Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 947: 10 reincarnation

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-Volume 9-Chapter # 947 Ten reincarnation-Fantasy novel reading page

Sure enough, in the room inside this shrine, the six kings of the world are suppressing six imprints. These six imprints are linked together, soaring to each other, to break out, and after breaking the seal, they will fly into Jiang Li's body. Makes him step into the sky with invincible power. But now this seal is very powerful. It has the taste of suppressing eternity and oppressing reincarnation. This is the power of chaos itself. It is difficult to break. Jiang Li simply cannot get these marks by light of summons.

He is not afraid of the strength of the six kings of extinction at the moment. He is similar to the six "湮", "谛" and "罗". He can kill and suppress.

Unless it is 100 teamed up and hundreds are teamed up, he will kill without any effort.

But now things are a bit tricky, because it is difficult to do this without disturbing all the messengers. When he kills the six kings, he will have 600, even 6000, come to him. Suddenly, he was suppressed, killed, and extinct.

For his own safety, he had to make long-term plans.

The six kings of extinction have their own repressions and their strengths are linked to urge the extinction spells to work in the same way as the infinite spells. Those spells have begun to penetrate into the strongest brand, although it is impossible to destroy them. The structure of it, but it can not make this branding have room for self-play.

"You, among the many seals, these six seals seem to be more agitated. Someone is calling outside. I don't know who it is?"

"Anyway, we suppress the imprint and wait for the coming of the Son of Chaos. At that time, we will reach a whole new realm. This time is the final reincarnation. In this, I don't know what will happen."

"Now the place of no reincarnation deep in the core of chaos is now completely open, and communicates with the material world outside. It is all that abominable Yuanshi Heavenly King. Where is this person now?"

"I heard that he seems to be chasing the freaks produced by chaos. This time round, many powerful freaks have been created in the depths of chaos. They came with the sons of chaos. They are equal to sinners. They will kill them all. In addition to guarding against people in the physical world, we also need to guard against the emergence of chaotic freaks. "

"That's right, we are all messengers born out of chaos. We must maintain the security of chaos, make its will awake safely, and urge the power of destruction."

He talked and talked to each other. Jiang Li captured the clues, but he got a lot of information, and a smile appeared on his face.

He waited quietly and didn't start. Now that he has found these six marks, he has the patience and can take them at any time. He waits for the opportunity to find a complete solution.

You can find it here, and Jiang Nalan and others can also find it. If they hurriedly came, they might do something and fight with the messengers of the world. At that time, they distracted and Jiangli snatched six. Imprint left here, still 90% sure.

He remained motionless, shaped himself, adjusted the cell according to the golden volume of the whole body, the scale of the solar system, and the infinite road became more and more profound.

The six kings of extinction here are tireless and keep suppressing.

Suddenly, the opportunity came.

Because, Jiang Li felt a slight murderous infiltration and penetrated into the hall of this room.

Suddenly, the shadow appeared. It was a very arrogant shadow, but he could not feel his arrogance. It was just a faint taste and an immortal flavor. In essence, Jiang Li felt trembling.

"This is not the breath of Jiang Nalan, Jiang Nalan and others have united, and the breath is not so strong!" Jiang Chuan said secretly, "What is it? Is it ..."

Deep inside, there was a familiar taste.

He seems to have absorbed the power of this shadow.

"The Flickering Emperor ... Yes, it is the Flickering Emperor!" Jiang Li suddenly remembered that he had controlled an emperor in the Wu world, and that emperor took refuge in him, and also obtained the power of a freak in the depth of chaos , Seems to be the goal of the freak training.

现在 And now, the appearance of this shadow is exactly the same as that of the freak.

It seems that the freak has already grown up, stand out, and evolved into a human form. The world that interferes with the physical world and the core of chaos has to get even the strongest brand.

混沌 The chaotic freak that controls the twinkling emperor, or the chaotic tumor, the power of this kind of thing is not comparable to ordinary people, and even he is far from being an opponent.

Chaos tumor, which is the existence that can compete with the son of chaos, is equal to the son of chaos, but it is only a sinner. People have sinners, they will produce sinners, chaos also have sinners, and heaven will also have sinners. .

that is it.

"It seems that since then there have been many things, this thing has appeared, but it has definitely not yet been reborn, and it finally came out, but it is only a shadow. Does he also want the strongest mark? Also, the strongest mark is only required to be When people get it, they can manipulate the imprint and do a lot of things. I can suppress the imprint. The chaotic freak suppresses the imprint even more easily. "Jiang Li knows the horror of this thing. At least he is not an opponent now, unless he gets more. Imprint.

