Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 11: Too low status

"Wait for me here." Chu Yan said, and when Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly, he took the lead in walking out of the restaurant and knocked down all the guards of the Qin family one by one.

After solving these troubles, Chu Yan clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Wife, come out."

Liu Qingcheng walked out of the restaurant and frowned when she saw seven or eight Qin family disciples lying on the ground outside. Qin Feng had really worked hard this time. If it weren't for Chu Yan, she would definitely not have been able to escape this time.

But when she thought of Qin Fang's death, Liu Qingcheng frowned even more tightly. She looked at Chu Yan with a little worry: "This time you kill Qin Fang, the Qin family will not let you go. You can follow me later." Go back to my father, I must tell him about this, I hope he can shock the Qin family. "

Chu Yan grinned when he heard Liu Qingcheng's words. This little girl started to worry about herself. Well, yes, there was progress.

But he didn't take it to heart and smiled: "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble. I will take you back to the Liu family in a while. Don't tell Uncle Liu about this. The status of the Liu family is not as good as that of the Qin family now. Uncle's intervention will not help, but will only cause him more troubles."

"how about you?"

"Don't worry, since I can keep your Liu family alive for eighteen years, then I can make the Qin family disappear overnight." Suddenly a cold look flashed in Chu Yan's eyes, Qin family, this time you really are It pisses me off.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan suspiciously, but when he thought that Chu Yan had the ability to protect the Liu family for eighteen years, there must be some huge power behind him, right? The Qin family shouldn't do anything to him, right?

"Don't go too far and push the Qin family into a panic."

"Do not worry!"

Liu Qingcheng stopped being suspicious and followed Chu Yan all the way back to Liu Mansion.

On the way, Chu Yan suddenly looked at Liu Qingcheng with a leering look: "Wife!"

"What's wrong?"

Liu Qingcheng responded naturally, but then she noticed that Chu Yan's smile became even stronger. She understood something at once and looked at Chu Yan angrily.

She didn't know what was going on with her, so why did she agree to this bastard out of nowhere? It must be because I was frightened, right, otherwise how could I take advantage of this bastard!

But she really didn't realize that her rejection of Chu Yan had gradually faded away, and instead she had a trace of curiosity. But she didn't know that falling in love with someone often starts with curiosity. of.

Chu Yan smiled proudly, and before he knew it, the two of them had returned to the Liu family's house. Because of the rush when Chu Yan left earlier, Bao'er, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu had been looking anxiously outside the house.

"Tell me, will something happen to my uncle?"

Bao'er has been an orphan since she was a child and has rarely been loved. However, since Chu Yan appeared, he has always been very kind to her, making her very dependent on Chu Yan.

Now that Chu Yan has not returned, her heart is extremely agitated.

At this moment, the three of them saw Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng coming back and hurriedly greeted them.


Bao'er's eyes turned red. Chu Yan smiled and said, "What are you doing? This young master is not dead, so there is no need to mourn."

"I thought the young master... I thought the young master would never come back." Bao'er said aggrievedly.

"Haha, with such a beautiful Bao'er at home, why can't I be reluctant to come back?"

Chu Yan didn't care that Liu Qingcheng was at the side and rubbed Bao'er's head very gently. Then he stood up and said to Bao'er: "Bao'er, take Qingcheng back first."

"Uncle, aren't you going back?" Bao'er said, rubbing his eyes.

Liu Qingcheng also looked at Chu Yan with doubts at this time. The news of Qin Feng's death will spread throughout Tianyong City soon. Once the Qin family knows about it, Chu Yan will definitely be in danger, so she doesn't want Chu Yan to be alone now. Stay outside.

"I still have something to do. Wife, you have to clean up nicely. The day after tomorrow is our wedding day."

Seeing Chu Yan's insistence, Liu Qingcheng's eyebrows furrowed, but she quickly relaxed them: "Then you should be careful."

"For sure, I will be the groom soon. I can't bear to die now." Chu Yan smiled, and then Liu Qingcheng returned to Liu Mansion with Bao'er's support.

When Liu Qingcheng left, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a cunning look, and there was a hint of coldness in them.

"Have you found out anything about what I told you?"

"Uncle, according to your instructions, we used this letter to compare all the records of Liu Mansion and found a suspicious target."


"Ye family Ye Xun!"

"Ye family? Are they descendants of Ye Changqing?"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed coldly, and then he glanced at Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu: "You two, do you want to meet the world?"

Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu were both excited. Although they didn't know what Chu Yan was going to do, since the last time they followed Chu Yan and forced Qin Feng back, the two of them became obsessed with this feeling, the feeling of showing off.


"Then follow me!"

Chu Yan turned around and left the Qin Mansion again, with Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu following behind him. He still looked very majestic along the way, attracting a lot of attention in Tianyong City.

"Wow, look, that's the new uncle of the Liu family, right?"

"Tch, what's all the fuss about? He's just a loser."

