Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 948: 102 rules

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Chapter 948 Rule 102

At this time, Li Jiang was recognized by the eight strongest men. He blessed his strength with his body. His own power was equal to the power of two reincarnations. When combined, they were ten reincarnations.

As for Jiang Nalan's five people, that's far from his opponent now, because these five people add up to only six reincarnation forces.

At this level of puppet power, rebirth is counted.

Whoever has the power of reincarnation can be invincible.

Of course, even if Jiang Li has been recognized by the eight strongest men, the combined power of ten reincarnations is incomparable to the current freak. His power can be compared with the power of dozens of reincarnations.

Although he is not the strongest and has no mark of the strongest, power is power.

The strongest was also born of chaos. This freak was also born of chaos, and he is equivalent to the son of chaos, and is also a type of sinner. The power is equal to dozens of reincarnation. It is not unusual for the strongest. Fortunately, this sin The son did not send out the greatest strength, and he would still be bound, so he just gave up the shadow, so that Jiang Li had a chance to get the seal of the six kings.

"Forget it, it ’s not wise for me to fight like this in the Chaos Temple without fighting this freak." Jiang Li knows a lot, especially the enlightenment of the mark of the strongest reincarnation. The nature of reincarnation.

To reach the end, repair is based on reincarnation.

At that time, vitality 1 was the unit.

Now, it seems to be back to the origin, the power of one cycle, the power of two cycles .... Ten cycles, thousands of cycles.

This is equal to that time, 1 vitality, 2 vitality, 3 vitality.

After reaching the final state, the unit for measuring strength has become a cycle.

After one cycle, you don't know how much vitality you have. Not being able to calculate at all is tantamount to the difference between the world and the dust.

In fact, there are very few characters who can now have the power of reincarnation.

Minjiang looked at it, but he also had to strengthen his own strength. It was not enough to capture the strongest person's brand. Only when he was strong was the fundamental.

His current strength is actually just two rounds.

If he continues to practice, maybe he can reach three reincarnations, four reincarnations, or even more.

This is not comparable to others.

Because he cultivates the infinite road, the infinite road can accommodate infinite power, as long as he condenses the rules again, 102 rules, 103 rules, 104 rules, so that his strength will become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, he seemed to realize the mystery of the 102 rules just now.

102 rules is nothing.

The so-called easy is change.

No change, eternal immutability, heaven and earth are unparalleled.

This is the rule of Article 102.

This rule was realized in his mind, making Jiang Li's mental state in an inexplicable mystery. He will have to practice 102 rules, take the Infinite Road one step further, and cultivate to be truly invincible. Realm of any avenue.


Moreover, if 102 rules are practiced, his own strength may break the limit, reach the level of three reincarnation, and directly increase the power of one reincarnation.

This is not the mark of uniting the strongest, but the fundamental understanding of yourself, it is no trivial matter.


At this moment, a voice came out of his heart, and it was a freak. The freak wanted to get the mark of the six kings, but he never expected that Jiang Li would kill it out of nowhere and directly collect the seal of the six kings. This was a big taboo, and he would never let go of this person.

Big hands are continuously picked up.

The five fingers are like the pillars of the sky, breaking everything, condensing space, and grasping the world in one palm.

I hold the world in my palms and shake everything.

Jiang Li was too lazy to entangle with this person. He had long been thinking about running, his body was shaken, and he exhibited the latest insights from the peerless, the infinitely easy way, transcended change, and reached a completely new level. Change, without change, is constant change.

With the power of ten reincarnations, he has urged a peerless school that has never appeared in thousands of reincarnations, and it is easy to escape from the freak.

Uh ...

Jiang Li is like a gossamer, ignoring changes in space and ignoring all changes. He actually shuttled from the freak's palm, twisted between them, and disappeared. At this time, the freak was not able to chase him, because the freak went into chaos. The temple, the endless messenger of the world, the king of the world will unite to attack him at the deepest level.

Minjiang left the Chaos Temple, and saw that in the Temple, the vitality exploded, shattered everywhere, and the freak sinner was in the battle with the king of destruction.

He quietly left here.

Although the chaos inside the temple contains countless treasures, countless opportunities, and even the strongest brand's repression, it is too dangerous, and sometimes it is better to stun Zhizhi.

Now, he has to come step by step. Now that he has found the brand of the six kings, the repairs are similar. Next, he can summon the remaining four volumes of indelible scriptures.

