Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 946: found it

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"It's really difficult for these people to come together."

Minjiang Li got out of the ground.

He also had a difficult time under the chaotic ground. He was squeezed by chaos all the time. The source was too large to stay long, but fortunately, his infinite avenue was special. It could disintegrate part of the ancient chaos from the meditation. Qi is transformed into strength, which makes him a lot of convenience and survivability in the world of non-reincarnation deep in the core of chaos.

By the time he came out, he had suppressed the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga.

The immortal spirits of the two kings are immortal in their deep imprints, and they want to rebel at all times. It really gives him headaches, and it is difficult to ride a tiger. Right now, there is only an attempt to persuade them to make them recognize themselves, then the next thing is easy to do. Already.

At the moment, he sat cross-legged and began to urge him to graft the infinite soul deep in the infinite avenue.

"King of Ascetics, King of Yoga, why do n’t you two follow me, you see, King of Ages, King of Power, King of Hope, King of Xuanxuan, King of Heaven, King of Time and Space have already acknowledged me Think that I am the strongest existence of this reincarnation, I am the King of Infinite, why are you so stubborn? "He repeatedly input the true meaning of Infinite Avenue into these two marks, trying to make the two marks understand his The reason is that as long as the two major imprints accepted his infinite avenue, they will be able to influence, and they will never be afraid of backwashing, because this is a like-minded philosophy, which cannot be shaken.

"King of Infinite, your avenue of infinity does have magical things, but if you want us to admit you, it's still a little bit worse. You say King of Ages, King of Power, King of Hope, King of Xuanxuan, God of God King, the King of Space and Time acknowledges you, but we do n’t see their mark. If they really recognize you, you should take their mark and integrate it into your body. We feel that you are indeed the strongest King, King of Kings belongs to you. "After a long time, it seems that Infinite Avenue is also infected with the marks of the King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga. The marks of these two kings exude a burst of will.

Boo ...

Qiu Jiangli stood up and breathed his breath. It seemed to be stable now. The King of Asceticism and the King of Yoga no longer acted as a master, but they must find the marks of the six kings as soon as possible, otherwise they could not be convinced.

The mark of the six kings must be here, but they may also be sealed. Since the six kings acknowledged themselves in the long river of fate, they will not be used by others. As long as they are found, they can be integrated into the body. At that time, Jiang Li The cultivation of God has been improved many times, which can completely suppress Jiang Nalan and others.

He didn't doubt his ability at this point.

However, now the core of chaos is larger than the physical world, the space is complex, and there are many indigenous races. Looking for the strongest brand is like a haystack.

Even if it is Jiangli Shizhang Infinite Avenue, it is difficult to find clues in it.

Fortunately, he was recognized by the six kings, and he could use the subtle induction of the method. His body moved again, and the six kings' unstoppable skills were exhibited, which are various **** fists that evolved into the texture of the anti-sky array.

Suddenly, the six stars rose up.

This represents the spiritual ideas of the six kings. It is mutually confirmed and blends with Infinite Avenue. It can even make the six kings's branding fly over automatically.


Jiang Li's entire body is constantly exuding infinite vitality, nourishing the stars, and sensing each other. Suddenly, the star jumped suddenly, emitting endless light and heat, and he knew that he had sensed the brand of the six kings. Call each other.

"Six Kings, I urge your King to be branded with the true essence of infinity, come quickly, and infinity, we work together to break the chaos, and we cannot let chaos have any chance to suppress us. This is the last reincarnation. At the last moment, if it does n’t work, we will fail completely, and we will never have the opportunity to stand up. At this time, we cannot be jealous of each other, nor can we fight each other. ”Jiang Li urged his own strength and began to sacrifice.

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 ........

It seems that in the deep void, in an unknown place at infinity, something seems to be breaking, which is the brand of the six kings.

However, Jiang Li could not summon it at all, and he vaguely felt that the seal of the six kings was sealed somewhere. Only when he went forward could he break the seal, so that the seal of the six kings belonged to his body. At that time, the world is unparalleled.


Minjiang flew out of his body, wandering deep in the space, constantly shuttle.

He felt that there was a strong breath in many spaces. They were walking, shaking, praying, and killing. These are indigenous, strange, powerful, and numerous. All of them absorb the ancient atmosphere of chaos, and repair Unpredictable, if you go out, you will definitely be able to set off a huge storm in the material world, but the reward is not interested in these indigenous creatures, and no matter how strong it is, it cannot exceed the strongest in the reincarnation.

