Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 933: Who is it?

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On the other side, the three dedicates all their efforts to finally capture the king of destruction.

Moreover, this king of extinction summoned all the angels of extinction in the other bank, gathered on his own body, how powerful is it? No one can say clearly.

It is a pity that at the last moment, this king of extinction was taken away.

The person he took away was Jiang Li, and his fisherman profited, and he turned into a big hand. As soon as he fished and washed it, he threw it into the depths of the infinite river, allowing the power of the river to crush the king. general.

The annihilation of the king of the world is difficult to escape.

Jiang Li ’s infinite river is no longer a river in a pure sense. Not only can it absorb the will and wisdom of sentient beings, but it can also devour heterogeneous energy. As an energy reserve, when it reaches the most critical point, it can brew terrible deep rivers. Existence, which is learned from the long river of destiny.

Infinite is good at learning, always changing, always improving.

At this time, Ou Jiang had left his body, and when he reached the depths of the infinite river, he came to suppress the king of the world. He was also afraid of any bad things, and everything was easy to solve.

The King of Destruction is an extremely huge group of energy, which can contain the source of time. After swallowing his words, Jiang Li himself can not need the next 4 volumes of the undestructible scriptures, so that he can obtain the source of time and promote himself to heaven and earth. Realm of the same life.

Although he does not need to be promoted now, he also surpasses the same life in the world, but there is enough time in the body to change the infinite road again and make it more complete.

Infinite change, no end, symbolizes the non-circulation of the realm of life.

"I'm going out!" The messenger growled.

But Jiang Li brought a blazing flame, such as a meteorite falling, and crushed it directly down his head, causing his body to crack again.

"The fire of eternal life, infinite loop, never extinguished, burn everything." Jiang Li turned himself into an infinite fire, eternal fire burned and contaminated the whole body of the king of the world.

The spirit of the annihilating king is burning and burning, and in an instant, the earth collapses, leaving only the core imprint of the yuan god.


As soon as Minjiang seized it, he grabbed the core imprint of the Yuanshen and integrated it into the body. The body changed into a furnace of smelting. After a while of smelting, the core imprint of the Yuanshen became a golden dan.

金 This Jindan is called the extinct Jindan.

The annihilation Jin Dan spread out, turned into a rune, entered Jiang Li's body, melted into his veins, and in the depths of his mind suddenly appeared various situations in the depths of chaos.

He has never been more familiar with chaos.

The annihilation king is different from the annihilation angel, but closer to the origin of chaos. There are many levels higher than the messenger of annihilation, among which there are countless magical powers, which change, affect each other, shake each other, and devour each other.

Qiujiang Li obtained the king of extinction and refined it into the extinct Jindan, and obtained more secrets of chaos.

He originally wanted to refining the king of the world, and Chaos must come to stop, but this time it was unexpected. Chaos didn't come down with any will, which made him strange.

Alas, this also shows that there must be a big problem with chaos.

But this must not be taken lightly, even if chaos is weaker by billions of times, it is even more powerful than current Jiang Li by billions of times. It is basically hopeless to break the chaos.

Fortunately, Jiang Li saw such a glimmer of hope, and he secretly saved, maybe he will usher in the dawn of final victory.

"Shh ....." He absorbed Jindan, but only felt that the infinite blood had reached its apex, his whole body expanded, and something strange was born deep in his eyebrows. It was the eye of infinity, which could see through the chaos. Everything in the depths.

He stood in his infinite river, watching the countless spaces around him, and finally looked at the chaos.

Sure enough, the chaos that can't be seen through at all usually appears now.

Òhòu was so indescribable as chaos that wrapped it all, not knowing how deep it was or what it was outside, but deep in the chaos, Jiang Li saw some freaks.

Especially the freak who came into contact with Glittering Emperor seemed to get out.

The freak is going to be ripe.

The power of that freak is immense, and it does not belong to any kind of material world. If it comes to the material world, I am afraid that it is another magnificent giant, not less than the strongest of reincarnation.

"When the freak matures, he must be out of control of chaos, but he wants to get rid of chaos. It is not easy to come. He can't come in a physical form. Only through rebirth. Then, the flashing emperor is his best candidate. Because the Scintillating Emperor is now very strong, as long as I enter the mystery of the infinite **** fist into his body, he can gradually become an existence that transcends the Emperor, which is the best cottage. However, at this time, I You can start and kill this adventing freak directly, and then absorb his strength, it is really equivalent to absorbing the strongest of the samsara. At that time, my cultivation will increase again. However, I need to be more Observe the depths of the chaos to see what the changes are inside. "

After the Minjiang River plan was settled, it descended silently into the depths of the other side.