His own strength is also integrated into the freak, so he is familiar with the freak's strength.

According to his calculations, this freak is roughly equivalent to the combined power of dozens of the strongest marks.

Alas, he was not sure about refining at all. When he didn't wait for it to wake up, he took some advantage, which is a matter of course. Now that he wakes up, Jiang Li can only retreat.

The shadow appeared.

The annihilation king also seemed to feel it, all of them looked up, and they suddenly saw a horrible human face, human form, and all of them suddenly shouted.

However, none of their long shouts came out, the human shadow sleeve was waving.

Uh .........

The whirlpool radiated from the back of the sleeve, only flickering, the six kings of extinction were absorbed into it, then screamed, and died instantly.

Then he shook his hand and crackled!

There was a frenzy between the heavens and the earth, and the seal was shattered directly, and then seized again, the marks of the six kings were to be grasped.


At this moment of Jiang Li, his heart was mentioned in his throat, because he knew that this was the key moment. If the mark of the six kings fell into the hands of this chaotic tumor freak, he would be foolish to get the mark himself. Take this opportunity to collect the six major marks.

If the freak in front of him is completely condensed into a shaped body, he has no chance at all, but now the freak is a shadow. With only about a third of his strength, he has every chance.

Wealth in wealth insurance.

Moreover, he and the Six Kings' Marks have a spiritual connection to each other.

"Infinite Fist!"

His body urged the infinite boxing, which was so varied and suddenly evolved into the same breath as this freak. Such a breath can confuse the freak.


At this time, the oppression from the Chaos Temple was passed on to the freak. Although the freak killed the six kings of extinction in one move, it was difficult for him to completely ignore it. The ability of the Chaos Temple, the endless Chaos Thunder Thunder landed, exploded above his head, making his actions suffocated.

"Good opportunity!" Jiang Li knew that this Shenlei would certainly not be able to harm the freak, but even if he was blocked for a moment, it would be enough to get his own baby.

"Six kings, come on, I Jiangli, the King of Infinity, is the true King of Kings, is the true King of the strongest, and now you all merge into my body, making my body transcend chaos. The power of him. "The moment he stepped out, the mark of the six kings felt his breath, and scrambled toward him.

At this point, the Six Kings ’Marks were all integrated into his body, and they felt the breath of the Six Kings, the King of Asceticism, and the King of Yoga were all settled down. The King of Asceticism and Yoga appeared in the depth of Jiang Li ’s mind. One king and one woman, the two smiled lightly: "Jiang Li, since you have been marked by the six kings, then we also fulfill our commitments and cooperate with you. I hope you can take us out of the reincarnation and out of chaos. We feel There is a wider world outside Chaos. Chaos is nothing more than a ball that wraps us and restricts our freedom. We are all frogs at the bottom of the well, and frogs in the ancient well of Chaos. When can we see the outside world? "

"I will definitely do this, no matter what the future will be, no matter what the chaos will be." Jiang Lidao said: "Since the opportunity gives me infinity, as the king of infinity, naturally I will bring beings to infinity Deep into the future. "

Humming ...

Minjiang Li seized the opportunity to collect the six kings' marks, and communicated with the king of asceticism, the king of yoga, all in consciousness, which does not require any time.

Instantly, his eight imprints merged, and a lot of power gathered on his body, and eight reincarnations appeared behind him. The eight stars, each star, represented the highest power in the depths of reincarnation.

"I see, I finally understand, every mark represents the reincarnation. Every reincarnation is a limit of strength. At the highest level, the strength is calculated according to the reincarnation." Jiang Li was at this moment Then, I realized a new level of power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mark of the strongest represents a new realm. Having a mark of the strongest is equal to the power of reincarnation.

The three deities on the other side, though Gou Ran spent three reincarnations, but their strength is far less than a reincarnation, which is about one tenth of the reincarnation.

Now that Jiang Li has eight marks, he has the power of eight reincarnations. This is not his own. He himself does nothing, and can suppress the king of asceticism and the king of yoga. There are at least two powers of reincarnation. , But stronger than Jiang Nalan, I don't know how many times.

The Minjiang Nalan itself has almost no power, and is far inferior to the three enemies on the other side, all relying on the supernatural power of the King of Faith and the King of Light.


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