Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 12: Use your life to exchange for the Qin family's safety

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard Chu Yan's words. What did he just say? Qin Xuan can't make the decision? He is the second elder of the Qin family. How big a deal can a useless person have to ask the head of the family to deal with?

Qin Xuan's face gradually became gloomy, but due to Chu Yan's identity, he still forced himself to remain calm: "Young Master Chu, the old head of the family is in seclusion. Now I will take care of all the family affairs of the Qin family. If you have anything to say, just tell me directly."

"I said, you can't make the decision! Do you still want me to say it? If you embarrass yourself in public, don't blame me for not reminding you." Chu Yan looked at Qin Xuan with a hint of joking.

"Tell me, I will definitely try my best to help Young Master Chu." Qin Xuan said patiently.

"Well, I'll tell you, this is the matter, I want your Qin family to disappear from Tianyong City, this matter... can you make the decision?"


Everyone took a breath of cold air. What? Make the Qin family disappear? Isn't this too crazy?

Qin Xuan's face gradually became embarrassed. Even though he knew that Chu Yan should not be provoked, everyone has their own bottom line.

"Mr. Chu, don't make such jokes casually!"

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Chu Yan's voice became cold, as if there was cold air condensing within a radius of ten meters around him, which made many people shudder and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

In a short breath, Chu Yan seemed to have changed into a different person. He glanced at Qin Xuan coldly: "I said, you can't make the decision, let Qin Hao come out to see me."

Let Qin Hao come out to see me... Qin Hao is the head of the Qin family. Looking at the current Tianyong City, he can be said to be a very important existence. He stomped his feet and the ground trembled. Now Chu Yan actually asked him to come out directly?

"Tsk, this idiot, who does he think he is!"

"That's right, he dared to insult Mr. Qin like this, he really doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Hehe, don't worry, he's dead this time, we'll just watch the show later, Liu Qingcheng doesn't have to marry, we all have a chance again."

Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu's hearts were hanging at this time, damn, now they really admire Chu Yan a little bit, this is completely the rhythm of pretending to be dead? Although the two like to follow Chu Yan's mighty, now they might even lose their lives.

Qin Xuan took a deep breath, his fist squeaked. He was really irritated by Chu Yan, but just when everyone thought that Qin Xuan would definitely kill Chu Yan with one punch, Chu Yan spoke calmly again.

"Qin Xuan, let me remind you, I just want to make the Qin family disappear now, if you dare to do it, I will destroy the Qin family."

Silence - a hundred meters in radius, there was a dead silence, everyone was stunned at this time, they had seen crazy people, but they had never seen Chu Yan as crazy as this. But what puzzled everyone the most was that they thought that after Chu Yan said this, even if Qin Xuan didn't kill Chu Yan, he would definitely teach him a lesson. But when Qin Xuan heard Chu Yan's words, it was like thunder piercing his ears, and his body froze in place.

"That's good." Chu Yan smiled calmly: "Okay, let Qin Hao roll out next. If he appears in front of me within three breaths, there may be room for maneuver in this matter."

Qin Xuan clenched his fists, and at this time several guards and housekeepers glared at him.

"Asshole! Second Elder, you can't just let it go!"

"Shut up!" But suddenly, Qin Xuan gritted his teeth and shouted, then he sighed and looked at Chu Yan. Seeing that Chu Yan was very persistent, he shook his head weakly and said to a housekeeper: "Go, call the head of the family out!"

"But the head of the family is in seclusion!"

"What the hell is seclusion? The Qin family is going to be gone, fuck!"

Qin Xuan finally couldn't help but burst out with a swear word, which shocked the Qin family and made them realize the seriousness of the matter.

All the onlookers were shocked at this time, especially Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu. They thought they had looked up to Chu Yan, but now they knew that they still underestimated Chu Yan. Chu Yan's background was not something that ordinary people could look down on.

In one sentence, shaking the entire Qin family, what a terrible existence at this time?

Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu's heart to follow Chu Yan became stronger. They all felt that this was an opportunity given to them by God. If they missed it, they would never have a second chance in this life.

The Qin family was in complete silence, and everyone was in a state of embarrassment.


Soon, a strong wind blew in the inner courtyard of the Qin family, and the ancient pine trees were bent by the wind, and the strong vitality formed stars in the sky.

An old man in a dragon robe rushed out at this time. When he came out, the people around him all shrank their necks. This old man was the head of the Qin family: Qin Hao, and he was now the frontier guard of Changlong Country. It was difficult for people to see him at ordinary times, but now he was forcibly called out by Chu Yan, and he was still in seclusion.

Qin Hao came out of seclusion, and there was a trace of anger on his old face at first, but when he saw Chu Yan, his old eyes shrank, and all the slaves turned into fear and retreated.

"It turns out that it is Young Master Chu who is here. I am so sorry for the inconvenience!" Qin Hao said respectfully, "Young Master Chu, are you coming to my house?"