These 4 volumes of immortal scriptures contain the essence of complete time and the mystery. Although Jiang Li can't get it, with his infinite road, it can also be immortal and transcend the realm of heaven and earth. If he is complete, he can control time Changhe integrates the time and the river into the infinite river. In this way, the cultivation will be bigger and the world time will be mastered by him. In this way, the red dust heaven will be promoted to a whole new level.

离开 He left here, and went to an inconspicuous place, and began to summon the remaining four volumes of the immortal scriptures.

Infinite Avenue appeared on top of his head with a lot of vitality and reconstituted 104 verses. His ability now is almost the same as chaos. He can use his vitality to form magic weapons and everything at any time.

"Infinite Sacrifice!"

Taking advantage of the chaotic atmosphere here, Jiang Li began to sacrifice the 104 verses, and firmly controlled the situation in his own hands. Then his body kept gathering strength, and the 104 unbreakable verses were increasingly distributed. Strong light, at the same time, the scriptures above appeared one by one, penetrated deep into the space, and wandered around, as if looking for the remaining four verses.


The strength of Qijiang Li is not as good as it used to be. It has increased three times compared to when he first entered.

When he first entered, his own strength was just the power of three reincarnations, two of himself, plus the king of asceticism and the king of yoga. Originally, the two kings counted two. He should be four, but at that time, he could barely suppress the two kings and exerted limited power, so the two kings could only exert half of their power. Very limited.

But now, his strength is already ten reincarnation.

Is equal to the previous vitality of 3, and now the vitality is 10. What is the difference between the two?

Therefore, when he was energizing, he now satisfactorily. He didn't have to look for 4 volumes of unbreakable scriptures, but he summoned directly. If his power is so great just now, he can also summon the Six Kings' Marks, without any effort, to suppress in the Chaos Temple.

The depths of the Chaos Temple is itself a place where the messenger and the king of the world are born.

Among them, countless treasures are eye-catching, but Jiang Li feels that it is a wrong place, so leave, wait for an opportunity, and enter again.

His call is getting stronger and stronger, 104 verses are constantly lingering, shaking, rubbing against each other, with a strong light, killing all things everywhere, exterminating the supreme glory of supernatural powers.


Suddenly the emptiness was shattered, and a volume of verses came with the momentum of howling. When the air was suppressed, the strongest momentum appeared everywhere.

As soon as Minjiang was grasped, the verse fell into the palm of his hand, and then circulated, turned into an infinite atmosphere, decomposed, reorganized, and finally, the verse reunited and became Jiangli's own.

Subsequently, there were three more verses, which broke through nothingness with the wrath of thunder and came here.

Minjiang Li seized it one by one, reassembled it after decomposing, and immediately got the meaning of the immortal scriptures.

This immortal scripture, also known as the Book of Time, is a book that was born out of the depth of chaos. It contains a record of what time is, how it was born, and how it can be done. Time, if time is not there, can the world take shape, or is it another form?

Book of time, you can cāo a long time.

Qijiang Li finally got it. The 108 verses were completely completed, and no obstacles were encountered.

Under the influence of his Qi machine, outside, in the material world and the void world, the long river suddenly showed its original shape, and it became bright. All people can see the shape of the long river, and it will be integrated into the infinite river. In.

"OK, OK, OK!"

In Hongchen Tianjie, dream paper kites and other people are very happy. They feel that the depth of Hongchen Tianjie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The speed of time passing is extremely stable, almost tastes refreshing, everyone in the depths of Hongchen Tianjie , All feel that the world has changed, the concept of time passing is different from before, and it can be called perfect.

Humming ...

The time and space inside the red dust heavenly world almost appeared to accord with the heaven, conform to chaos, and meet the infinite taste. Deep in the red dust, the flowers are in full bloom, the beauty is beautiful, all kinds of pollution are all consumed by the shock of time.

In time, you can obliterate everything, you can also eliminate everything, and you can destroy the demon, the cause and the cause. All things are actually nothing under time. After thousands of years, even the deepest hatred will be resolved.

如果 If Hongchen Tianjie can perfect time and understand the meaning of time, it is a great world that has never appeared in thousands of reincarnations.


At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

In the depths of the material world, a large hand appeared, grasping fiercely into the void, the infinite river and the long river to be merged, this thing must not allow the long river to merge into the infinite river.

Minjiang was deep in the treasure, and the core of the chaos felt it. He opened his eyes sharply: "There is such a master in the physical world, who hides the characters! It must have been this treasure jet."

Uh ...............

{From Hunan to Hangzhou yesterday, I was so tired running all the way, there was no update, I will make up today. }

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