At this time, the three statues on the other side were dumbfounded.

Before they returned to God, the King of Destruction was captured and refined in the depths of the infinite river. This is actually the moment. When they wake up, it is too late. The King of Destruction has become Part of Jiang Li's blood.


The next moment, the three deities have awakened. How did they cultivate? Naturally know what happened at this instant.

Almost three lungs of the three enemies exploded with anger. The little chaos world managed to envelop the king of extinction, and they were picked up and gone away. This kind of suffocation was beyond description.

They are almost bloody, they will rush to the void and destroy the infinite river.

However, the infinite river expanded again, and the power of the waves was like cold water. The head splashed down, making them afraid to move half a step, and could only stay obediently.

"Damn Jiang Li, the **** Red Dust Lord, he actually did this kind of thing, and has long been lurking into the other side. We managed to catch the King of Destruction and was taken by him."

"Kill kill! Kill this man!"

"This person is the person I hate the most and has become the person I most want to kill. I can say that in any reincarnation, I have never hated a person so much."

On the other side, the three shouted.

"Really? You hate me that way?" Jiang Li's incarnation appeared.

He appeared in front of the three deities on the other side.

"It's you, the Lord of Red Dust, you dare to appear in front of us." The three statues almost rushed up, but they still didn't move, because they felt the destructive power contained in Jiang Li's body.

"Why don't you dare to appear in front of you?" Jiang Li asked: "I am now much stronger than you, and I have swallowed the king of the world, and even destroyed all the lurking angels on the other side, and you Strength has been lost a lot because of the battle with the messengers of the world. After all, you are at the end of the crossbow. I can suppress you. It is the best time to kill you by your illness. "

The three other people on the other side of the bank were all blushing: "You are shameless!"

"Shameless? I'm still worse than the three." Jiang Li sneered again and again: "Don't forget, I got the memory of the King of Hope, the King of Power, and the King of Ages. In their memory, you three People steal chickens and dogs, they can do anything, even sell their subordinates. You once built a huge force, but at the last minute, in a word, you slaughtered them clean. Their injustice is now It's still in the depths of chaos. "

What Jiang Li said was the fact that once the three schools on the other side established huge martial arts, all of whom were talented, but they listened to the will of the chaos and killed all their people overnight. After the number of robberies.

They are cruel, so they can give up anyone for themselves.

The other side is now in their eyes, they are just people who can betray at any time. As long as they reach an agreement with Chaos, they can kill everyone.

This kind of person, Jiang Li will be destroyed naturally.

Different ideas.

For the sake of humanity, Minjiang Li can sacrifice himself.

"That's for survival, you will do the same if you change it." Sanzun said.

"How do you people know what is sacrifice? There is something called sacrifice!" Jiang Li looked coldly: "The strongest of each reincarnation, who has compromised to chaos? If you have a compromise mind, it is fundamental Not worthy of being the strongest. So the three of you are still dogs here. "

"What is the strongest?" 谛 said: "Only those who survive are the strongest, and those who die are garbage."

"Jiang Li, what are you going to do?" Luo stopped 谛 from going on, but asked.

"It's very simple. Give me the other bank, and the three of you can take up positions in the Red Dust world." Jiang Lidao said, "Although you have ambitions and selfishness, I can still manage. If you don't want to, only now A dead end. Chaos can't let you die for the time being, and I can let you die. "

"Really? You treat the other side's own will as nothing?" Bian was furious: "Hongchen Tianjie is just a joke ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it is just a small world and blood, immortal, and underworld Are they united? The other side is a ninety-nine-layered universe that is ten times stronger than the Red Dust world! Do you dare to speak here? "

"Then you are desperate for death?" Jiang Li sighed. "It seems that no one can save you."

"We ourselves have received the will of God, and you dare to act against us, but you ca n’t live with God, and God of the Other Side, we sincerely call for your presence." The Three Gods of the Other Side immediately began to pray.

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared in front of them.

But in addition to women, there is an extra man.

A woman is a **** on the other side.

男子 And the man is as powerful as the other side.

Who is he?

........................................ ..................

{Across the world mobile game came out, I came out as the image of the God of Creation, paralyzed like a cult leader, you go to my WeChat public account, search for the dream machine, you can see my image, so evil! By, by, by! Can't stand it! Also, Dragon and Snake 2 on WeChat's public account has been updated to Chapter 92, Omen. Everyone can go and see. }

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