang, and they do not know who will be in the hands of the treasures after they are opened.

The reason why Jiang Li did not get other memories in the long river of destiny is because the long river of destiny is not complete. Some ancient memories have been completely integrated into the long river itself. The recent six reincarnation kings have deep memories and have not dissipated, so he only got Six memories.

Chaos is going to be extinct 129,000 times, so there are so many marks. Jiang Li estimated that these marks may fly out and fall into the control of many people.

And he can definitely get six marks, because he has been recognized by the six kings, as soon as the six marks fly out, they will be absorbed by him, and grow an infinite river.

Alas, Chaos has accumulated so many strengths that it is difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, this is the last change of chaos. As long as you pass by, it is a brand-new change. Of course, Jiang Li does not know what the change is, but he feels that after mastering the news, he can get more opportunities in the future. .

At the very least, he knew that the most important thing in the treasures of the Yuanshi Heavenly King was not the four volumes of immortal scriptures, nor any other book of faith, nor was it a panacea, a magic weapon, but the mark of the strongest reincarnation.

As long as you get the mark of the strongest reincarnation, then you will go to the sky in one step, and the world is invincible.

的 The strongest person in each reincarnation is the destiny of heaven, the overlord of arrogance, concentrating the trend and surpassing everything.

Although the three people like the three peers on the other side have claimed to have passed through three reincarnations, but they have not survived, and the three wastes are not comparable to the strongest in the reincarnation.

最 The strongest person in the last reincarnation was the king of the era. You can suppress the three statues on the other side casually.

Even the strongest in this reincarnation, either Jiang Li or Yuan Shi Tian Wang, can kill the three deities.

Therefore, evasion is not a method, evasion cannot progress, and only by competing with chaos can you obtain supreme strength.

"However, the three deities on the other side have some abilities. They actually bear the burden of humiliation. They bow to their knees like dogs. They still take the opportunity of reincarnation to collect the essence of chaos, steal the will, and create a small chaos world. It is indeed a small achievement. Buster. Unfortunately, the format is too small to accomplish big things. "

Min Jiangli's face came out of contempt.

He went directly to the highest level of the other bank, silently, entered the place where the three deities of the other bank lived, and did not even notice him. In fact, the cultivation of the three deities on the other bank was not so unbearable, but now the three deities are being refined and destroyed. The king of the world has to resist the breath of all the messengers in the entire bank, so he is fully absorbed, but he has no time to pay attention to others.

Of course, this is also because Jiang Li is too strong now. Not only that, he also contains the blood of the sons of the other bank, blending into the origin of the other bank, and doing things like stealing the sky, so that the will of the other bank cannot expel him, let alone the other bank. Three respects?

Minjiang Li didn't take any action, but just watched the changes in front of him.

Sure enough, there are many killers on the other side.

After sacrifice them out of the small chaos world, they roared again and struck out the strongest extinction. Each of them ejected a hypocritical river from their mouths.

It is the "True" Changhe that spurted out of the mouth.

And 冇 sprayed out of it is "the annihilation of the long river".

Jalan Luo was even more tyrannical, and it was "Da Luo Changhe" that jetted out.

However, none of these three rivers rests on the void. It is not the real river, but it is similar to the wisdom river in the brain of the universe. It is a hypothetical river.

However, even the brain brain of the universe can give birth to such a river of wisdom. Any of the three masters on the other side is much more powerful than the master of the brain of the universe, and the resources obtained are not comparable. The three masters are naturally stronger. .

The "True True River", "Elimination Long River" and "Daluo Long River" are intertwined. It seems to change at any time, because that is the supreme sincerity and the strongest vigor gathered by the three deities on the other side. The spirit of countless beings and their own ideas.

Saving a few reincarnation savings is definitely not that simple.

Twenty-three rivers are the puppets that must be transformed into dragons at any time. As long as they are entrusted to the void, they can immediately achieve supreme cultivation.

However, even if their long rivers are entrusted with the success of the Void, they cannot be the opponents of the infinite rivers, because Jiangli ’s infinite rivers are beyond the existence of the rivers of destiny. Although the strength is not as good as the rivers of destiny, as long as the time is spent, the infinite road is cultivated. With more and more people, the infinite river will certainly become stronger and stronger.