"He is not a waste, haven't you heard? Yesterday he forced Third Young Master Qin to retreat. No matter what, I am infatuated with him anyway. When the Liu family recruits slaves next year, I will go and try to get him. around."

"Look how crazy you are!"

There were all kinds of discussions, but Chu Yan didn't care at all. He was as calm as water as he walked through several alleys with Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu.

Not long after, Chu Yan and the others had arrived at Qin's house. Following Chu Yan, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu both looked puzzled.

"Uncle, why did we come to Qin's house? Shouldn't we be going to Ye's house?"

"The Ye family is not in a hurry, let's start with the Qin family."

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a chill, and he immediately took big steps towards the Qin family's gate.

The Qin family is one of the three major families in Tianyong City. Relatively speaking, the Qin family is superior to the Liu family to a certain extent. It has a huge gate and two rows of guards.

As soon as the guard saw Chu Yan, he immediately stopped him: "Who is coming! How dare you break into Qin's house without permission?"

Being blocked by the guards, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu snorted coldly: "Open your dog eyes and see clearly. This is the new uncle of our Liu family. Why don't you, Mr. Ye, come out to greet her as soon as possible!"

At first, the two guards were worried, but when they heard that it was the uncle of the Liu family, they sneered: "Haha, who do I think you are? You are just a useless son-in-law of the Liu family, and you are worthy of our family master to come out to greet you?"

Seeing that the guards still refused to give in, Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu's expressions turned gloomy, but at this moment, Chu Yan smiled faintly and said, "Oh, it seems that you two still haven't learned my essence."



As soon as Chu Yan finished speaking, he received a loud slap from his backhand. The two guards of the Qin family did not recover at all and were sent flying directly, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu were also stunned at this time. They never thought that Chu Yan would take action directly. To them, the Qin family was one of the three families, and their status was higher than that of the Liu family. It was okay to follow Chu Yan and pretend to be cool. , neither of them even dared to think about doing something like this.

However, Chu Yan seemed to have done something very casual. After knocking away the two guards, he clapped his hands and looked at Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu: "Remember, you can reason with someone who can understand people. If you don’t understand, just slap them away.”


The corners of Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu's mouths twitched. At this moment, they suddenly remembered that when Chu Yan first came to Liu's house, they also blocked Chu Yan's way, and they couldn't help but feel a burning pain on their faces.

"How dare you hit me!" The Qin family disciples suddenly jumped up in anger.


But without giving him a chance to talk nonsense, Chu Yan raised his hand and slapped it away again.

"How brave you are to cause trouble in my Qin family!"

At this moment, a housekeeper jumped out from the Qin family courtyard. When he saw the guard lying on the ground, his face sank.


However, Chu Yan didn't even look at him, raised his hand and slapped him again: "The status is too low, let someone else speak!"

As soon as Chu Yan came to the Qin family, he took action directly, and soon the entire Qin family was alarmed. Even outside the Qin family door, many people who were passing by stopped and stood on tiptoe to look inside the Qin family door. But when they saw Chu Yan Yan's fierce look made everyone shrink back in fear, especially the group of people who had just laughed at Chu Yan for being a waste.

"Elder Xuan! Save me!" The housekeeper howled uncontrollably on the ground.

At this time, Qin Xuan finally walked out of the house. In fact, he was here early in the morning, and he was the butler who came forward. He originally thought that this time it was Chu Yan who caused trouble, so he would let the butler teach him a lesson first, and then he would When it comes to smoothing things over, Chu Yan shouldn't go too far as long as he doesn't go too far. After all, this is the Changlong Kingdom, and he still needs to have some royal skills.

But it was a pity that the housekeeper was no match for Chu Yan. Instead, he was beaten until the ground was full of howls.

"Master Chu?" Qin Xuan laughed dryly, and then he immediately glared at the housekeeper and the guard: "How do you do things? Don't you know who Master Chu is? You actually dare to fight with him!"

The old housekeeper cried bitterly in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything. He just knelt on the ground and said, "Elder Xuan is unjust. I don't know if it is Young Master Chu, otherwise I wouldn't dare to do anything to Young Master Chu!"

"Get out of here!" Qin Xuan shouted angrily, and then looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Haha, Mr. Chu, you are really sorry for this."

"Qin Xuan, there's no need to pretend to me, you've been here all morning, haven't you? Wasn't this old man sent by you to teach me a lesson?" Chu Yan sneered.

Qin Xuan frowned fiercely. He couldn't figure out how Chu Yan guessed it. He was in the moving dust realm. If he tried his best to conceal his aura, even Liu Tianfeng would not be able to detect it. But no matter what, he would not admit it: "Haha "What are you saying, Mr. Chu? Why would I send someone to teach you a lesson?"

But the next moment, Chu Yan raised his head, and his eyes seemed to be staring at Qin Xuan with a hint of fire.

"It's okay if you don't admit it. Let your master come out. You can't decide what happens next!"

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