He urgently needed to know where exactly the seal of the six kings had been sealed.

Gradually, he approached the six kings.


The space opened in front of you, and the ancient temple appeared.

神 This temple is so tall and submerged in the void that it almost controls the huge core origin. The temple is not artificially carved, but formed naturally.

Puppets are all the magical work of Chaos itself.

This temple has an ancient and vicissitudes, and there is a faint presence of a messenger.

踞 Here are the messengers.

"Infinite eyes."

Minjiang Li's eyebrows opened, and God's eyes appeared, pierced through eternity, and saw through the temple. Sure enough, I saw the inside of the temple, and a stream of messengers appeared, all praying, as if reading the scriptures of the destruction.

This verse constitutes a huge force, which radiates out, faintly forming a seal, suppressing many things.

As for exactly what was suppressed, Jiang Li could not see at all, but he felt that the repression of the six kings was also among them, because these six imprints interacted with his soul, and the seal was also broken.

"You ca n’t act lightly, it ’s not wise to kill in. There are many tyrannical kings of the world who do n’t say, and there is even a stronger existence. The temple itself is naturally generated by chaos. If I guess well, this should be ancient. The Chaos Temple, where everything can be born, is also the source of the messenger of the world, and it is also the place where the Son of Chaos is born. If the Son of Chaos is in it, then I am definitely not an opponent. "Jiang Li secretly worried.

He is not afraid of the messenger, nor does he care about the king of the messenger, but there are countless messengers and kings of destruction, plus the possibility of unpredictable sons of chaos. act rashly.

Fortunately, he got the best, researched deeply, and knew what the messenger of the world was, and he could even exhibit the infinite changes in the infinite road, and simulate himself as the messenger of the world. No one would find it. among them.

His body changed repeatedly, and the infinite air was transformed into the air of annihilation.

Infinite Truth is just like that, it can transform everything, otherwise it would not be possible to call it infinite.

In this way, he turned into an ordinary messenger, born from the depths of the void, and lurked into the temple. Sure enough, at the moment approaching the depths of the chaotic temple, he felt the power of the chaos origins passing by, rejecting any alien energy. Invasion. However, this source of energy penetrated into Jiang Li's body. Only the breath of the messenger was found, and it penetrated into the past.

Qiujiang passed Enron.

"A lot of arrogance ..." Jiang Li lurked into the temple, and found that inside the temple, there are the main hall and the secret room. In the depth of the secret room, there is a king of the world who sits, these The breath of the king of the world is almost as good as any of the three statues on the other side.

The three masters on the other side are actually Taishan Beidou in the fighting force. The peak of the peak is only inferior to the strongest in the reincarnation. Although Jiang Li now kills them casually, if he falls into the material world I am afraid that it will cause life to be coated with charcoal, and the red dust world will be instantly burst. Even Hongmeng Jindan is useless.

I think for a moment, the three respects on the other side are not a concern.

But what if it is ten times the other three? One hundred times the other three? That Jiang Li will be suppressed by students.

One hundred times the three enemies on the other side are three hundred enemies such as Luo, Luo, and Lu, who joined together to form a large array. The power is really unimaginable.

What's more, there are more here, almost endless.

This is the true power of chaos.

At this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jiang Li feels the terrible chaos.

Of course, chaos hasn't really awakened. If it really awakens, the power will definitely not stop there.

"I don't care how many treasures are in the depths of this Chaos Temple, I will find the six kings' destiny mark, and then use this as a foundation to persuade more kings." Jiang Centrifugal only has this idea, and the rest will say.

After getting the mark of the six kings, he can surrender to asceticism and yoga. Having the eight kings, and then suppressing Jiang Nalan and others, he also got six seals. That is the seal of the fourteen kings. Such a step-by-step savings, who is his opponent? This thing is getting bigger and bigger like snowball.

He felt the mark, shuttled here, although he didn't say that the light car was familiar, but he would not get lost.

I didn't know how long it was, he landed abruptly, lurking in a secret room.

密 This closet is not big, but it is almost the volume of the solar system. Strangely, Jiang Li walked all the way and saw those secret rooms, which were unique, all the same size as the solar system.

It can be seen that there is a very magical rule in the volume of the solar system. It seems to be the volume of gold in the universe, the taste of wisdom birth.

Minjiang left the temple to observe. Suddenly, the countless cells in the body were shrinking, condensing, and turning into individual solar systems.

In the center of the shrine, there are six kings of extinction. Each breath is stronger than the three on the other side. In the center of the temple, there are ponds. There are six marks in the pond.

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