"Kill!" Three statues on the other side tied the three rivers to the king of destruction.

"Large array, absorb!" The King of Destruction absorbed all the breath from the other messengers of the other side into the body, and actually began to compete with the crushing and killing of the small chaos world.

The small chaos world is like a six-sided large grinding disc. It is squeezed from up, down, left, and right to grind the king of the world into powder.

"Kill again!" The three rivers on the other side actually burned and burned, and also merged into the small chaos world. They sprayed out a burst of blood and turned it into a spell. As long as the king of the world is killed on the spot, he can make up for it. All their efforts have gone even further.

"Complete integration, all the lurking messengers lurking on the other side, I am the king of annihilation, you must listen to my orders and integrate all cultivation, energy and spirit into my body, so that I am free from this disaster. The King of Destruction issued an order, and he knew that if the three deities on the other side refined themselves, they would receive 100% rewards in the material world. The rewards were amazing, and they could even make the three rivers trust in the Void success.

Once the entrustment is successful, the strength of the other three shores will multiply, and the control over the other shore will be several times greater, and even the will of the other shore will be manipulated and suppressed.

The king of annihilation is different from the ordinary annihilator. It is the extremely great existence that chaos was born at an emergency. The strength and quality contained in it are thousands of times higher than the failure of ordinary messengers.

I was once a messenger of Jiuyang who wanted to be promoted, but failed to succeed, and was finally swallowed by Wan Qianqiu and Xuanyuan.


多少 How many annihilators are lurking deep in the other side? Even Jiang Li can't count them all. He only saw that there are 99 layers in the world, of which 97 layers have been shaken. The billion-gigahercy of the annihilation of the world is transformed into Changhong's annihilation energy, breaking through time and space. The gap, which really reached the body of the King of Destruction, made the King of Destruction at this moment, and the power has been raised to a terrible degree.

The King of Destruction in front of his eyes seemed to have the breath of King Yuanshi and Heavenly Father.


He struck the little chaos world with a punch.

裂 Cracks have appeared in the whole small chaos world.

"Three kills!" The three enemies on the other side also merged into the depths of the long river, and began to mobilize the forces on the other side.

They started desperately.

"Great other shore, we are now fighting the King of the World for your safety. If we can kill the King of the World, the three of us can promote the other side. Your will must help We, the stronger we are, the more you can integrate the long river of fate. "The three prayed.

"If you wish, the king of extinction must be killed!" The voice of the original woman on the other side was passed on. Her voice was soft, firm, and unshakable. It was exactly the same as when talking to Jiang Li.

A sacred ray penetrated the heavens and the earth, and shot from the deepest side of the other side, like a spear, which penetrated the body of the king of the world severely.

The annihilation king actually began to collapse.

His strength is unstable.

Originally, he absorbed the energy of all the luminous messengers on the other side. His strength was extremely tyrannical, but he had not yet united and lacked time. The strongest blow from the other side made him completely unable to control his power. And it started to crash.

"Hahahaha .............." The three peers laughed out loud: "Kill this king of annihilation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We don't know how much reward we will get in the material world? Not only In this way, we also killed all lurking messengers lurking on the other side by this stupid king of destruction, which is killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone. It is not the call of the king of destruction, how can we destroy those The messengers are called out one by one? "

"I feel the unprecedented clarity on the other side, and luck gathers towards us." 谛 growled.

"Yeah, this time, we not only killed the king of the world, but also all the messengers lurking on the other side. This merit for the entire material world is beyond measure. The other side is deeply jealous of chaos. There are the most messengers in the world. "He even laughed wildly.

Although the three men laughed wildly, the offense was more fierce.

They suddenly became one.

"Three Yuans Return to One!"

In order to become a large tornado, the king of the world must be drawn into it, broken and destroyed.

But at this moment, a large hand in the void grabbed silently, swiped the dragon roll a little, and slid to the side, and the big hand grabbed the impending king of destruction and forced it Dump.

The annihilating king flew out of the other shore, reaching the depths of the void, and the water splashing in the infinite river, the annihilating king fell into it, and was immediately destroyed by the disaster.

Minjiang Li took the shot at the most critical moment and picked up this big bargain. (To be continued)

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