"No need." Chu Yan glanced at Qin Hao and waved his hand to refuse, "I won't come in. Since you are here, I will just tell you directly."

"Young Master Chu, please tell me what you want to say."

"Qin Hao, do you know that Qin Feng used drugs to rape my fiancée today and wanted to take the opportunity to kill me?" Chu Yan said coldly.


Qin Hao's old face suddenly sank, and then he looked at Chu Yan in horror as if he had expected something. This person was someone that his Qin family could never afford to offend. Most importantly, this person was a man who would repay good and evil. Those who were good to him were now high officials or noble families of Changlong State, but anyone who had provoked him was either dead or injured. Even the royal family of Changlong State in those days, wasn't it because they provoked this young master that the imperial power was taken away and the whole family was slaughtered in three years?

At this time, Qin Xuan also understood what was going on. He lowered his head. After all, if this matter was traced down, he would also be responsible.

"Asshole!" Qin Hao shouted angrily, and then he turned around and shouted at a housekeeper: "Where is Qin Feng? Let him get out!"

"Don't shout, he's dead. I came here today to tell you that when you get out of Changlong City, you can collect his body by the way." Chu Yan said lightly. The Qin family was already in chaos. Qin Feng was dead? The third young master of the Qin family, a notorious young master of Changlong Country, is actually dead?

"Qin Feng is dead?" Qin Hao's old eyes also flashed with pain. In order to cultivate Qin Feng over the years, the Qin family has spent countless rare treasures, but now he is dead?

"Why, do you still want to avenge him?" Chu Yan looked at Qin Hao with contempt: "If you want, bet on the Qin family, I can give you this opportunity!"

"No, I dare not..."

"Kneel down!" But suddenly, Chu Yan's voice changed, and he shouted at Qin Hao with a cold voice.

Qin Hao's old face was stunned, he looked at Chu Yan stupidly: "Young Master Chu, what did you say?"

"I told you to kneel down!"

All the people were boiling again, my God, what is Qin Hao's identity? One of the few powerful men in Tianyong City, one of the three major family heads, now Chu Yan actually asked Qin Hao to kneel down?

Qin Hao's old face began to lose face, people want face and trees want skin, he is the dignified head of the Qin family, how can he kneel down in front of a yellow-haired boy?

"Three counts, kneel or die." But Chu Yan didn't give him a chance, and raised three fingers.

"Squeak!" Qin Hao clenched his fists, his old face was ashen, but at this time Chu Yan had slowly put away one finger.


"One!" Chu Yan took another finger, and seeing that Qin Hao did not ask him to kneel, he did not say much, just nodded, and then he put away the last finger and said to Zhao Wu Zhao Liu: "Okay, Zhao Wu Zhao Liu, let's go."

Before leaving, Chu Yan glanced at Qin Hao again: "Qin Hao, I hope you will not regret your choice today. Tonight, someone will come to visit your Qin family."


When Qin Hao heard that someone would come to the Qin family tonight, he finally couldn't bear the pressure. He knelt on the ground with a plop, and sweat appeared on his forehead. For some reason, although Chu Yan was only a little disciple of the fourth level of the Mortal Realm, he felt an incomparable pressure when facing Chu Yan. It felt like facing an insurmountable mountain.

"Oh my god, Qin Hao actually knelt down?" Everyone was shocked.

Qin Xuan was also old-fashioned at this time: "Master..."

"Shut up!" Qin Hao shouted, but his heart was bleeding. He was a master of the family, but now he had no choice but to kneel down to seek perfection. Although the Qin family was rich and powerful, he knew very well that in front of the forces behind Chu Yan, his Qin family was nothing. How could he compete with Haoyue?

"Mr. Chu, everything is my Qin family's fault... Please forgive me, Mr. Chu!"

"Qin Hao, I want one person's life, and the rest of the Qin family will get out of Tianyong City within three days. Remember, this is not a discussion, but an order. If you can't do it, you know the consequences for the Qin family." Chu Yan nodded, and his eyes became fierce. Then, he waved at Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu: "Give me the sword in your hand."

"Yes, son-in-law!" Zhao Wu hurriedly presented it.

Taking the sabre, Chu Yan glanced at another old man beside Qin Hao: "You are Qin Li, the elder of the Qin family, and the father of Qin Feng, right?"

Qin Li's heart sank. He seemed to have expected something, but he didn't give him any room to speak.

"Use your life in exchange for the safety of the Qin family."

Chu Yan waved his hand and threw Zhao Wu's sabre in front of Qin Li. The hilt of the sword fell to the ground and made two clanging sounds.

Qin Li looked at the sabre on the ground, his eyes turned red, he clenched his fist tightly, he hated in his heart, hated his son for not being good enough and provoking someone he couldn't afford to offend, but now, he had no choice, he half squatted down and picked up the sabre.

But suddenly, Qin Li's eyes were full of murderous intent, the anger in his heart had made him lose his mind, he suddenly glared at Chu Yan, and the sabre in his hand also stabbed straight out at this time: "Boy, I will kill you!"

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